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Marvel vs Capcom 2 Cyclops Updated! v2_2016 / MvC2 Characters Project Released!


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Hi!, after 9 years Cyclops it´s updated! with the Original MvC2 1vs1 gameplay as faithfull as possible.

You want to download it? enter to the....:


Marvel vs Capcom 2 characters project



The idea is to complete the marvel vs capcom 2 roaster, doing all the characters more faitfull to the game as possible (1vs1 gameplay with six buttons, the tag system will NOT implemented, sorry..)
Read more in the web page! and download the characters availables!

Cyclops Updates in v2-2016:
- Hitdef and some codes in all standing, crouching and air punches and kicks (to an original MvC2 gameplay as faithfull as possible)
- Hitdef and some codes in all special moves (to an original MvC2 gameplay as faithfull as possible)
- Hitdef and some codes in all hyper moves (to an original MvC2 gameplay as faithfull as possible).
- New and better animations
- Throws codes (Camera, velsets, states...)
- New FX (to the original MvC2 game as faithfull as possible).
- New sounds (to the original MvC2 game as faithfull as possible)
- Hyper BG and Hyper Portait
- Velocities and yacell
- Hit when enemy it´s fallen
- Super Jump code
- Scale character
- All state hits
- Turn in Super jump
- Air combo
- New Common1
- Hit character sounds
- Intro
- Palettes
- Pre-walking
- Recovery roll
- Announcements combo
- Advanced guard
- Hyper combo finish
- Portaits


- Wuwo and Kong (Sprites)
- Reza (Various codes of this character and guide)
- Cloudius and One Winged Angel (Sounds)
- Mouser (Various codes of this character)
- DarkWolf13, walruslui and ExShadow (Hyper Ports code and Common1 codes)
- FerchoGTX (Some MvC2 FX and sounds)
Hope you enjoy it.

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