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Superman by Jmaxximus & Electro


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The heat vision doesn't look very good. Some of the other supermans out there have much better fx for it, I would either use those fx or find even BETTER fx. Also check out Loganir's Cyclops optic blasts those look fantastic as well. I guess the thing is if you're gonna make ANOTHER superman it should be better and look better and do more stuff than the ones already out there. But that's just my opinion.

Also his forward and backward movement seem...stiff. I get that he's floating but his body is completely still so it just looks like a single sprite floating back and forth and becomes very disjointed from all the other more fluid movements. Making characters float is tough because you end up with this problem, you can ignore it, but I find it distracting. Also his hits don't seem to have a lot of "weight" behind them. If you check out the latest version of superman by prospectone his hits LOOK powerful, they have weight, impact and momentum. I know that's a hard thing to get right in mugen, but of all characters Superman needs to look and feel powerful and impactful. I would love to see some new really creative yet VERY Superman-esque moves. 

No reason to completely reinvent the wheel when there are so many Supermans already, take the best stuff and make it better. 

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Thanks for the feedback. The heat vision FX as well as a few other FX are just place holders so I can advance the coding. As far as hits feeling more impactful i'll definitely work on fixing that. I'll have another preview video up in a couple of weeks, so hopefully we can talk again then & see what you think.   

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Yeah dude I'll totally check out anything you put up. I'm just glad you were receptive to the feedback, sometimes I'm apprehensive to say critical things because people can take it the wrong way and not be super receptive. But I'm happy it helped. I'll definitely be down to check out your progress, there is so much you can do with Superman and I'd love to see this be great.

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I have enough moves coded that I can finally show some fighting action. The AI is still ruff so don't mind that. New moves are special = Solar Flare & hyper = Meteor Smasher. Also the background for the older hyper has been drastically altered & will now show a variety of Skylines & objects.





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A lot of work has been done in the past two weeks & so I thought it would be a good time to show another battle. In this clip you can see that the normal heat vision FX have been changed & a glow effect added. The ground now burns on his angled down vision. The coding is starting to wrap up & an alpha release will be coming within the next month. I'm going to start transitioning into helping out with the sprites. More moves & features will be implemented after the alpha release.




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