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Mugen Free For All

Welcome to MFFA! Introduce yourself here!


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I'm the new guy around here, names Sticks (My real name is Scott, but call me Sticks).


BOS is short for Bunch Of Sticks, in case your wondering.


My job is to (hopefully) make this website a bit more fun & exciting for you people around here.


Feel free to welcome to the site, if you can.

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Hi everybody

Im Arauz and im from México, im here to share, update me in the MUGEN thread because i was out over 5 years from the University... That things.

Im interested to make a Mugen project with edited and original chars with KOF style because i love it and i think the engine of Mugen provide a lot of options to make a wonderful projects.

Cheers :)

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17 hours ago, SSBK65 said:

Sounds interesting, welcome to MFFA Arauz.

Thank you :)

10 hours ago, Infinite Kyo said:

welcome to MFFA man 

Thank you ;)

9 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

Welcome to MFFA! I'm also working on an original KOF character called Nightwalker, maybe we can collaborate one day? :D

Yeah! sounds great, im interested to meet that Nightwalker. Is the char of your sign? It looks badass :P

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On 6/26/2016 at 2:17 PM, IceLiberation said:

Hey there everyone! My family calls me Jeremiah Blake, but you can call me IceLiberation! I always wanted to play MUGEN, But I always post stages from start to finish! I always wanted to create a character! All I want is a style and a help from my biggest friends ever!

Welcome,Jeremiah blake aka: IceLiberation. My friend. 

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Hey guys, I completely forgot to introduce myself, so..... yeah. My name is James Williams, but i am currently known, right now, as RedDragonCats17. I live in Las Vegas Nevada, and i play a whole lot of games. 2 days ago, i started a W.I.P post for MegaMan, and i really hope that you check it out. Haven't shown you guys much, but i will be showing my progress in here and my Facebook group. If you wish to join it, link will be at the bottom of this post. I hope i get to know you guys and make more friends here, because what i want to do is make games, whether it's M.U.G.E.N or Fusion 2.5, it doesn't matter, i hope i get to know you guys.


Shouts out to Ryon Persaud, i love his tutorials, big ass help.


My group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/835236196562106/?ref=bookmarks

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My Name is Tommy Joseph El Saieh and I am the owner of a youtube channel called VoiceActingGod on Youtube. Its primarily composed of voice acting stuff. Let me tell ya a little bit about me. I love swimming. Its one of my favorite sports. Usually when people ask me for my favorite sport I would mostly say swimming. Most people didn’t know that swimming is a sport. Ever since I three years old I was trained by professional grade swimmers. I took these swimming classes at a place called Saf-T swim. That place was fantastic and their methods of teaching was phenomenal. They taught in a way in which one can understand even at a very young age. When I was 8 years old I have completed my swimming lessons. I was a level six and I was doing basic lifeguarding. I was going to be on the swimming team in New York but my mother was very weary of sending me there. 

Another thing I like to do is DJ. Yes, I am a Dj as well. My Dj name is Dj Pheonix and I am pretty dang good. I do have a Soundcloud in which I try to put all my remixes on. A lot of my good ones would usually get copyrighted. Yep even Soundcloud is starting to do that copyright bullshit. I might actually release my first DJ Mix album hopefully by December 23rd of 2016. This would be a very interesting experience hence that I never did that before. I have DJ'ed at parties and stuff; however those are more family based. I wasn’t old enough to go out there and doing at clubs and stuff. 

Aside from that I love spending time with my friends in real life and on Skype. My friends in real life are crazy as hell. I love having crazy friends because it makes the friendship last really long and it would never be boring and you can converse for a very long time. But of corse this is all in my view maybe other people might view this differently. On Skype is where I have even crazier friends and not only are they crazy as hell but they are very supportive . Supportive friends are the best to have. I can go on and on about this but hey what can I say.

I am in the process of building a mame arcade cabinet which I think is like the ultimate thing to do. I already have the computer set up and stuff. I just need to either buy the pre-cut wood for the arcade cab or actually build it myself. Which ever is the cheapest. But I do collect a lot of video games and video game consoles. I have all the popular consoles from the Nes all the way down to the PS4, Xbox one and Wii U. So yeah that's me in a nutshell :)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thanks for Reading :)

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