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Centurion from Altered Beast Updated!!

Sir Tigol

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Hello everyone, 


I am new on this Forum, but I was an active member of Brazilian Community Pão de Mugen some years ago.


Now that I am getting interested on Mugen again, I am proud to announce an update on my char Centurion;


You can download the version 2 of Centurion here on Chars section:



New Updates:

_Artificial Intelligence: it is much cooler to play against him now. The best thing is that he has a wide variety of moves, so it does not sound so repetitive;
_Now Centurion starts the next round on the same form he ended the last round!! It became easier to transform into some cool creatures now. 
_For those who don´t like to play using the additional creatures, I have developed an alternate CNS file that can be used to play just with the Classic Arcade/Sega Genesis forms; see instructions bellow about how to use it. Instructions also available in English in the website above under Char section. 
_Fixed a bug when hit by a move from KFM that throws the opponent into the air. 
_It is now harder to escape from the Hyper move of the Werewolf form. 

 If you did not like the additional forms (Rhino, Snake, Scorpion, Eagle) and want to play without them, follow these steps: 
After you unzip the Char as usual, you will notice that there are these two .CNS files within the Char: 
-centuriao.cns    =====> This file comes selected by Default, it allows you to play with all creatures without exception; 
-centuriao_classic.cns    =====> This alternate file allows you to play ONLY with the Classic Forms that you enjoyed on Sega Genesis. 
You can select which one of these .CNS files you want to use, by editing "centuriaov2.def" in a notepad. 
Edit these sections "cns =" and "st =", you must place the same .CNS file in both fields as you wish. Then save the .DEF file you are editing and Enjoy! 



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Kind of cool to see some of the GBA forms in this character. I'll give it a spin when I can.

Side Note: People slam the GBA game a lot, but to be honest, I don't think it's a bad game. I think its main problem is that the levels are LOOOOONG, and that there's a LOT of levels as opposed to the original which only had a few short levels. But game play wise, it's actually not too bad.

Edit: He's okay, but he doesn't seem to combo well in a lot of his forms. Also, the dragon form appears to have an infinite where he can use the Dragon Summon super and his electric field to trap the opponent into an infinite combo.

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Thanks guys, nice forum here. It is nice that you have enjoyed the Char.


@A person, I was really in doubt in which one of these two sections of the Forum I should post it. Now I have the answer :)


@MugoUrth, I don´t think the GBA game is that bad, the levels could be a little bit shorter for sure, but I think the graphics of the original game are much more attractive and I think this is one of the reasons to why people usually don´t like much that game. But I really like the extra stuff from it, like additional creatures and different kinds of power pills, like earthquake, ambrosia and others. Perhaps they could have added more platforms on that game to explore the scenario in a different way.


The Dragon is one of the forms that have less moves, so it becomes a little bit hard to be creative on creating combos for him. I will try to think in another ways to create combos for it, perhaps I will add some new special move for him on next update. That Dragon Summon is a cheap move, but I could not avoid using it, I think it is very cool. It is also possible to release the fire dragons against the opponent, perhaps I should think about adding this to the AI so they are not going to be flying around all the time.


I also plan to do some additional work on Bear and Snake forms and a new edited Lion form is also in the plans.

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