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Wario WIP by RobotMonkeyHead

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Add004 is this thing: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/add004basic-160242.0.html

Basically, a lifebar which if you recode characters for it, it adds a MvC style tag system, as well as announcers, special FX, a score system, and other things. I used Wario for it, due to 1.1 not working well on this computer, and it's caused slight, unusual glitches with characters for me in the past.

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That looks fun.  If it only uses var(59) the only thing that'll effect in Wario is whether or not he has the Wrestlers Mask treasure.  So from time to time his throws may be a little easier to do, and he might have access to do the triple slam chain.
New beta sent out to:  Staubhold, Ballsdeep69, Laharl, jengra505, Pac-Trail, Clownman, Dhillon521 and W'.

Most of the issues in the feedback have been resolved.  Other additions:  Boss summon hyper, boss emblem treasure system, crawl, touch ups to standing crouching and areal basic attacks.



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I haven't made it too far into testing but I noticed these things:
If you hit Bloomsday's Pot it turns into Wario,

Round Down Ground Pound doesn't cost any power.

Sonic Knuckles' Helper doesn't disappear.

Wario's hitboxes when getting hurt are unmodified from Ryu.

This isn't a bug and more of a suggestion but I think a sound should play when you open a treasure chest.

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Oh jesus.  I can't believe that slipped by me.  I figured out how to make that not happen at work today, and forgot to change it when I got home.  All of the bosses probably do the same thing at this point.  Thanks XP

No problem, I'm updating that post above you as I test.

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Alright, I tried him in a few battles on Add004, because my normal 1.1 won't respond at all if he takes more than a few steps... :noway:

So, I found:

-The readme says Bosssummon isn't available yet, but I've summoned Bloomsady twice.

-Speaking of Bloomsday, I found a weird glitch, I spawned him, he then sucked up a Wario clone, I don't know where it came from, maybe the bike or a Bob-omb, anyway, he sucked up the Wario clone, and completely left the enemy alone.

- Not really a bug, but the Dashertor hyper is kind unsafe. Maybe it could use some light super armor or something, I get interrupted out of it a lot.

-Maybe a Add004 glitch, but I don't see the counters for anything often.

-Maybe another Add004 thing, but I never get the treasures, either.

-Are coin sound effects planned? They really could use some sort of sound effects.

-The bike command is still giving me issues, too. So is the Bossummon one, unless I need to get the emblems.

-During his dash charge, there's a slightly darker area around Wario than the rest of the screen.

That's all I found, really. Nice job fixing the missing sections of his aerials and the Bussummon was really cool.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I know I haven't been the best about staying current with this wip thread, but despair not!! 
Progress has not stopped! Not once, actually, and it's not about to now!  I've just gotten a little lazy with the updates (2 months already!?)


On 11/25/2015 at 3:24 PM, Ballsdeep69 said:

Pressing QCF MK and HK at the same time makes Wario do a glitchy (but oddly entertaining) dance, but this only works with these 2 kicks pressed together, strangely. 

Fixed.  No dancy.


On 11/25/2015 at 6:05 PM, BarnacleBill said:

Alright, I tried him in a few battles on Add004, because my normal 1.1 won't respond at all if he takes more than a few steps... :noway:

So, I found:

-The readme says Bosssummon isn't available yet, but I've summoned Bloomsady twice.

-Speaking of Bloomsday, I found a weird glitch, I spawned him, he then sucked up a Wario clone, I don't know where it came from, maybe the bike or a Bob-omb, anyway, he sucked up the Wario clone, and completely left the enemy alone.

- Not really a bug, but the Dashertor hyper is kind unsafe. Maybe it could use some light super armor or something, I get interrupted out of it a lot.

-Maybe a Add004 glitch, but I don't see the counters for anything often.

-Maybe another Add004 thing, but I never get the treasures, either.

-Are coin sound effects planned? They really could use some sort of sound effects.

-The bike command is still giving me issues, too. So is the Bossummon one, unless I need to get the emblems.

-During his dash charge, there's a slightly darker area around Wario than the rest of the screen.

That's all I found, really. Nice job fixing the missing sections of his aerials and the Bussummon was really cool.

1 - You can ignore the readme.  It's in the process of being replaced by an in-game moves list.
2 - Fixed.  Silly mistake :)
3 - Yea good call, the Dasherator's a bit unsafe.  Made it so he's invincible to all attacks except other hypers now.
4 - Yes coin sound effects are a definite.  All the sound will be overhauled once the coding is done. 
5 - Bike and Bossummon commands fixed.
6 - I don't know what the dark area around Wario during the dash attack is all about... I can't seem to replicate it.  Could it be the stage?
Thanks, too, glad you like the Bossummon hyper so far :)  It's gotten a little better recently too, I added a zoom feature, along with some environment shake, and explodes. 


Progress Update: 
* A lot of minor tweaks and touch ups to specials and hypers.

* Complete in-game moves list implemented (double tap taunt to toggle).  Working "configure" page allows you to change his palette and any configurable options mid-fight.  It also makes keeping track of your treasure collecting easy.
* I'll be starting in on the sounds very soon, and thank you very much@Clownmanfor the sound files!



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I almost certainly will, but not till he's finished. 
(If for whatever reason I don't end up doing it, it would be a really easy conversion for whoever does.)

Steady progress on the in game moves list.  That's actually turning out to be quite the project.  It has a configure page which allows for In game palette switching, and option toggling. Here's a preview of one of the finished pages:






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  • 2 months later...

@Staubhold Thanks!  I'm pretty happy with the way it came out too :)

Delays due to new job and new apartment.  In game moves list finally finished.  Here's a look at the complete set:













I can't believe everything on that moves list is actually already coded. 

Next will be color separation.  I've never done it before so I don't know the time frame, but that will yield a palette template which I'll release for anyone who wants to make palettes while I finish off the sounds.  Then after a final round of debugging, that should be the end of the project. :)

New beta soon, just gotta clean up a little code.

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Ok, yea that's a concern I share.  I really want him to be versatile without being cheap or overpowered.  On that note I'll try to get the frame rates / advantages mostly dialed in before releasing it, but can we try to make damage amounts one of the focuses for the upcoming beta?

Here's the tool I'll be using to do that :)

I'll need to gather and average the damage / frame data from a few well balanced characters, so I think I'm going to start off with P.O.T.S. Ryu and Guy as my baseline for fair frame data.  I'll grab both of them and average them with Ryu's actual SF3 frame data to get Wario's frame rates and damages.  And then from there we can leave the fine tuning up to our opinions. 

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On 5/2/2016 at 7:09 PM, Staubhold said:

WOW! So much work and dedication. Can´t wait for the new beta.

Thanks Staubs.  Yea the new beta's pretty much his fished form play-wise.  That's not counting minor tweaks, sounds and colors and stuff of course. But yea really glad you like the moves list!


On 5/2/2016 at 7:23 PM, The adv. of P & B said:

Wow. That movelist looks amazing. THAT's what you were off doing all this time. The logo on the joystick was a cool easter egg, too. 

Yup :)  That wound up taking waaaayyyy longer than I thought it was going to!  I didn't want to skimp at this point tho, ya know?  That's awesome you caught the easter egg too, I wondered if anyone was going to see that XP

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