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Sceptile by Jetgoshi and Dylanius9000


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My Turn.

-Mis-aligned hitsparks here and there on his standing/crouching normals.


-Iron tail is recoverable (manually, or it if you turn training's recovery "on").

-Quick attack is also recoverable (same conditions).

-Iron tail has both a mis-aligned hitspark/blockspark.


-"Acrobatics" has a mis-aligned blockspark.


-Dragon Breath has a mis-aligned blockspark.


-And speaking of blockspark, why is it in his mouth during Solar Leaf Storm?


-Mega Sceptile has a mis-aligned hitbox in that "rocket tail" of his.


-Just for an added bonus: When I 1st looked inside his files to check out his readme, I noticed it's all empty except for a
def, a pic, and a readme.


I was getting confused to why, until I realized this: They're all hidden.


Mind if I ask why you (or Jetgoshi) did this?


1: I probably should pay more attention to the hitsparks then.
2: Huh. And I thought its Dragon Tail was "safe as all balls" as Matt said on the thread on that other forum.
3: I don't know why the hitspark is in its mouth during Solar Leaf Storm, honestly. I was TRYING to make it go towards the opponent, but that's just the projectile's work.
4: The enemy has a "misaligned" blue hitbox under the stage as they're flying, so that it connects with the "misaligned" hitbox on Sceptile's tree missile.
5: ...Okay, so I admit it. I went a little bit overkill in trying to protect Jetgoshi's character.

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I think he was referring more to the fact that Sceptile can be either male or female, not so much the wiki drama, even though in-game, Sceptile's gender ratio is 7 males for every 1 female, so calling it a male isn't that absurd based on that reasoning.

Besides, there's more important things to discuss here than a character's gender, like actual gameplay perhaps? Stick to that from here on or I'll be forced to start deleting posts & handing out warnings. This includes stuff about going overboard to protect the character from silly vore edits; if you're going to post about advocating creator's rights and stuff like that then don't post. Stick to the character please.

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I think he was referring more to the fact that Sceptile can be either male or female, not so much the wiki drama, even though in-game, Sceptile's gender ratio is 7 males for every 1 female, so calling it a male isn't that absurd based on that reasoning.

Yeaaaah, the Sceptile's gender is currently ambiguous, so the "character version" stuff from the database isn't the cause of the gender-neutral pronouns.

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Well, in the readme file (readthisreadthat.txt), it says the character's gender is "Male, I s'pose (because gender ratios and stuff)", so.... not that ambiguous.

Er, anyway...

Has anyone else mentioned the oddity of Quick Attack being a charge move?  Maybe I'm thinking about it wrong, but it seems like it should be a non-charge move, to be able to actually take advantage of its "quickness".   Or, to put it another way - it's supposed to always go first, but how can it go first if you have to sit there charging it while the opponent acts?

Not really a problem per se, just an oddity.

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Well, in the readme file (readthisreadthat.txt), it says the character's gender is "Male, I s'pose (because gender ratios and stuff)", so.... not that ambiguous.

Er, anyway...

Has anyone else mentioned the oddity of Quick Attack being a charge move?  Maybe I'm thinking about it wrong, but it seems like it should be a non-charge move, to be able to actually take advantage of its "quickness".   Or, to put it another way - it's supposed to always go first, but how can it go first if you have to sit there charging it while the opponent acts?

Not really a problem per se, just an oddity.

1: Oh yeaaah...forgot about that. my bad ^-^
2: Doesn't Ash Crimson have a charge move that works like that? It even uses the same command (Though he can't use it in the air).

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Although Dilly is aware of my feedback, I'll post it up here for those who didn't see it:

-Heavy Bullet Seed misses in the corner.
-Standing y is +5 on hit, +6 on block.
-Crouching x is +6 on hit, +7 on block.
-EX Iron Tail is +12 on block. Safe as all balls.
-Acrobatics is +4 on block.

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2: Doesn't Ash Crimson have a charge move that works like that? It even uses the same command (Though he can't use it in the air).

His point was that Quick Attack is supposed to be fast(it usually goes first in the games), so being a charge move just seems weird. I guess.

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His point was that Quick Attack is supposed to be fast(it usually goes first in the games), so being a charge move just seems weird. I guess.

If it makes you feel better, one of the move's inspirations (The aforementioned Ash's Germinal Caprice) moves across the screen quickly during it's active frames. Quick Attack is air usable, though.

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His point was that Quick Attack is supposed to be fast(it usually goes first in the games), so being a charge move just seems weird. I guess.

Yeah, exactly.  Going by the game mechanics that Quick Attack almost always goes first (regardless of either character's Speed stat), it seems like it should be a quick command so you can use it to pre-empt enemy attacks, not one that requires holding and waiting.

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Yeah, exactly.  Going by the game mechanics that Quick Attack almost always goes first (regardless of either character's Speed stat), it seems like it should be a quick command so you can use it to pre-empt enemy attacks, not one that requires holding and waiting.

Some liberties had to be taken.

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Yeah, but he wanted to say that attacks with small start-up time should get large recovery time in order to be balanced again.

You really should learn to read between the lines.

Oops. My mistake.
Quick Attack DOES have a bit of recovery time...At least, on the ground. In the air, it depends on the vertical height.

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Here's a video where I play as Sceptile. He's a fast and fun 5 button character, I didn't show his other EX hypers and his grab, but he's a great new char. Aside from Zoroark, many people want him in Smash as a new Pokerep. 

Wait a second...Kuu's a shoto? AND it has a shirikodama-grabbing throw?
I thought only japanese human beings had shirikodama stuffed up their rear end, not gigantic reptiles with a tree for a tail! Also, isn't shirikodama removal fatal or something?

Ugh....Keep the conversation to about Sceptile, not Kuu.... >-<
Aaanyway, I'm glad you like Sceptile.

Also, hate to break it to ya, but the Pokéball item prevents Zoroark from competing.
Sceptile may still have a chance as a Smash Ballot winner, though.

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I know Zoroark's a Pokeball Pokemon in Smash, and I think the only thing Sceptile's missing is more voices, but his regular cry's fine. His AI's good. Some other moves I used in other battles were his Bullet Seed and Solar Beam specials. You both did a great job on him, he may not make to Smash, but I'm glad to have him in Mugen. And yep, you are supposed to die after having your soul taken, but Kuu's a goofy parody 2ch version of a Kappa.

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I know Zoroark's a Pokeball Pokemon in Smash, and I think the only thing Sceptile's missing is more voices, but his regular cry's fine. His AI's good. Some other moves I used in other battles were his Bullet Seed and Solar Beam specials. You both did a great job on him, he may not make to Smash, but I'm glad to have him in Mugen. And yep, you are supposed to die after having your soul taken, but Kuu's a goofy parody 2ch version of a Kappa.

Technically Solar Beam's part of a level 3 hyper (Solar Leaf Storm) and not a special move.

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More feedback:

Sceptile's hurtboxes are rather inconsistent. In some animations, they're really lax and roughly cover the required areas, though they're really tight in others. Because of this, Sceptile can sometimes be hard to combo against, seeing as the difference in hurtbox placements between say its idle animation and its gethits change.



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Yep, that's his hyper, I ment. You know, I think he'd be the perfect candidate for a Grass Starter, since Ivysaur's gone. And about voices, there's a website called the Sounds Resource, I'm not sure if they have those specific voices for Sceptile though.

1: Eh, she and Squirtle might still have a chance to reunite with Charizard.
2: I'm pretty sure Sceptile didn't appear in a game with Pokéspeak in it, but if they did, maybe the voices weren't ripped yet.

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