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MFFA's Ask a User Thread (Ask OxyontheWolf)


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1. Favorite season? (Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer?)

  • Fall and Winter, mostly because I hate hot & humid weather

why is yuugi the most buff 2hu ever? (and therefore the best)

will lie meiling ever be as overpowered as mkt noob saibot?

  • I assume she works out
  • She was, a long time ago, but we never speak of those days anymore, they were too painful especially for Darkflare

What about my second question? Or are you still thinking about it?

  • I chose not to answer it because there's simply too many to list that it would be hard to choose

Anyway, its been 4 days so now passing the torch to Galvatron/Noobie;

  • Do you play any specific tiers in Pokemon? It seems like you just generally pick whatever regardless of tier.
  • Favorite Pokemon?
  • What's your thoughts on the idea behind UUbers?


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Wow! I didn't expect to be chosen its an Honor LOL! XD


  • Do you play any specific tiers in Pokemon? It seems like you just generally pick whatever regardless of tier.
  • Favorite Pokemon?
  • What's your thoughts on the idea behind UUbers?

Well tiers dosn't matter with me as long you know how to use the pokemon in some situation. but I generally use pokemon around UUbers tier since one of my fav pokemon is in that category, and that answer for the next question would be Umbreon

Yeah Umbreon may not be like it used to be back in gen2 now a days but it my favorite pokemon since S/G. its defences is what i like about it for a Eevee-evol. I'm hoping it will get a mega-form someday so it can be back up the ranks.

UUbers is pretty good category for pokemon that are use often in battles that require strategy in order for the trainer to win in battles even if it looks impossible to do so. Doe I do enjoy battling with pokemon in that tier, I be happy to do more testing/training on it. :goodmood:



How did you find out about Mugen? 

Who's your main?

How did you discover this site?

How'd you discover Nijikaku?

And how'd you end up making a fullgame topic for Nijikaku?

My older-brother introduce me to mugen when i was about to go to High-school around the year 2000. I was more of an character and stage collector then also was helping my bro with finding stage bgm music for the emulation. I was interest in making my own characters but unfortunately I'm no artist so I decide to learn more towards coding and extracting sprites from doujin games as well as editing some characters personally. Even though I had slow down on mugen now (thanks to everyday real life) but I will eventrully get myself back in gear and start getting back to doing characters again.

My mains currently for mugen are: Super Mario By Shinryouga, NGBC_Robert Garcia (forgot the author name), Princess Comet by Toshioand Reimu Hakurei by Ricepigeon  Also Shinku (from rozen maiden) made by me ( I need to update her big time LOL! XD)

Linked through Mugen Forums but you know Its funny That when I first came to MFFA I just jump right in it. It was like I came out of no where (GarchompMatt should know. LOL!). but this site had alot of stuff that I never gotten for mugen which is one of the reason i joined, plus their is alot of cool people here that can help and support you about things you need help in mugen creation and codings. Its an Awesome forum.

Now for Nijikaku I sort of known about around the year 2004 when I looked it up on google and search Anime mugen games. It was a surprise to be honest I never know it was a game like this existed considering the perverted content that was in it.

When i came to make a topic about Nijikaku it was generally an idea that came up by me, Ryoucchi, and SPRI YAR ZON after i made an request about the new link to the last updated version to the game.


Favorite character from the Transformers franchise (well besides Galvatron)?

Favorite incarnation of Megatron/Galvatron?

My fav transformer is actrully Jazz from the autobots.

Now between Megatron and Galvatron I say Megatron from the 1980's series though i do prefer Galvatron since he is more powerful. However I like the galvatron from the latest Transformer comics (which reminds me I need to get the portrait of that galvatron ). :-)


1. Why is Galvatrob your favorite?

2. Least favorite Autobot/Decepticon?

Galvatron was my fav since the first Transformers movie cartoon( voiced by Leonard Nimoy [R.I.P] ) since he temporally worked for the Giant Planet eater transformer Unicron but he was still got his megatron personlity trying to overthrow him by using the Matrix of leadership he took from the Autobots but he plundered and he couldn't released the power also he was under his control( kind of like Silversurfer with Galactus). Though in the latest Comics Galvatron was more like a conquer and he took control of the decepticons and he show no marcy to the Autobots and what made it triped out he was his own person in that series he wasn't even a reformatted Megatron. they were two different Bots.

