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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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8 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:









Anwalt narrowly escapes the needles as they pass his shoulders. However his boulder misses it's target as well as it crashes to the ground. Using his special dash, he closes the gap between him and Raina..





'We've been matching each other pretty well so far. If he can up his output, then so can I.'


"Havenray Art - Freedom Seal!" Raina shouts, as several large orbs pop into existence around her, before heading towards Anwalt.

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51 minutes ago, Dumanios said:





'We've been matching each other pretty well so far. If he can up his output, then so can I.'


"Havenray Art - Freedom Seal!" Raina shouts, as several large orbs pop into existence around her, before heading towards Anwalt.



Geez! Where the heck...!? UUUUUUAAAAAHHH!


Anwalt halts his movement and performs a powerful axe kick that pushes the up the ground in front of him blocking the orbs.



(That was close...she can summon those out of thin air. Heh...that's gonna really complicate things.)

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On 4/19/2018 at 11:58 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Geez! Where the heck...!? UUUUUUAAAAAHHH!


Anwalt halts his movement and performs a powerful axe kick that pushes the up the ground in front of him blocking the orbs.



(That was close...she can summon those out of thin air. Heh...that's gonna really complicate things.)






Seeing the spellcard blocked, Raina decided to create two large orbs, sending them around the sides of the newly-formed outcropping.

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Anwalt: And I'm getting hit...


The wall might have defended him from a frontal attack, but the pincer one came in a speed that Anwalt wasn't able to react in time and got hit. Dust covered him, so he wasn't that visible. Lucent, bothered, sighed.



Lucent: *sigh* (Good job, idiot. You trapped yourself and got a deserved hit.)


Lucent: (Now do me a favor and get up, accept defeat or whatever, just end this now...)

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The cloud of dust shot up from Raina's attack, telling her that something had happened. Was it the first knockdown?


Raina stayed at her distance, cards filling her hands. As the dust cleared...

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BGM: The Tyrant (BlazBlue Chronophantasma)


As the cloud of dust rose, there he was, standing normally. One could see that was a good hit, though. That didn't mean something actually nice. After all, his strength had been rising for a while now.



Anwalt: Heh, you're good, I admit. It's nice to get a different fight once in a while.


Anwalt: Well, guess I can actually go a little more wild now!


Anwalt repeated the same move from before: rising up a boulder and shooting it at Raina. However, instead of only going with one, he went with five boulders, those going even more faster than the previous ones.



Lucent: (She'll soon figure out that the more she brings him to the end, the more his strength will go up and the crazier he will be. She might try going for the certain one-kills instead of showering with a barrage.)


Lucent was showing complete disinterest on the battle. He hasn't been actually interested in watching the fights, less so to be there at all. Maybe the training center could be interesting? That would mean he had to give his name. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to fight someone, so at least visiting the machines used to train the fighters would be nice to distract.



Lucent: (You know what? I'm tired of seeing this. I can just kill him later at the Dream Realm. What was our score again? I died 7 times and he died 8... guess I'll open a difference just so drawing again gets hard.)


Lucent: I'll actually go back to the training center for a while. Tell me the results later, OK?

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On 5/4/2018 at 9:18 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

BGM: The Tyrant (BlazBlue Chronophantasma)


As the cloud of dust rose, there he was, standing normally. One could see that was a good hit, though. That didn't mean something actually nice. After all, his strength had been rising for a while now.



Anwalt: Heh, you're good, I admit. It's nice to get a different fight once in a while.


Anwalt: Well, guess I can actually go a little more wild now!


Anwalt repeated the same move from before: rising up a boulder and shooting it at Raina. However, instead of only going with one, he went with five boulders, those going even more faster than the previous ones.



Those rocks were larger than the projectiles Raina was used to. Still, she could still dodge them. Raina tossed a set of card-like bullets toward Anwalt, before preparing a couple more orbs.


She guessed that the pincer hadn't been a knockdown.

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On 5/4/2018 at 8:18 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: I'll actually go back to the training center for a while. Tell me the results later, OK?

