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(DNF)[Boss] Metal Gear Update 26/04/2016


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OH! I got the green pallet and thought Devastator, my bad Anyhoo, I got a chance to field test him The only thing I found  was when he shoots the gears at people they don't seem to do anything and sometimes they either go through the person or somehow makes them dizzy?!

Not to go off topic but I did check out the Battleroid and was wondering were you gonna finish this awesome bot soon?

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11 minutes ago, Ryochi said:

I got a chance to field test him The only thing I found  was when he shoots the gears at people they don't seem to do anything and sometimes they either go through the person or somehow makes them dizzy?!

According player of KDNF on YouTube, when battle against him. he shoot gears toward player, the hit will be stun and must struggling from stunning state.

If I got idea to change this, I will update this.

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7 hours ago, Dronekiller said:

Unfortunately, that wasn't.

If you check the .def file, it's called "MeGear-tron".....


... wait, why is the Megatron palette green?  Megatron (every version, from the classic G1 Transformers to the recent Michael Bay movies) is silver and black.

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2 hours ago, Raiu said:

... wait, why is the Megatron palette green?  Megatron (every version, from the classic G1 Transformers to the recent Michael Bay movies) is silver and black.

I think I make you confuse. Let me explain this one.

The green palette was an original palette. The dark grey with red eye was I talking about, "MeGear-tron"

Which original of Megatron from Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen.

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Wow! this Bot is awesome. :-D Nice release!


5 hours ago, Dronekiller said:

I think I make you confuse. Let me explain this one.

The green palette was an original palette. The dark grey with red eye was I talking about, "MeGear-tron"

Which original of Megatron from Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen.

Oh I get it cause i thought the palette was base from the megatron from "Beast Wars 2nd (japan series)", but I get the concept you trying to show with this character which is pretty cool! :goodmood:

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7 hours ago, Ryochi said:

yeah that's better. One question though, Metal Gear himself doesn't get stunned when fighting himself and the clone shoots the stun gears at him. Was he like that in the game?


The Gear was Setting Enemy hit into Custom State, while Metal Gear itself has SuperArmor that Doesn't effect with Custom State.

Be Honestly, first on made him, i never face him before. That day as I has that game, he only included on Korean Version as I saw in YouTube. So, I decide made him according on YouTube that day.

Here For Example on First Server

The boss goes to on 2:40



This where I found out the stunning gear


And again. This is the Updated game I guess.



As far I look again. I think I missing something according this video. If I Fix something, I'll update this boss.

Btw, Some Boss I Create made with same way.

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Oh ok that would explain it. the super armor. Well I'll be looking forward to the next update. Will you be updating that other robot the G-o (I can't think of it's name at the moment.) The big red robot That the girl turns into or summons?

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On 15/4/2016 at 4:33 PM, Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ said:

There is a something about this robot that reminds me of Dr. Wheelo from Dragon Ball


Dronekiller, I am hoping that you make the bosses from Battle Toads. Those look really fun to fight

Dr. Wheelo.......mmm, the First I saw he was playable on Dragon Ball PS2 Game.


about Battle Toads, Looks like i need play that game.


well, too many Sprite pack on Game to Investigate (about up to 10 or 100 sprite, He's now available Global), to other choice. i use similar sprite to this boss.


Update 19/04/2016
- Add Half Life Condition of Some Attack Move
- Add FX Spinning
- Add FX Electric

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