Now my least fav transformer is  Wheelie. that guy really didn't do much plus his voice was kind of annoying to me.

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Wow! I didn't expect to be chosen its an Honor LOL! XD

Well tiers dosn't matter with me as long you know how to use the pokemon in some situation. but I generally use pokemon around UUbers tier since one of my fav pokemon is in that category, and that answer for the next question would be Umbreon

What I meant was, you DO know that besides each Pokemon belonging to a tier, that each tier has its own metagame complete with their own banlists, right? Kinda like how some OU Pokemon are banned in UUbers while certain Uber Pokemon are unbanned in UUbers.

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[day 2]

Awesome more questions. :-D

What I meant was, you DO know that besides each Pokemon belonging to a tier, that each tier has its own metagame complete with their own banlists, right? Kinda like how some OU Pokemon are banned in UUbers while certain Uber Pokemon are unbanned in UUbers.

Yes I do know how the concept goes in each tier where some pokemon (like mega-Beedrill) are ban from UUbers cause of their abilities and moveset. Though I be honest I do be arrogant about making teams that dosn't comply with the metagames but I know I have to do better to be fare to myself and others like you Rice when it comes to those type of battles. :-P


Very interesting answers, my friend.

1. Do you like pancakes?

2. What's your favorite breakfast food? 

I like pancakes but I don't eat them all the time. I more of a biscuit eater.

My fav breakfast food is Rice, becon, and Eggs.


More questions


Do you own any transformers figure? Whether it's official or bootleg

Favorite non-transformers mech?

Are you into toku as well? What's your favorite genre?

LOL! well I used to own some first gen figures (I don't know if I still have them) However I do own alot of the Beastwars transformers Figures. My fav are terrorsaur and waspinator. :-)


My fav non transformer mechs are the Mega-zoids from the Power Ranger series.


Yes you can say Im into toku my fav genre on that will be action, adventure and Fighting kind of like the Mask-rider series.



Favorite episode of the original 80's transformers series?

Favorite spotlight issue of the IDW Transformers comics?

Have you ever got the toys for the hell of it?

Have you ever tried any of the games? Fall/war of Cybertron were badass games imo

My favorite episode(s)  from the original 80's transformers series is "The Ultimate Doom" (Episodes 9-11). It was my fav cause Megatron and the decepticons practically almost won on that event. It was awesome!.


Fav IDW tranformers SpotLight issue:


This one pretty much give you the real personality of how Galvatron is. Plus he looks more better then the 80's counter-part. :-)


Now  when it comes to the toys i really don't have alot since I wasn't much of a toy collector when I was a kid. :-P


When it comes to the Tranformer games I played the one on the Ps2 that was base from Transformers Armada but It was'nt that great. Doe the one from the Import Ps2: transformers: call of the future was tripped out since it was base on the original series. I would had play "War of Cybertron' but at the time I lacked a PS3 but now that I own one  i will get it. :goodmood:

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[Day 3]

Hmm. not much today huh?..

  • Favorite/Least favorite Touhou character?
  • Where did you first hear of Touhou?

LOL! I have alot of favs but in a four way tie of the most favs are: Remilia Scarlet, Flandre Scarlet, Sakuya Izayoi, and Youmu Konpaku

Now the least favorite Touhou is Kaguya Hime, I know she suppose to be the Moon princess but she has that laid-back type personality I don't really like. Sometime I don't blame Mokou for having a grudge against her from their past.


