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Rouga Zanma by R@CE AKIR@ & LANCEL


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uh, has something odd.

when i do this move:


This happens:



p2 goes flying away slowly until he disapears.

doesnt happen if you are at p2 side and does this move tho.


I dont know why that its doing that. Im sorry. I tried it on my end and I don't seem to be having the same issue with it. If anyone else has this problem then please let me know. As i don't know what might be causing this

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Thanks for the quick updates!


I dont know why that its doing that. Im sorry. I tried it on my end and I don't seem to be having the same issue with it. If anyone else has this problem then please let me know. As i don't know what might be causing this


Tested it against DivineWolfs Robert in MUGEN 1.0... p1 & p2 side.... Does NOT happen to me.

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Thanks for the quick updates!



Tested it against DivineWolfs Robert in MUGEN 1.0... p1 & p2 side.... Does NOT happen to me.


Hmmm, well lets just see if it happens again. If its there I want to figure out what's causing that. 


Anyway, sorry for all the updates back to back guys. I have to do this while I am in the mood to work on stuff and while im not busy. But at least you get the updates as soon as possible tho lol

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I tested in 1.1 and 1.0 and it worked with no problem....So I dont know man.

Probaby is the localcoords i set on the chars causes it.

i have chars at localcoord 426.66,320.66 (so they dont look big at HD resolution)





ok my bad set the localcoors back to normal and works fine -.- sorry

thx for sharing man

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You still have an infinite Napalm going on, even on the latest update. : /



You could have just told me about it with this that pic above alone instead of going through all of that trouble of making a video on youtube just to point something out. Awesome


This is most likely happened because I changed the velocity on one of the updates and it must have back tracked when I clicked the undo button. It's a simple fix, video wasn't really needed but ok its cool, thanks for pointing that out lol


I will update it tomorrow as it will give me more time to look more things over. 

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I thought I mentioned these in my previous Feedback:




But they're still there in this update.




-Divekick has a mis-aligned hitspark on contact.



-His HKs (standing and sweep) are unsafe. He can be hit a mile away from an opponent's attack if whiffed.



-There are 2 instances where he whiffs a throw (both ver), and suddenly cancels into one of his normals, even though I'm not pressing a button.


And btw, before I end this post:


Come see me in the chat. We need a talk right now, Mr.

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I actually did tweak those boxes if you go back and look at your past post. But i will refer to other chars to compare to see what you mean


-The standing and crouching hard kick i had adjusted the boxes but i guess i will look into that 

-Same with the Wild Wolf SharpShooter, the box needs to be big like that to make sure p2 gets hit.

-The punch, well i can tone that box down, but as  the velocity on it, i like it like that so it stays.


Gotta fix that kick spark, i didnt catch that, i thought it was good

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This board has been cleaned by Ryon.


Continue gaming folks!


on topic.


I actually like the character, especially the Yamcha wolf fang fist sound effects, but while going thru the character it sounded like Bloody Roar Yugo sounds, I also like how he flows, its very nice.


Regardless Its very fun to play. (Giving this message based on first release not updated version)

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-Adjust all Advance Frames on Standing and Crouching Normal Attacks
-Fixed Infinite Juggle on Napalm. Can only hit p2 one more time
-Adjusted both Collisions boxes on Normal Attacks to give Priority 
-Changed Whoosh sound of the Smash and Knuckle
-Changed Voice over during Smash
-Adjusted facing and positioning of Hitsparks on some attacks
-Changed Priority in Specials and Supermove Hitdefs to what they should be
- Tweaked Attack Collision box on Wild Wolf Sharpshooter to be smaller but enough to still hit bigger opponents
-Adjusted Dunk so now the harder the kick button the more start up time it has and the more damage it does
-Adjusted Both Collision Boxes on Fang/EX Fang so that it can have a wider range and also possibly hit smaller opponents
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Personally speaking, I strongly suggest you make EX Fang blockable as opposed to unblockable.

I mean the other EX moves should be fine, but EX Fang seems like it should be blockable instead.


Also, Knuckle (seeing as how it seems like a mid attack) should be blockable (as in close up, not as in part of the Smash, Knuckle, Fang chain) as opposed to being unblockable on a crouch guarding opponent.


EX Napalm is unblockable when close to a crouch guarding opponent.

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Hmm... (typically) I encountered the oddest of glitches; when performing his ground punch, the attack doesn't connect properly.


(Note: I am using Mugen 1.1)

I didn't encounter this on my end and I use mugen 1.1 as well but I will try to still check it out to see what the problem is. Thanks
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Rad to see you still kicking R@ce! 



Hmm... (typically) I encountered the oddest of glitches; when performing his ground punch, the attack doesn't connect properly.




(Note: I am using Mugen 1.1)

Those weird error's come with using localcoords, main reason I just switched back to 480p today. It's annoying trying to find/fix all those errors 

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