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Well, I will be brief and honest, I have a date with a girl tomorrow, speak more than a month, she found me in gmail, and in my gmail I have my current (where I currently live) location and we have been talking about, well she puts topics as some know I can not talk, even in chat.

The point is not so much about dating, but I guess I should behave well that's obvious and pay the bill, and also it was she who invited me, I was not that the invite.

a bit about her:

-23 Years (three years older than me)
-She is quite sensitive to various aspects that I noticed.

and will be in place that never in my life thought something like this would happen.

A Maid Cafe

I need are some tips from you, if I could help it.¿is a little weird to do a post about this, do not you think ?.

Appreciate the help : ) 

this is something embarrassing for me,only a bit.

I will tell you how it came after the date.

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best advice i can give u as someone who is married , 


Be Yourself, dont be rigid & try to put yourself as someone else or as the person u think she wants u to be , & if she invited u, offer to pay, but give her a chance to, if shes as sensitive as u say she is ( like my wife was & still kind of is) she might be insulted if u just come out & be like i got this ,but just talk to her,how u have online ( i met my wife in yahoo metal/punk Chatroom 6 years ago) ... after a few months of talking we met in person,were married a few months later & have two kids now , so ...........it sounds cheasy , But just be u, which is the person she likes 

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best advice i can give u as someone who is married , 


Be Yourself, dont be rigid & try to put yourself as someone else or as the person u think she wants u to be , & if she invited u, offer to pay, but give her a chance to, if shes as sensitive as u say she is ( like my wife was & still kind of is) she might be insulted if u just come out & be like i got this ,but just talk to her,how u have online ( i met my wife in yahoo metal/punk Chatroom 6 years ago) ... after a few months of talking we met in person,were married a few months later & have two kids now , so ...........it sounds cheasy , But just be u, which is the person she likes 

Thanks Bratos. ; )

That's ridiculous, a gentleman always pays!

as I said before, I never had a date, besides that I never thought would happen, but there are several problems, but I'll see how it goes.


then I tell them how was it. still a half hour from now.

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There was a list somewhere of what ladies like about a guy. I remember some stuff, maybe this can help.

Ladies like guys with a scars, very appealing to them, they also like guys who tilt their heads back (Don't do it too much!!!) something about appearing taller or confident with that one? Also ladies like guys who are nice to their moms. A lot of women like guys with good cars, not cheap and old or super expensive, but good. They also prefer guys with at least 2 credit cards, no more and no less. They don't like cheap but they also don't like overly sleazy.

Weird info there but apparently that's what women are into. A sense of humor is also good but make sure it's tasteful, not offensive or rude and again don't overdo it. Also if women play with their hair or show their palms a lot, it means they like you according to studies. So take it easy after that. Simple hygiene is important to.

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I wouldnt go about the list honestly.

sure it states all the GOOD THINGS, but you need to know where you guys stand with each other first.

like now I'm married so I pay majority of the time since my wife doesnt work for as much money as I do.

and when she didnt work before I still paid, its the nice thing to do.

but you don't nessesarily need to.

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and now the Cayne answers because these nerds (Ryon,Ax) aren't helping you at all.

She's three years older than you and into cosplay which means she is most likely more mature than you and is very confident (I know a lot of females who body shame themselves out of cosplay) you have to play this at the angle that best suits you. The first date is the most important moment of your entire relationship up until the first dip in her pudding (unless that happens on the first date, which would put her in "homegirl I bust up er now then because she's too easy to wife" zone) Be yourself but make sure yourself is the same person she's been chatting with, most people assume an Identity when speaking in forums or online (Most trollers are really pussies in the real world) so thats what you have to consider when speaking to one another otherwise you'll look fake. Never let the night be so quiet you have time to think, if you cant think of something to say ask her about HER. Women talk about themselves all freaking day, whether its a bad home life or an awesome career, you spin that shit like a top. If she has Daddy issues speak on becoming a great father, if she feels unattractive tell her your wood is knocking the table right now:troll: jk jk. Let her know that she couldn't be wronger. I don't care what anyone else tells you brah, you pay that gotdamn bill like a Muthfuckin pimp and brush that shit off. If she says she gots this  you hit her with something like "Naw bae, you get it next time" this is the moment brah. If she agrees to this that means the probability of a 2nd date is high. Not guareented, but possible. I also have follow up protocols if you like, trust me I have done the R&D.

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Well guys I went back over an hour ago, now tell them what happened with some level of detail:

I was late to arrive and other problems delayed me almost 20 minutes to find a meeting place. good was weird being in a maid cafe, seriously with presentation and everything, I sat at an empty table and I waited a while. as he arrived, one of the employees approached me and started a small conversation, I told him I was waiting for someone who was to invite me here and told him I was not quite used to this kind of places and also on a date, as expected Drink several chamomile tea (he was good, drink tea relaxes me a lot), just in case I had a little card with my name so she knew it was me (the point is that we never saw and this would be the first time to meet me in person), I take time to arrive, what good is that if it was a girl, when I come greet us and we shook hands and started talking, well I was pretty good in the conversation, she at one point I said the feelings you had for me, but I had to be honest it was not looking for anything beyond a friendship that was asexual, but I told her we could still be friends and she was a great girl, very lively, with a great confidence in herself, and I hope you find your "soul mate" (an expression that is used, right?) and 

and I hope we can be friends, I thought that would take it well, unfortunately it was not so, but not very serious, he thanked me for being honest and then pay the bill and pay for her to go home and said he would think about what I said and I would consider it later as it was not an appropriate, well when I said goodbye and thanked for the service (the place was not bad, good service and very creative i must admit), then you buy something to do at home and take a taxi back to my home, and while writing this took you, well honestly is the seventeenth while rejecting me but I'm used to that, I do not get really upset about that and I am optimistic, but I'll see after passing, thanks guys for advice and for the support.

Sorry for the english (not sure if I'm wrong a lot to write, but hey, I'm getting better).

Thank you for reading.

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OK. Are you the man or woman? because your response had the date being both genders.

Well, Ryon and you explained it.

he is a man she was a women.

his bad english makes him miss the S.

he's no gay.

Thanks and Im sorry again, that happens when certain parts of the text have to rely on a translator.

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Well you did your best.
I been shot-down by woman so many times I lost count. (My luck-rate with Woman like 10%) -_-

I know you will find a soulmate that will understand and love you one day. :-)

although nothing is not about love, if you know you will find it.

99 percent of internet relationships never make it outside browser anyway.

<-----   1%  That made it :=D:

Well, I think that I am part of the 1%, but still not for me, have a "girlfriend" only I just looking for friends.

My "contact" after talks she decided not to come back to talk. and another ting,

Another fact,i dont know why, but many girls see me, some even seem to follow me, but especially in college, often cross with me every day and not stop looking at me, well I'll have to be direct and to tell him "no", before she wants to say something on the subject of "boyfriends", i hope you do not take it wrong somehow.



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