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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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26 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Yomi: You're absolutely right.


Jude: Let's hurry the pace then.

41 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

ezgif-1-c520fdd7c0.png Something's.... Near....

As they continued on, Hera started to talk again.



Hera: I have done some personal research into the condition of the slums...and I am correct in saying that his motives are indeed selfish, but there is no money involved; it is solely power he is after. What he wishes to do with that power, I do not know, but I know he is not alone in this endeavor of his. In fact, he has amassed quite an army since he has been tasked with keeping peace in the area, so mayhap there is a general contempt for the government within the people, the reason for which remains unknown to me; after all, the slums are the way they are because of the people which inhabit them.


24 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

e7485e0369.png?width=251&height=250 Then a fight is awaiting us! be ready, because this could be a potential threat



Hera: You are very eager to fight...but do you not fear what may hide within the darkness? The threat which lies within it is unknown to us!




1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:



BGM: Yukimura Sanada's Theme still playing



Mirfah: Good... they're retreating...


But before they could truly retreat, Tommy was grabbed by a red knight and being dragged to an alleyway.



Mirfah: Tommy!! Get your hands off him, you crazy woman!!


With his blades still enhanced, Mirfah went after her. He aimed to an overhead slash...

24 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy smirked. He proceeded to summon a fire explosion in order to get the woman off him.


Tommy: You underestimated me, did you not? 

Her attention caught by the voice yelling behind her, the woman twisted her torso slightly and raised her shield to block the swing coming at her, but found herself being pushed back slightly by the explosion, though she showed no other signs of damage. She withdrew her lance.



???: Multiple threats detected. Proceeding with extermination.


She proceeded to charge at Mirfah, her shield in front of herself like an iron wall and her lance out like a deadly spike coming at him.

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24 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:

Hinamori promptly did a step to the right side in order to give space for Kirimuri's body to fall on.



Hinamori: So...Where's the one?



"Over here."


He points toward the unconscious nun in the corner



"Hopefully this plan works out."

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On 8/25/2017 at 6:29 PM, Tony Redgrave said:


Alright, thanks for your time.


After gathering the information, Dante decides to continue searching so he can try to gain more.


A small round object rolls near Dante's foot...


1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:


Yui: Sorry, but please sleep for a bit...HYAA!!!


        Yui attacks one of the soldiers  with such strenght in order to send him  flying at his partner.


The two Knights collided and we're knocked out cold.

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Dante notices the object. He isn't able to clearly identify what it is, but knowing the guards around the city, he doesn't want to take any chances. He jumps backwards, and then continues to run in that direction, hoping he'll be able to escape it in time if it turns out to be something from any guards that may be nearby.



(Damn, don't tell me we've been spotted.)

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"Oh, you're back?"


Flare then proceeded to land a solid punch to Kirimuri's face.





Kirimuri stands up after falling down from getting punched in the face, then he proceeds to charge at Darkflare and do a clean, solid dropkick at his chest.




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8 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The two Knights collided and we're knocked out cold.


    Yui bowed in apology. She knew they wouldn't cooperate if she asked question since they attacked without saying a word so she felt the need to knock them out.



Yui: I know...what I'm getting myself into...I shouldn't run away from my decisions!


   Then, she hears the sounds of more fighting and decides to check it out.


17 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Over here."


He points toward the unconscious nun in the corner



"Hopefully this plan works out."


13 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:


Kirimuri stands up after falling down from getting punched in the face, then he proceeds to charge at Darkflare and do a clean, solid dropkick at his chest.





    Hinamori felt the need to rise a rock pillar between the two.



Hinamori: Stay quiet, I need to concentrate for this.




Hinamori: Now then...Let's see...


       She gets near the woman and crouches in order to get a closer look. Then joined her hands in meditation, trying to listen to the spirit's voice. Seconds later, she starts speaking.


Track: Yatagarasu's Messenger




Hinamori: A vengeful soul...They are the only kind of spirits that have to actively hide themselves since their aura can been seen by humans.. Said aura actually helps them possess a body, but since most people would rather run of the ghastly form, these spirits usually have to resort to ambushes.


Hinamori: Still, I've been trainned to appease spirits like these. Just give me a moment.


      She goes back to meditating, listening more and more to its pleas and curses.



Hinamori: You've sure lived a rough life...but don't worry...You can start again. I'll pray that your next life will be full of happiness.


     She stood up with her hands joined. Seconds later, a kind of bluish circle would appear under her an the woman, with white glowing orbs coming out of it and going all the way to the ceiling. Anyone nearby would feel a serene sensation. Suddenly, the orbs started to going up faster and Hinamori's clothing would suddenly change.



Hinamori: Oh tortured soul binded by the regrets and injustices of life...break free from your shackles and move on to the place of endings and beginnings! GATEWAY TO HEAVEN!!!