When I first got in to Touhou is pretty much around the same time when I got in to Mugen in the year 2000. I heard about it on the net when i was looking up doujin games then I read about "Team shanghai Alice" and ZUN which is all part of Touhou Project. The first Shooters i played was TH6-Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and TH7-Perfect Cherry Blossom. :-)



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What did you do after school?
How would you describe it?
One thing that never make again?
What happened the last time you cried?
If you could live anywhere in the world what would it be?
Do you have a strange habit?
An experience that you do not live deeply disappointed?
If you knew that you will die in a week, what would you do?
Do you believe in karma?
Your favorite TV show as a child?
Something about what you're superstitious?
Is the best gift you've received?
Does the scariest experience you've had so far?
What has been your worst nightmare?
If only you could have a hobby, what would it be?
What is your favorite word?
How would you describe yourself in 3 adjectives?
If you had to transform into one of your friends, who would it be and why?
What 3 things you appreciate most in a person?
If you could buy one thing, what was, what would you buy?
What is the last book you've read?
If you could be an animal, what would you be?
If you could learn to do something new, what would you choose?
Are you one of those who would sacrifice the life of one person to save a hundred?
What is the part of your body do you like?


what color are my underwear ??

About this question...

"What is the part of your body do you like?", if someone says the body part that I think will say, better not do it, because if they do, since then check under your bed every day of his life,is only a friendly warning.


if you do not want to answer some of the questions, there is no problem Mr.Galvatron, no one is forcing respond and thank you for your attention.


What is your opinion about the questions I asked you?

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[Day 4 (Final)]

Woah!....... didn't expect alot of questions for my last day.  O_O

Well.....{cracks knuckles}....Here goes!.. I'll try to answer them straight and simple as possible..

Favorite fighting game?

Favorite Touhou game?

Favorite type of game?

Favorite game series?

What got you into games in general?

Favorite fighting games: 'Super Street Fighter 2 turbo (original/HD remix); SFA3; Marvel vs. Capcom series ; CvS series ; KOF series.

Favorite Touhou games: TH6-Embodiment of Scarlet Devil ;  TH7.5-IMP ; TH10.5-SWR

Favorite types of games: RPGs, and Fighting

Favorite game series: Pokemon

Now when I first got in to gaming i was about 4 years old. My mother love playing Pac-Man on old Atari so I got in to it as well. When My mother brought NES/Famicom system I was playing the First 'Super Mario Brothers' game I was able to beat it (though took me 10 tries LOL). Then when the first "Legend of Zelda" came around I was playing it so much also the "The Adventure of Link". Then Around 1991 I went to the arcades I played the first SF game It was awesome. :-)

   Wow, so many favorite game questions. Sorry for the redundancy, and being late lol.

Its all good! No worries. :-)


Some more question.

What is the best and the worst mecha design you ever seen?

What is your opinion if someone cross the mahou shoujo genre and the mecha genre? :p

I admit even doe I'm a transformers fan but The Gundam series to me has the best designs I see for mechs.

Now the worst design ones to me are the Go-Bots. Psst! Man! their nothing more then Knock-offs of the transformers. I don't even know why they ever Existed.. >:-(


If Mahou shoujo genre crosses with Mecha genre now that be awesome if you think about it. I can see it being like Power Ranger/Super Sentai just with flashy powers and the mechs would be more feminine.

  Hidden Content

Thanks. ^_^


What did you do after school?
How would you describe it?
One thing that never make again?
What happened the last time you cried?
If you could live anywhere in the world what would it be?
Do you have a strange habit?
An experience that you do not live deeply disappointed?
If you knew that you will die in a week, what would you do?
Do you believe in karma?
Your favorite TV show as a child?
Something about what you're superstitious?
Is the best gift you've received?
Does the scariest experience you've had so far?
What has been your worst nightmare?
If only you could have a hobby, what would it be?
What is your favorite word?
How would you describe yourself in 3 adjectives?
If you had to transform into one of your friends, who would it be and why?
What 3 things you appreciate most in a person?
If you could buy one thing, what was, what would you buy?
What is the last book you've read?
If you could be an animal, what would you be?
If you could learn to do something new, what would you choose?
Are you one of those who would sacrifice the life of one person to save a hundred?

LOL! well currently Im not in school (until I earn enough Money to go back to college). But i can tell what I do after work which is get on my PC checking my E-Mail, Hang-out in MFFA, I admit I do sometimes go to sleep after a long day at work. I do some cooking and if I have to take a walk around the Graveyard I live by now. :-)

One thing I always keep in mind is to never keep your eyes off of food when you cook ( I almost burn my family house down long time ago )..... -_-

The last time i cried My Uncle past away that was like 3 years ago. :-(

If I want to live in another country it be Japan. :-D

Hmm... I don't really have any strange habits but i do like to clean my ears twice a day.

