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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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39 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

ezgif-4-976496c173.png  Hmmm.  I seem to have lost some of my abilities

Her eyes widened at his comment.



Nemesis: Wait, wait, wait, WHAT?! How do you even know something like that?! I can see losing stuff on you, but actual knowledge?! Just...just what kind of thing were you fighting that caused that?!


She was thoroughly terrified by the mere thought of losing her precious knowledge. What if she, too, had lost knowledge and didn't even realize it, unlike him? She shivered, and quietly began attempting remembering things as she waited for his response.

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(Meanwhile, in another area within the forest that's not too far off from the others .)



A young man, clad in a green tank top, gloves, and a scarf, begins to wander around a forest he mysteriously ended up in, hoping to find an exit. He is seen holding his head during his search, as if he is feeling pain.



OH NO! Out of all places I had to land on, why'd it have to be my head!?


As the man continues his travels, he begins to wander about the circumstances.



What was that thing, and why did it bring me to a forest of all places? And why'd it have to send me falling downwards headfirst!?


He begins to hear nearby voices. After taking a look around, he spots three people that are a short distance away from him.



Nice! Maybe they know their way around here and can help find me an exit!


The young man starts moving in their direction.



A confused group of three begin walking through a forest that they have mysteriously met up in. One is a woman wearing a blue dress with armor, the other is a man with short white hair and a red coat, and the last is a tall, thin man clad in blue tights and armor.



Quite a reunion this is turning out to be, huh?



I don't understand. Why would three servants suddenly show up in the same place all at once without any masters in sight?



Given the odd condition of our arrival, I don't think this was any normal summoning.



I don't feel the need to rely on a master for mana, either. That's a relief.



While I'm happy about that too, it still raises some more questions.



We can search for answers later. But for now, I'd be more concerned with finding our way out of this forest.


As they continue, they notice a young man running their way.


The young man approaches the group of three, hoping they can give him directions.



Hellloooo. I'll spare you the details, but I happen to be lost and am wondering if you guys would know any ways out of this forest?



Sorry, pal. We're also searching for a way out of here.



Wait, you're lost too?



Looks that way.



Would you mind telling me how you got lost in the first place?



That's none of your concern for now.



How'd you get lost?



Well, this will probably sound crazy, but I'm not exactly sure how I got here. I just fell through some sort of opening and found myself landing in this forest.



That's odd. Would you happen to be a heroic spirit as well?



A heroic what now? Never heard of that.



Nevermind about that. We're also unsure as to how we've ended up here.



So, you're not a heroic spirit? Well, that just raises even more questions.



I wonder if there are any others out here?



Why not take a look around? It's not like we have much of a choice anyways.


The four continue on in search of an exit, as well as for any others they may meet along the way.

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Meanwhile, a portal suddenly appeared somewhere else in the forest. It throws a man, dressed in black, on the ground before mysteriously vanishing away. The man lands on his back.

winter_mist_by_duckmann18-dbjekpl.png"Ow... of all possible ways to land on the ground, I somehow landed on my back instead..."

He stands up and stretches his back for a bit, but suddenly he feels that something isn't right.

winter_mist_by_duckmann18-dbjekpl.png"...Wait. This place isn't cold at all!"

He proceeds to rapidly change his outfit, but that wasn't the thing that bugged him.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."There you go... no wait, where the fuck is this?"

Only a while ago, he was doing a solo exploration in a dungeon to look for treasures and improve his combat skills. He checks his belongings to see if he had lost something or not.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Backpack? Check. Food and water? Check. Medical supplies? Check. My MP3 player? Check. My precious multi-purpose iron staff? Check. Revolver? Check. Toilet paper? Check. Everything is still intact..."

After a moment of situational awareness, the man decides to look around for clues. He emits smoke to verify if he can still use his power normally.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Hffffphhhh. Looks like I didn't lose anything. Except my location."

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8 hours ago, A person said:

Her eyes widened at his comment.



Nemesis: Wait, wait, wait, WHAT?! How do you even know something like that?! I can see losing stuff on you, but actual knowledge?! Just...just what kind of thing were you fighting that caused that?!