      Then, a human-shaped light left the woman's body and started to rise to the sky. Then, the circle dissapears and Hinamori's clothes revert back.



Hinamori: It is done...

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Agni Artwaltz


Agni opened his eyes and saw a roof. He looked around, still drowzy.



Agni: Where... am I...?

???: Oh, someone's finally awake.


A man entered in the room. He brought a cup of coffee and let it on the table near the bed.



???: You're at my house. The guards brought you here.


Agni: Huh...? Wait... then you're with them...


BGM: Rokurou Rangetsu (Tales of Berseria)



???: Yep, you're right. Anyway, my name is...


The Darkness' Very Own War God
Rokurou Rangetsu
A daemon who loves a fight and seeks nothing but the strongest people to fight against. The sixth child of the Rangetsu family, Rokurou takes pride upon his style of fighting and his ethics. He became a daemon in a Scarlet Night, during a fight against his brother Shigure. He eventually was banished from his lands and sent to jail due to that fact, but a woman saved him from imprisoned life. He accompanied her to resolve his vendetta with his brother, having successfully killed him. As the last of his family alive, Rokurou travels throughout the lands seeking the strongest people to fight against. In one of those travels, he ended up being caught in a portal and was transported to Candor, two years ago. Now, this powerful beast has joined the rebellion, but his plan is to defect. After all, it has gotten boring.


Age: 22
Species: Daemon, formerly Human
Element: Undefined
System: Tales of Berseria
Class: Soldier/Assassin
Weapons: Dual Blades/Longsword
Universe: Tales Universe



Rokurou: So, what's your name? Unless you want me to refer you as "kiddo".


Agni: I-It's Agni. Agni Artwaltz.


Rokurou: Artwaltz? You're a noble or something like that?


Agni: No... well, not exactly. It's a long story.


Rokurou: Oh yeah? Well, maybe we can hear it after a good round of sake!


Agni: Uh, no, I don't drink. Sorry.


Rokurou: Haha, I was just joking. I wouldn't give drinks to a kid like you.


Agni: K-Kid? I'm 19!


Rokurou: Really? You got a face of someone who's in their 14...


Agni: I don't think a 14 years old kid would be running from guards while shooting and destroying a house.


Agni: Also, why are you being so friendly with me? We're enemies, you know. I shoot your soldiers.


Rokurou: If I am to tell you, it's because I don't care.


Agni: Wait, you don't care about the lives given to you?!


Rokurou: Not that. I don't care about this whole thing. I joined because they said we would fight someone very strong. I actually fought the big boss behind this whole thing but I lost. Instead of taking my life away, he recruited me under the ranks. I fought against some soldiers and eventually became a commander.


Rokurou: But truth be told, this is boring as hell... none of those guys knew how to fight decently so my victories were all easy. Also, nothing exciting ever happens so I'm always on standby. Plus, I've asked the guy for a rematch and he said no.


Agni: I-I see... so in terms, you're bored.

Rokurou: "Bored" is being mild about this. You know, I might just leave this whole thing and go search after someone else.


So, in terms, Rokurou was another fight-lover, like Magnum or Light. That gave Agni an idea of how he would safely escape.



Agni: How about we make a deal?


Rokurou: A deal? What sort of deal?

Agni: I know someone who's very strong. The guy is a brute challenge to be topped. If you help me get out of the slums, I'll see if I can get a fight between you two.


Rokurou: For real? You'd really do that for me?


Agni: I don't see why not. You don't look like a bad person, Rokurou, so I'll help you out.


Rokurou: Alright then! I'm on it!


Agni: Aren't you going to question me? I mean, I could be lying, you know.


Rokurou: Man, I'm not wasting time with those sorts of things. All I want is to prove the power of the Rangetsu style to the strongest people. If there's a way for me to get it, I'm on and that's final.


Agni: Aren't you simple-minded...


Rokurou laughed at Agni's sincerity. He walked back to the door, but gave him a last glance.



Rokurou: I'll get myself ready then. You take that coffee right there and a little more of rest.


*BGM fades*


He closed the door, leaving Agni alone in the room. He took a sip of the coffee and...



Agni: Gah!! My tongue! That's hot and bitter!




BGM: Yukimura Sanada's Theme still playing



Mirfah: Tch...!!


Mirfah tried to slash her, but his sword was blocked by her shield just in time. He backed off and his blades lost the energy they had before.



Mirfah: C'mon, I'm your enemy now! Why don't you try to get me?!


He ran back to the open streets. The alleyway was too cramped for them to fight.




They had no success finding the magatama, but Kirimuri came back with Hinamori. Melina wanted to ruin his personal image in her front, but she stood quiet, waiting for a better opportunity.



