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Bridge of Deception (1.1)


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So this is an update to one of my first stages
Unfortunately for some users it's 1.1 only :L I HIGHLY doubt there will be a 1.0 version of this update happening. so i apologize in advance.
SO with that said, here's some pictures.
It comes with zoom enabled and it has relatively decent super jump. The camera doesn't move a whole lot for those of you who dislike that.
just put a ; before zoomin = 1 and zoomout = .8 OR change zoomout = .8 to zoomout = 1
simple as that.
There's instructions on how to make it compatible with widescreen in the DEF if you use widescreen.
Here's two links:
Enjoy  :)
(Credit to davismaximus for the floor)
(Credit to GLB for helping me out with feedback and basically walking me through a lot. and also the lightening stuff.)
(Credit to Markpachi for testing out the stage and giving feedback.)
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