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New here, but not new to Mugen

I got into playing Mugen around 2011 and got hooked ever since. Sadly i went on a four year hiatus after my laptop died from a failed hard drive in 2013. It feels SO GOOD to play Mugen again after my dad gave me this laptop he doesn't use anymore. 


Watch me...


And by the way, I can wreck almost anyone with Senna (chikuchikugonzalez's version) I back that statement up at 13:22-15:40 and the team battle against Sol/Ky in the video


Hopefully this low end laptop i'm stuck with can run IKEMEN so i can put my Mugen Team to the test against other human players. 



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I counter that statement by pointing out that chiku's Senna is pretty bad and poorly made.


Now if you used Songfu's Senna, then maybe I'll be impressed, but I know someone that rocks that Senna pretty well so there's competition.

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4 hours ago, Darkflare said:

I counter that statement by pointing out that chiku's Senna is pretty bad and poorly made.


Now if you used Songfu's Senna, then maybe I'll be impressed, but I know someone that rocks that Senna pretty well so there's competition.


The first Senna i actually laid eyes on was Songfu's but Mugen crashed when i tried to use it (probably a Winmugen exclusive character nobody converted to 1.0/1.1) 

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Always here but not seen

I just posted another topic where I post palettes I've created that had 40 views but to everyone else maybe I've should've introduced myself first I'm RapterDanny I make palettes and have done mugen videos on my channel don't know if anyone's gonna care but HEY here I am.




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