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16 Years

Lord Batros

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You've certainly contributed a lot to the forum, and have helped many of us before. I know you've for sure helped me before. Your palettes were also some of the coolest I've seen, as they had their own unique feel to them that nobody else could make. If it's time for you to move on, I understand. 16 years is quite a while, and life does catch up to you eventually.

Your content has impacted this forum greatly, and your honestly one of the people I look up to here. You've always been one of the most respectable people on here, and I'm sure many, many people here will agree on that.

Thank you for all you have done here.

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Brock, my brother from another mother, we have a lot of things in common, growing with stuff from the 80's like Transformers and G.I. Joe to this wonderful thing the we all love, M.U.G.E.N. you have great skills in stage and palette making, you're a cool guy, great father and husband cause I have seen all the stuff you have been doing with your family through facebook, all those pictures you uploaded tells it all, I'm pretty sure you'll come back doing the things you love to do in Mugen, hang on cause as I told you on Facebook, I'll pay a visit to you and we're going out to have some "drinks" (Beer lol) and have some fun, you know I love yaa (No homo lol), your brohter from another mother Noside. :)

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Cool ZB, June 15,2000 at the old TESTP for me. First release June 23rd. Shoot that means you came in about the time TESTP exploded.  Glad you've been around because most of the rest of us have been coming and going (mostly going) for quite a while now.  A lot more 'life stuff' to be sure.  I'm pretty much a 'wargamer' myself but doing MUGEN stuff over the years has been cool.  Something different.

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Wow, I wish i had the time to respond to all of u individually, This means the world to me guys,Thank u so much for the kind words, & like i said im not gone forever from mugen itself, just creating, who knows maybe sometime it may comeback & i may even take a shot at making a character (not that last time worked out well lol) BUT, im very much feeling the love & know that its given back a hundred fold !  

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Well this wasn't expected not sure why I seen this now but in any case I may not always be the most cheerful or the most social person on here and can come off as a total dick.  But you have help me out majorly a lot when it come to mugen and although we had talk here and there a few times I do consider you a pretty good guy although I do wish we could play together on xbox since we may never play mugen together until they fix the muiltplayer of mugen I hardly come on here much as I use too. And my facebook isnt very reliable to reach me at but you could always message me at any time if you wish to talk or on xboxlive gamer tag darkblood66669.

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thanks man, i still go on FB, but mostly to keep up with sports & family , & as soon as i get Xbox live back(in the coming months) ill definatly add ya 

I'm just glad you're not permanently gone. Of course, I'll miss your beautiful creations, but hey, you deserve a break. 

Thanx Bud 

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