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Punisher 0.8 Released 1/12/16


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Holy shit, this thing actually has a damage dampener so I can't do half the opponents health in one meterless combo. Not bad.


- What's the point of the bullet in QCF+PP? It only does 1 damage, and occasionally misses.

- QCF+HK knocks down so very few of the bullets hit.

- How come I can only reload when I have no bullets left?

- QCF+LK is unsafe on hit when done halfway across the screen.

-QCF+PP completely freezes the opponent, which means they don't go into their block animation (but block the motorcycle hit anyway) and leaves frank open at a -45 frame disadvantage.

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Dragonsam - Idk about doomsday the proportions and animations are well......horrible

O RION -Yes its voiced by Thomas Jane and that game was underrated as hell.


BrawlTheMan -

-The bullet is more for aesthetics rather than practicality since it mostly misses so I put majority of the damage on the bike hit

- I'll make the firing rate faster

- Also that

- I made it freeze so that you can chain it with the combos since the animation is too long


Thanks for the feedback man, I'll fix this  later when I get home


Laharl - The time freezes but it is still blockable, and yes I'm considering ghost rider


Ryon - lol wut :)

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I have to agree on making the punisher motorcycle super gun actually connect would be alot more epic like a slow down type thing? its hard to explain basically it would actually always hit then on contact make a big impact.

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5 minutes ago, Laharl said:

I have to agree on making the punisher motorcycle super gun actually connect would be alot more epic like a slow down type thing? its hard to explain basically it would actually always hit then on contact make a big impact.

Wait in doesn't connect ? I added the pausetime slowmotion and tried it on small characters and it hits.....I need to test it more

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On 1/12/2016 at 7:01 AM, Laharl said:

it rarely connects in my testing.

I tried it and it really does vary cause of different hitbox sizes. Maybe I'll add a custom state on the bike hit and just add my own hitbox so that any character can have the same hitbox.

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UPDATED 1/19/16

-Fixed ammo bar position(credits to borewood)
-Added AI
-S.SK now has higher hit y vel
-Fixed spammable FN P90
-Changed walking sound
-Cut long speech intro shorter
-Added new stance thanks to (X & demunlawin)
-Added new portrait thanks to Xedarts
-Added new HYPER M16 CARBINE - DB,x/y/z - 1pwr

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