Needless to say, Penelope was fully entranced battle. It was clear that she actually was getting somewhere with this "observing" thing, but it was very obvious that she wasn't going to be spraying bullet thingys in all directions, throwing boulders at people, and taking shots like they're little pebbles. This was like seeing a real-life super hero comic to her! Anwalt's statement did manage to break her out of her trance, more so out of the shock of someone not wanting to watch the whole thing go down rather than fully take in the slau- show in its entirety.



Penelope: Whaaaa? You don't wanna watch your big bro get his a- I-I-I mean, watch him fight to the end? This looks like it's getting pretty intense!

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We are at the 2 min mark! The smoke clears and Anwalt is still standing! That was a direct hit but he managed to not onoy hold his ground but go on the offensive! What a strong willed fighter! But Raina's already attacking again! And with no shortage of projectiles, she seems to have this one in the bag! It's coming down to the wire folks!

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Kirimuri settles himself on a chair near a relatively quiet corner and starts flipping through his tome.



Kirimuri: (...Should I also make another tome? ...The name Manananggal suddenly came to my mind. Or maybe should it be scrolls instead?)


Lucent walks in the training center and is immediately noticed by Kirimuri.



Kirimuri: (...Doesn't seem like he's fighting.)


He moves his eyes at a television showing the current match between Anwalt and Raina. Then he looks at Lucent again.



Kirimuri: (...They look like brothers. Probably the polar opposite of each other. Reminds me of the 2 maids who are serving Corrin... Although different in terms of attitude and quality and not in terms of... competence.)



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Location: Arena



Anwalt: Like hell I'm gonna let you do whatever you want. HAAAAAH!!


Anwalt ran blindly at her, taking the hits from the amulets. The damage he was taking was boosting his own strength, so he didn't mind getting hit.



Anwalt: Here we go! Nightmare Stampede!


Anwalt went back at her with a flying kick once again. Because of his ability, however, he went at her like a furious cannonball.

Location: Training Center


Meanwhile, at the Training Center, Lucent looked around, when he noticed Kirimuri was looking at him.



Lucent: (Analyzing me, are you? Well, I do need to train my magic, so you may feel free to watch.)


Lucent: (It's the least I can do to kill some time. Anwalt already received a knockdown, but the dust blocked his view so it made look as if he hadn't.)


He went to the secretary in order to ask her if he could check the equipment of the training center without being a member.



Lucent: Excuse me, I wanted to know if I could check the equipments without being a member. Is that possible or only with the membership active.

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6 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Excuse me, I wanted to know if I could check the equipments without being a member. Is that possible or only with the membership active.



But sir...you are a member. Mr Anwalt signed you up as well. You insisted on watching and not fighting, so I simply directed you to the arena. Sorry for any inconvenience. Feel free to use the training facilities.


She smiles as she waves her hands towards the double doors leading to the training room.

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Location: Arena



Anwalt: Like hell I'm gonna let you do whatever you want. HAAAAAH!!


Anwalt ran blindly at her, taking the hits from the amulets. The damage he was taking was boosting his own strength, so he didn't mind getting hit.



Anwalt: Here we go! Nightmare Stampede!


Anwalt went back at her with a flying kick once again. Because of his ability, however, he went at her like a furious cannonball.




Raina saw the incoming attack and how he'd let the smaller attacks hit him. He'd been getting faster and stronger the entire fight. 


A Freedom Seal could do strong damage, but probably not enough. The Havenray Barrier might be able to block the attack, Fourth of July could be strong, and Raina did have some tricks for up close. If things got too crazy, Evocation could be-


That was sealed away.


whatever brought Raina to this realm also sealed that ability away.


This was not a great time to find that out.


To Raina's credit, she did block the attack. With her stomach. Anwalt scored his first knockdown as Raina flew back.



Fourth of July it'd have to be.

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Location: Training Center



Lucent: O-Oh, did he? OK... I'll be checking them out...


Lucent walked away towards the while thinking about it. Anwalt might have done it while Penelope was dragging him to the seats.