Melina: So... that is how you look under the attire. Impressive that you really look different from before. Oh, and that punch was well-received.


Melina: Oh and... my, my, it seems like it worked! Excellent work, Miss Hinamori!

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15 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



BGM: Yukimura Sanada's Theme still playing



Mirfah: Tch...!!


Mirfah tried to slash her, but his sword was blocked by her shield just in time. He backed off and his blades lost the energy they had before.



Mirfah: C'mon, I'm your enemy now! Why don't you try to get me?!


He ran back to the open streets. The alleyway was too cramped for them to fight.

Seeing him run out of the alleyway, the woman proceeded to turn her attention to Tommy, and slid to a halt. She then turned around, placing the lance upon her back before charging straight at him, her lance out and her shield in front of herself.



???: Intercepting greater threat. You shall be exterminated first.

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1 hour ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Dante notices the object. He isn't able to clearly identify what it is, but knowing the guards around the city, he doesn't want to take any chances. He jumps backwards, and then continues to run in that direction, hoping he'll be able to escape it in time if it turns out to be something from any guards that may be nearby.



(Damn, don't tell me we've been spotted.)


The smoke grenade detonates filling the area around Dante with smoke. 


3 guards ambushed Dante. Realizing he is separated from the rest of his group, they begin firing into the smoke...


@NijikakuFan61 @Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael



Meanwhile at the KOTF Headquarters....



Thanks to our informants, it's believed that a man with matching  facial features to one the men from the incident earlier was seen with a large group. They split up and we've been tracking them and managed to single out the groups. Knight's have made an attempt to eliminate one group but had to retreat. 



Hmm...these...people...must be quite strong. But not strong enough.



The Knight's have found the second group as we speak. It's said that the man in question is in the remaining group. 



We must "handle" this situation quickly. Our power can not be a thing of debate. It's almost time for my speech. It is important that the people know that anyone who aposes us...will be delt with.





Ocelot walks out..

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12 minutes ago, A person said:

Seeing him run out of the alleyway, the woman proceeded to turn her attention to Tommy, and slid to a halt. She then turned around, placing the lance upon her back before charging straight at him, her lance out and her shield in front of herself.



???: Intercepting greater threat. You shall be exterminated first.

Tommy smirked, before running away from the knight.



Consider this a bullfight; you're the bull, and I'm the matador.


Tommy used a fire boost to speed himself up while running, disabling it to get around the building.



Shit... can't let her catch up to me!


The wounds Tommy had received slowed him down significantly, but he was far from being slow as a tortoise.

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"Tch...we'll settle this later."





"Interesting. I've never seen something like this before."


He approached the nun once the ritual was done.



"Oi lady, you back to your regular self?"


The woman moved a bit as she slowly opened her eyes. Her first response to Flare's question was an ear piercing shriek.





The nun proceeded to forcefully push Flare away with a light energy emitting from her hands with enough power to send Flare flying across the room.



"Huh? What happened? Ugh, my head hurts..."

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10 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy smirked, before running away from the knight.



Consider this a bullfight; you're the bull, and I'm the matador.


Tommy used a fire boost to speed himself up while running, disabling it to get around the building.



Shit... can't let her catch up to me!


The wounds Tommy had received slowed him down significantly, but he was far from being slow as a tortoise.

The woman followed closely behind him, and, as he tried to get around the building, she proceeded to throw the lance at his back with full power, aiming to skewer him upon the blade.



???: Target is in flight; impeding progress.

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2 minutes ago, A person said:

The woman followed closely behind him, and, as he tried to get around the building, she proceeded to throw the lance at his back with full power, aiming to skewer him upon the blade.



???: Target is in flight; impeding progress.

Tommy noticed the spear.



Gah... shit!


Tommy did his best to dodge the spear; he did for the most part, although it did tear a part of his clothes. He immediately kicked off another fire boost once he got around the building, before noticing another alleyway.



...it's my only chance to escape... I better not waste it now...!

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2 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy noticed the spear.



Gah... shit!


Tommy did his best to dodge the spear; he did for the most part, although it did tear a part of his clothes. He immediately kicked off another fire boost once he got around the building, before noticing another alleyway.



...it's my only chance to escape... I better not waste it now...!

The weapon proceeded to plant itself inside of a building's wall, the knight walking over to it and yanking it out before turning around and walking back into the alleyway she was in, then taking off down it.

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35 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Tch...we'll settle this later."




The nun proceeded to forcefully push Flare away with a light energy emitting from her hands with enough power to send Flare flying across the room.


Kirimuri laughs hysterically after seeing Flare getting blown away by Emilia.


"Heheheheheheh..." *Wipes tears from his eyes* 


Kirimuri approaches Flare and pulls him up from the debris. He turns to Hinamori and expresses his gratitude.



