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While I think that Clownpiece is a pretty neat design, there's one thing I don't understand:

Why...does her dress has an American Flag theme on it? What does clowns have to do with USA? Am I missing some kind of japanese pun or something?

Clownpiece is a fairy of hell.
Clownpiece's attire looks like the American flag.
Clownpiece holds a torch akin to the Statue of Liberty.

America confirmed to be hell BSKy1GJ.png

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Clownpiece is a fairy of hell.Clownpiece's attire looks like the American flag.
Clownpiece holds a torch akin to the Statue of Liberty.

America confirmed to be hell BSKy1GJ.png

That would explain a lot of things, to be honest. :}

still better than tewi

Damn right!

But why are you comparing Tewi with Clownpiece? That would be like comparing apples with rocket launchers.

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Clownpiece is a fairy of hell.

Clownpiece's attire looks like the American flag.
Clownpiece holds a torch akin to the Statue of Liberty.

America confirmed to be hell BSKy1GJ.png

Wow you said it better then me LOL! XD

whats shocking me is she cause quite the buzz on the net and her popularity is growing day by day. In this rate she going to out do Cirno.


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Imma now start a petition to bring back flash embeding to MFFA, and with it, pirates! Who's with me?

So Ryon disabled a feature that not only allowed you to autoplay annoying music but also potentially enabled someone to compromise a gmod's account AND, upon further testing, allowed you to insert site redirection onto posts in order to redirect the forum to a fake FBI seizure notice, and the first thing you say is that you want that feature back?

I'm not understanding the logic here.

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Nope. That'd be Wikia BSKy1GJ.png

I try not to.

For probably pushing something important out of my mind as a substitute :s

thanks for your reply and you sarcasm ; )

And they say Japan is weird...

It is not to say that Japan is the only place weird in the world, but has the 1st position in this category.

While I think that Clownpiece is a pretty neat design, there's one thing I don't understand:

Why...does her dress has an American Flag theme on it? What does clowns have to do with USA? Am I missing some kind of japanese pun or something?

btw, you put a comment on my "status feed" I hate someone ¿who is?, fictional character or a member? (and I do not hate any member of this forum)

still better than tewi

Tewi even Cirno, They are better and i dont know to admit this was one of the hardest things I ever said in my life.

To feed some shitty sense of humor, i guess.



I do not understand it too well them, and they have against the Month September???


somehow, it's worse the third option.
I think I would be alone.

sorry for my English need to improve a bit, and hope nobody was offended by this, I was honest and respectful guys. ; )

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