Well that experience is getting shot down by Woman even doe I try and things go well but I fail at it (Maybe they think I'm creepy :-P). But I don't let get to me cause im type of guy that keeps rolling in life.

If theirs a time when I'm near my death more likely spend the rest of my days with my Family. :-)

Yes i do believe in Karma (even doe im not religious) but I do believe what a person does in his life can impact the future on them selfs and others.

My favorite TV show as a child is the Transformers (80's and 90's) series

Im not the superstitious  type but I do believe in good and Bad luck in some cases. :-P

Ah! the best gift i received was my old Ps2 that my older-sister gave me as a graduate-student from Elementary school. :-)

The scariest experience i just had when I almost got Ramed between two trucks on the road. Man! I didn't see that coming. :-S

My worst Nightmare when I was dreaming about geting fired from a well paid job I have now. It be devastating if it came true.

If i have the time and earning more money My Hobby would be building and enhancing PCs, laptops. :-)

My favorite word is 'Awesome' of course.

Well in three words I can describe my self as Ambitious, Self-motivated, and Brave

Well I don't have Many friends but if I would be like someone in MFFA it have to be either Ricepigeon or Ryoucchi.  They are cool and intelligent guys and they are also very helpful to others. :-)

What I like to a person is to be respectful, responsible, and Helpful

Well If like to buy something that would be more Computer parts. for upgrading PCs and Laptops.

That Last book I read was "Sherlock Holmes" I need to read that agian its been awhile. :-)

If I was animal I be a Wolf.

If I want to learn something new that would be Gardening.

If their was a situation that looks grim then I would sacrifice my life for them so those people can live longer for they're future.


What is the part of your body do you like?

About this question...

Hidden Content

if you do not want to answer some of the questions, there is no problem Mr.Galvatron, no one is forcing respond and thank you for your attention.

Eh... well i be straight forward my fav part of my body is my face. I like it when my beard grows to a sudden point I have to shave it. During winter times I let my beard grow to a point that people think I'm a lumber Jack. LOL! XD


  What is your opinion about the questions I asked you?


relievedplz_zps5x8jrjmi.gif [whew!] I be honest with you your questions are pretty personal and deep but a least that give ya and others the idea what type of guy i'm. I actrully didn't mind at all.


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[Day 4 (Final)]

Woah!....... didn't expect alot of questions for my last day.  O_O

Well.....{cracks knuckles}....Here goes!.. I'll try to answer them straight and simple as possible..

Favorite fighting games: 'Super Street Fighter 2 turbo (original/HD remix); SFA3; Marvel vs. Capcom series ; CvS series ; KOF series.

Favorite Touhou games: TH6-Embodiment of Scarlet Devil ;  TH7.5-IMP ; TH10.5-SWR

Favorite types of games: RPGs, and Fighting

Favorite game series: Pokemon

Now when I first got in to gaming i was about 4 years old. My mother love playing Pac-Man on old Atari so I got in to it as well. When My mother brought NES/Famicom system I was playing the First 'Super Mario Brothers' game I was able to beat it (though took me 10 tries LOL). Then when the first "Legend of Zelda" came around I was playing it so much also the "The Adventure of Link". Then Around 1991 I went to the arcades I played the first SF game It was awesome. :-)

Its all good! No worries. :-)


I admit even doe I'm a transformers fan but The Gundam series to me has the best designs I see for mechs.

Now the worst design ones to me are the Go-Bots. Psst! Man! their nothing more then Knock-offs of the transformers. I don't even know why they ever Existed.. >:-(


If Mahou shoujo genre crosses with Mecha genre now that be awesome if you think about it. I can see it being like Power Ranger/Super Sentai just with flashy powers and the mechs would be more feminine.