"Anyways, I'd like to thank you for helping us free the spirit from the nun... And allowing me to watch that guy fly... Heheheheheheh..."



"I'm gonna head back to the hangout first then. Maybe I'll join a fight to blow off some steam..."

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Dante had a plan. However, he'd need to do it quickly, otherwise he'd likely end up being hit. A dark red energy briefly surrounds him, until it forms into a demonic-looking armor.




Knowing this will only last for a few seconds, Dante quickly begins running in the direction he was moving previously, hoping this will buy him enough time to safely make it out to where things are visible.

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After running without looking behind, Mirfah eventually reached the streets, finally leaving the cramped alleyway.



Mirfah: Haaah... damn, I think I'm not that used to my human body anymore...


He looked behind him but didn't manage to see her following him. It seems she stood behind attacking Tommy.



Mirfah: Huh?! Did she stood behind attacking Tommy?! Damn it, it didn't work!!


When he looked with more precision, there was Tommy running towards him and the red knight following him.




Kirimuri seemed to be leaving, so she quietly followed him, leaving Hinamori, Emilia and Darkflare alone at the church. Once reaching him, Melina gave a little laugh and began to speak.



Melina: Actually, about the Hangout arenas...


BGM: Fizz (Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-)



Melina: Kirimuri, I challenge you to a fight against me.


She pointed her knife at him. Melina was feeling herself bored of playing this investigative work, so she needed to discharge it immediately.



Melina: I want to see up close how you are able to fight. Also, this will be a display for you to see how I work. So, will you accept or will you deny it... better phrasing it, "chicken out"?

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1 minute ago, DuckMannnn said:



"Anyways, I'd like to thank you for helping us free the spirit from the nun...


51 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:




Melina: Oh and... my, my, it seems like it worked! Excellent work, Miss Hinamori!



Hinamori: I-I was just performing my duty...

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7 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Dante had a plan. However, he'd need to do it quickly, otherwise he'd likely end up being hit. A dark red energy briefly surrounds him, until it forms into a demonic-looking armor.




Knowing this will only last for seconds, Dante quickly begins running in the direction he was moving previously, hoping this will buy him enough time to safely make it out to where things are visible.


The smoke cleared and Dante was gone. The guards continued their pursuit while contacting the guards I the area or Dante's projected route. 

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25 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



After running without looking behind, Mirfah eventually reached the streets, finally leaving the cramped alleyway.



Mirfah: Haaah... damn, I think I'm not that used to my human body anymore...


He looked behind him but didn't manage to see her following him. It seems she stood behind attacking Tommy.



Mirfah: Huh?! Did she stood behind attacking Tommy?! Damn it, it didn't work!!


When he looked with more precision, there was Tommy running towards him and the red knight following him.

Tommy managed to finally get close enough to Mirfah.



(out of breath) Y - you gotta help me man... th - that knight... s - she almost caught up to me...

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16 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



After running without looking behind, Mirfah eventually reached the streets, finally leaving the cramped alleyway.



Mirfah: Haaah... damn, I think I'm not that used to my human body anymore...


He looked behind him but didn't manage to see her following him. It seems she stood behind attacking Tommy.



Mirfah: Huh?! Did she stood behind attacking Tommy?! Damn it, it didn't work!!


When he looked with more precision, there was Tommy running towards him and the red knight following him.


4 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy managed to finally get close enough to Mirfah.



(out of breath) Y - you gotta help me man... th - that knight... s - she almost caught up to me...

The sound of metal hitting the ground could be heard close by. Suddenly, the knight came out of the alleyway they were once in and quickly thrust the spear at Tommy's back without warning, aiming to impale both him and Mirfah upon it in one thrust.

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13 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Kirimuri seemed to be leaving, so she quietly followed him, leaving Hinamori, Emilia and Darkflare alone at the church. Once reaching him, Melina gave a little laugh and began to speak.



Melina: Actually, about the Hangout arenas...


BGM: Fizz (Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-)



Melina: Kirimuri, I challenge you to a fight against me.


She pointed her knife at him. Melina was feeling herself bored of playing this investigative work, so she needed to discharge it immediately.



Melina: I want to see up close how you are able to fight. Also, this will be a display for you to see how I work. So, will you accept or will you deny it... better phrasing it, "chicken out"?



"I'm starting to feel concerned of my privacy zone here... Oh well, I can't back off right now. Challenge accepted."

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Mirfah: Tommy, behind you!!


Mirfah tried to extend0 his arm around Tommy and defend him with his yellow (Light) blade while defended himself with his red (Fire) blade. However, it's unknown if it's going to actually work so Mirfah was worried. Split-second reactions aren't his thing.

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