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Metal Slug Fiolina Germi v0.8


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It's the tiny version of her from Metal Slug. It's v0.8 because I made her years ago, but never released her and when I tried to go back and finish her I couldn't remember how in god's name I even coded her to work so I don't think I'll ever get around to finishing her. I have an idea on how to make her work, but I just don't feel like doing it now. Basically, what her "read me" file says. So yeah. She's still perfectly playable, she's just not in the ideal condition.


She only works in 1.0 and 1.1.


Average filesize (3.85mb).
Download - Updated February 27th, 2016


Previous Versions




Heavy Machinegun

Enemy Chaser/Rocket Launcher


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With that in mind I suddenly feel obligated to actually make her ammo system 100% working.... Instead of replenishing ammo I could make it so you pick up a gun with max ammo, exhaust it and wait for the hobo guy to drop more.....that could work better than him dropping ammo. Maybe I will finish it. Anyways, I hope you like it.

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Noctis dude you know it's funny cause I remember someone made a Fio years ago, but when you actually play as Fio it wasnt Fio.

Instead Fio would jump into a giant mech which turned out to be Xmen's Sentinel.


Sentinel was EXTREMELY ACCURATE. but the character was called Fio... but no Fio.

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