Lucent: *sigh* (Let's... maintain the composure. I can't lose my cool all the time... though I'm honestly hoping the training dummies are durable.)

Location: In the Arena


The crowd's cheer would let someone get cocky. Not Anwalt. He knew this was far to be over since the score was actually 1:1. In stance, he waited for Raina's next move instead of charging ahead, like usual.



Anwalt: (The dust blocked the sights, but I took one down, so we're even.) Get up.





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Raina got up. It wasn't normal for her to be distracted like that, but these were hardly normal circumstances, were they?


She summoned several large orbs around her, before tossing them towards Anwalt. 


"Explosive sign, Fourth of July," Raina said, and then the orbs exploded.

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  • 3 weeks later...


And the tough guy goes down! We are at 2min and 25 sec! Both fighters have a point and it's getting down to the wire! The next knockdown...could be...the deciding move of the match! Let's cheer them one folks!


The crowd cheers loudly as the fighters prepare for what may be the final seconds of the match.

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As Penelope watched Anwalt find his victory in jeopardy, she couldn't help but wonder if the result would've been far different had Lucent stayed and watched. After all, she usually did better whenever someone close to her was watching her, mostly because she wanted to make sure she didn't wind up embarrassing herself in front of them. Maybe that motivation is what he would need! Too bad she couldn't provide it...then again, it would be pre-tty embarrassing if he lost in front of such a huge crowd...maybe this is why Lucent decided to walk off. Maybe he was going to take it a step further and act like he didn't even know him after this...yeesh! Imagining what could possibly happen if he lost this one, she decided to do what she thought was best.



Penelope: Ehh...umm...

Penelope: ...gooooo Anwalt! You can do it, you can win! You've got this one, dude! You just gotta...umm...focus! Yeah, that's it, focus! (Sorry, Raina, but I think the guy needs it!)



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On 6/9/2018 at 3:44 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Unable to escape, Anwalt gets hit and his first visible yet second knockdown happens.



Anwalt: (Shit... Knocked down once again. One last chance.)




'That worked.'


Wordlessly, Raina spun several orbs around her, preparing to toss them at Anwalt. If previous trends were taken into account, he'd probably be even faster than before....

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Anwalt evaded some of the orbs, but others were aimed at him into an point where he wouldn't evade.



Anwalt: Alright then...


With his palm, he stopped an orb. A second one came in and stopped it with his another hand while being pushed by them. A third and a fourth orb came, fusing themselves with the others. While still being pushed, Anwalt managed to hold them still.



Anwalt: Now to take off this annoying light...!!


Anwalt's dark aura got visible once again as he began to drain the light and fill the orb with darkness. Soon, the big orb got pitch-black.



Anwalt: And back to your owner you go!

Viper's Staggering Fang!!


He charged energy and reared back in a stance. Once done, he hit the orb with a leading hand to a jab and sent it flying at fast speeds back to Raina. 

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On 6/22/2018 at 11:13 AM, Agni Blackheart said:

Anwalt evaded some of the orbs, but others were aimed at him into an point where he wouldn't evade.



Anwalt: Alright then...


With his palm, he stopped an orb. A second one came in and stopped it with his another hand while being pushed by them. A third and a fourth orb came, fusing themselves with the others. While still being pushed, Anwalt managed to hold them still.



Anwalt: Now to take off this annoying light...!!


Anwalt's dark aura got visible once again as he began to drain the light and fill the orb with darkness. Soon, the big orb got pitch-black.



Anwalt: And back to your owner you go!

Viper's Staggering Fang!!


He charged energy and reared back in a stance. Once done, he hit the orb with a leading hand to a jab and sent it flying at fast speeds back to Raina. 



'That darkness!'


Raina tossed aside the orbs she'd been preparing. Perhaps some normal orbs would've repelled it, but Raina didn't feel like taking any chances.


"Havenray Seal!" Raina shouted, bringing several red white and blue orbs to match Anwalt's appropriated attack.

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