She was thoroughly terrified by the mere thought of losing her precious knowledge. What if she, too, had lost knowledge and didn't even realize it, unlike him? She shivered, and quietly began attempting remembering things as she waited for his response.


I don't think theres much you have to worry about.  I just have a temporary restraint, it should go away as soon as i recover.

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17 minutes ago, Sinjik said:


I don't think theres much you have to worry about.  I just have a temporary restraint, it should go away as soon as i recover.


Don't worry, sir... I'm sure we can find a way to help you out...



...didn't he already say not to worry?



Well... yeah... but it's my duty to help people...


Frank was still hiding behind a tree, this time trying to get a good enough picture of the mysterious person.



Now, if he just stays there long enough, I'll get a perfect angle, and a perfect angle leads up to a perfect picture! It's worked for me all those other times, so it'll work out for me this time as well!

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2 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

ezgif-4-9cb5e25065.png  Anyways.  I'm gonna assume nobody here knows were the portal came from and were we are now, correct?


It's as if you can read minds; I have no clue how me and my brothers got here. All I remember is being sucked into a portal and getting spat out into this strange dimension... I wonder if it happened to anybody else other then just us...


Tommy smiled.



Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Thomas Thompson, but you can just call me Tommy Gunn; it sounds cooler anyways...

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7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


It's as if you can read minds; I have no clue how me and my brothers got here. All I remember is being sucked into a portal and getting spat out into this strange dimension... I wonder if it happened to anybody else other then just us...


Tommy smiled.



Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Thomas Thompson, but you can just call me Tommy Gunn; it sounds cooler anyways...


Alrighty then, Tommy it is.  You can call me Seth.

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So, allow me to tell you how my life's gone so far...


BGM: No Rain



...hoo boy.



Well, all I can say is that my life is pretty plain; I like watching the puddles gather rain...



Tommy, please; I'm internally screaming, please don't do this to m -



And all I can to is pour some tea for two, and speak my point of view; but it's not sane... it's not sane...


Edward fell face first into the ground and started spazzing, screaming unintelligible things all the while out of sheer annoyance.

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11 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


So, allow me to tell you how my life's gone so far...


BGM: No Rain



...hoo boy.



Well, all I can say is that my life is pretty plain; I like watching the puddles gather rain...



Tommy, please; I'm internally screaming, please don't do this to m -



And all I can to is pour some tea for two, and speak my point of view; but it's not sane... it's not sane...


Edward fell face first into the ground and started spazzing, screaming unintelligible things all the while out of sheer annoyance.


I didn't expect to be with such a crazy bunch...

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Despite Edward spazzing on the ground, Tommy continued.



I just want someone to say to me... I'll always be there when you wake...


Foam started coming out of Edward's mouth; he was THAT angry.



You know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today, so stay with me and I'll have it made...


Frank decided to record the whole thing on his camera.



And I don't understand why I sleep all day, and I start to complain that there's no rain; and all I can do is read a book to stay awake, and it rips my life away but it's a great escape!



All I can say is that my life is pretty plain, you don't like my point of view, you think that I'm insane; it's not sane, it's not sane...



I just want someone to say to me, I'll always be there when you wake, you know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today...



So stay with me and I'll have it made, I'll have it made, I'll have it made, oh, no, no, you know, I really wanna, really gonna have it made...



You know, I'll have it made!


Tommy smiled.



So, what do you think about my life so far?

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meanwhile a portal opened up along the stream of a river a man in a grey suit was flung out. but he managed to land on his feet (barely)

cq2o0dZ.png-Well that was......weird. what the hell was that? some kind of portal? no that wouldn't make sense that stuff only happens in anime and movies

he then wonders about just what on earth happened

Igs23nt.png-just a minute ago I was in the night district in Kamurocho and now I'm in a goddamn forest? this shit doesn't make any sense

he then gets a packet of cigarettes and a lighter then proceeds to light one and begin to smoke it

cq2o0dZ.png-well standing around here isn't going to help....may aswell look around and see whats inside this dense as hell forest guess i'll follow the river I'm bound to hit something at least

He then starts to walk by the river hoping over rocks and being careful not to trip and fall in

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Trust me, nothing makes this kid shut up. I bet he probably talks even during his sleep...



H - hey! I don't talk in my sleep!



