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Dragon Ball Multiverse WIP - GAST


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Gast WIP


A new wip to go with my Goku and Grand Kai. I decided to push this wip up to the front because the bases are just so solid. If you havent read the free fan-made webcomic then go ahead and check it out!

Gast is the Fusion of Nail, Guru, and nearly every other Namekian that survived Friezas assault in an alternate universe. Easily defeating Frieza; Gast seeks only one thing and that is to restore his race back to normal using the multiverse Tournament's Dragon Balls.

I may put up a new animation every day. Hopefully!.

Bases are db eb....venom mvc...parasite scruffy...

I may add more bases down the line depending on what the character needs.

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On the idle stance, I think it's a bit better if you do something with those hands. But if you're keeping his arms crossed, at least keep his legs closed (like Frieza's) or just make him stand still. Right now, it looks weird with his legs like that.

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Nah, no need to dirty him up (since his sprite is clean already).

Though, might need to fix the position of his left (Gast's left) arm there. Also, you might want to move his body around a bit so it doesn't look awkward with his legs being the only thing in motion.

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There isnt much to work with and my animation skills are poor but i have an idea for an experiment method of shrinking and enlarging to create the illusion of upper body motion. Just a slight modification. It could possibly work....

The arms do need work. The parasite base isnt perfect in some areas. I thought about modifying it but i didnt want to disturb the original too much but i guess i should at least try and see if its possible for me to improve those edits. Im not very confident about editing that far but sometimes i have no other choice...

Ill probably have re edit everying after i finish the sprites before coding. Similar to how i had to improve libks overall look. Its gonna be a pain. 

My aim is alpha or early beta. My goal is to have a semi roster first for a full game. I have a lot of ideas and stuff i wanna try. 


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