Thanks. ^_^


LOL! well currently Im not in school (until I earn enough Money to go back to college). But i can tell what I do after work which is get on my PC checking my E-Mail, Hang-out in MFFA, I admit I do sometimes go to sleep after a long day at work. I do some cooking and if I have to take a walk around the Graveyard I live by now. :-)

One thing I always keep in mind is to never keep your eyes off of food when you cook ( I almost burn my family house down long time ago )..... -_-

The last time i cried My Uncle past away that was like 3 years ago. :-(

If I want to live in another country it be Japan. :-D

Hmm... I don't really have any strange habits but i do like to clean my ears twice a day.

Well that experience is getting shot down by Woman even doe I try and things go well but I fail at it (Maybe they think I'm creepy :-P). But I don't let get to me cause im type of guy that keeps rolling in life.

If theirs a time when I'm near my death more likely spend the rest of my days with my Family. :-)

Yes i do believe in Karma (even doe im not religious) but I do believe what a person does in his life can impact the future on them selfs and others.

My favorite TV show as a child is the Transformers (80's and 90's) series

Im not the superstitious  type but I do believe in good and Bad luck in some cases. :-P

Ah! the best gift i received was my old Ps2 that my older-sister gave me as a graduate-student from Elementary school. :-)

The scariest experience i just had when I almost got Ramed between two trucks on the road. Man! I didn't see that coming. :-S

My worst Nightmare when I was dreaming about geting fired from a well paid job I have now. It be devastating if it came true.

If i have the time and earning more money My Hobby would be building and enhancing PCs, laptops. :-)

My favorite word is 'Awesome' of course.

Well in three words I can describe my self as Ambitious, Self-motivated, and Brave

Well I don't have Many friends but if I would be like someone in MFFA it have to be either Ricepigeon or Ryoucchi.  They are cool and intelligent guys and they are also very helpful to others. :-)

What I like to a person is to be respectful, responsible, and Helpful

Well If like to buy something that would be more Computer parts. for upgrading PCs and Laptops.

That Last book I read was "Sherlock Holmes" I need to read that agian its been awhile. :-)

If I was animal I be a Wolf.

If I want to learn something new that would be Gardening.

If their was a situation that looks grim then I would sacrifice my life for them so those people can live longer for they're future.


Eh... well i be straight forward my fav part of my body is my face. I like it when my beard grows to a sudden point I have to shave it. During winter times I let my beard grow to a point that people think I'm a lumber Jack. LOL! XD



relievedplz_zps5x8jrjmi.gif [whew!] I be honest with you your questions are pretty personal and deep but a least that give ya and others the idea what type of guy i'm. I actrully didn't mind at all.



these people you trust and not worry about anything Mr.Galvatron, thanks for answering. ; )



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Burgers or hotdogs?

Burgers but I dont eat them that often these days. :-P

Best moments you've had on the forum?

The best moment is when I was in chat and there was a conversation about Hentai/Ero anime I mentioned about Bible Black and Laharl was freaking out at that point  he dosn't want us to start talking about it which I didn't blame him. It was so funny LOL! XD .


these people you trust and not worry about anything Mr.Galvatron, thanks for answering. ; )

No problem Mimizuki. ^_^


Well its been past 4 days so Im going to pass it to GarchompMatt LOL!



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  • Why you no play Singles?
  • Any other metagames you interested in besides Doubles OU?
  • Spikes Skarmory or Defog Skarmory?
  • Because I find it uninteresting. Doubles allows teammates to cover each other and it's less about baiting and prediction. Also, Trick Room doesn't work anywhere near as well in Singles BSKy1GJ.png
  • OU? Call me stupid, but I don't believe any of the Pokémon I use in my proper doubles team exceed even UU :s
    I'll prolly just stick with doubles and my predictable Tricky Rooms.
  • Fainted Skarmory.

1. What Pokemon do you prefer over Skarmory? (Feel free to name as many as you want.)

2. Do you like any other RPGs more than Pokemon?

  • In terms of design, I do like Skarmory, but as an opponent being used by RicePigeon, I despise it. In terms of what I prefer over Skarmory, there are far too many to list.
  • I'm quite fond of the Mario & Luigi series and I have played Project X Zone (if you count tactical RPGs), but they're not my go-to genre of games so I guess not. Never once touched a Final Fantasy game :P
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