No, you do; I watch you when you're sleeping!






Hey, I can't help it; I have the pictures and everything, man!

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Yeah, no kidding; you think!? This kid's been through having most of his race wiped out and he still stays as cheerful as ever...



Wait, what? I didn't have most of my race wiped out... that's just a rumor... and even then, there's no proof that it really happened... dudedontblowmycoverlikethis.

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portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."His hands are steady, palms sweaty, mom's spaghetti..."

He listens to music from his MP3 player as he explored the forest which seemed to be endless. Everything that surrounds him are trees. A few birds chirp and fly between the branches The sun begins to go down, and the clouds are starting to gather up and cover the sky. Judging at the weather, there will be little to no light in the nighttime.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."I don't know what's going to lurk around me during the night... guess I'll need to take chances and make a signal."

The man pulls out his badass e-cigarette. He inserts a small capsule that contains a liquid of milk coffee flavour then proceeds to vape. He blows a few circle-shaped smoke into the sky to inform his surroundings of his presence.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Fly like the arrow and find the tomorrow. Be truly hollow but do not expect the sorrow... Oh shit. I accidentally formed a fine ass sentence that rhymed." 

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Masked.png (back with the man, he was running through the nearby battlefield, he was seen briefly by Nemesis and co, an azure blur, but not like a famous hedgehog, he crashes with two men) ah! I know you two! you're Agni and Magnum! you two must have clues, of the man I look for (hands them a picture of a man of white hair and red scarf clad in white armor) I last saw him near El Cairo, fighting a man covered in scars, if that can help you get a clue, then let's get going, I guess


(near the argument with Tommy and Seth, were the Servants and their unwelcome guest, another knight drew near, after watching for long the events)


c22833f06b.png?width=198&height=250  I wonder if she'll ever find her Master...(collides with them and focuses on the woman) you...are a knight! state your reasons to come here! (draws his unconvintional weapon used mostly for gardening)

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while walking down the river the man  started thinking to himself

Igs23nt.png-"hmmm this forest is unlike any I've ever seen its insane really although I haven't seen any animals that would be dangerous just birds and other small creatures"

{he then takes out his cigarette packet and looks inside}

5XrxHuO.png-"what the? its empty did I really smoke that many in that short amount of time? no that cant be my smoking habits are not that bad"

Just then a woman with what seemed to be bat wings was sitting on a branch on a nearby tree

5Sb6md4.png-hey over here were you looking for these?

{she holds up a handful of Cigarettes}

5XrxHuO.png-okay just who.....or what are you? and HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THEM?

{the woman lets out a delightful chuckle}

zdEQAvj.png-I snatched them from you when you were hoping over those rocks on the stream haha it was fairly easy and if you must know.....im a Succubus and my name is Morrigan Aensland

Igs23nt.png-a Succubus? seriously? I find that hard to believe but fine since you told me your name I may as well tell you mine its Kiryu Kazuma

5Sb6md4.png-hmm Kiryu huh? well  now that I have your attention do you know how to get out of this forest?

Igs23nt.png-I wish I did I've been wandering his goddamn forest for what seems like hours.....NOW CAN I HAVE MY SMOKES BACK

{Kiryu began to get very impatient and showed signs of anger while Morrigan chuckled}

5Sb6md4.png-oh alright but you do know its bad for your health right?

cq2o0dZ.png-well its the only thing that can calm my nerves sometimes....anyway I should get going i'll see you later uh Morrigan

{Kiryu gives a slight wave and heads deeper inside the forest instead of following the river}

bDCZYgG.png-"well he seems interesting I might have to follow him....maybe he'll lead me to other people" judging from what I'm sensing there are many people in this forest....I wonder if I should tell him...there is probably a reason why so many people have gathered here"

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Well, if you must know the truth, we don't exactly know why we're here. Right now we're focused on finding a way out.



Now it's my turn to ask you something. Is this a challenge?


The woman prepares a battle stance in preparation for what's to possibly come. Despite her stance, she appears to be holding seemingly nothing.


Meanwhile, her new acquaintance is watching the confrontation closely.



Why is a little man trying to pick a fight using a shovel? Not too intimidating, if I say so myself. Though I gotta say, he's definitely got the acting part down at least.

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