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[WiiU/3DS/NS] Super Smash Bros

~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

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Besides he's the closest thing we have to a non-human newcomer that isn't that overrated ugly-ass frog.

Why is it that you seem to act exactly like the stereotypical furry? I am not surprised at Pac-Man being in the game. It's nice, in fact. I'm not the biggest fan of Greninja, but it's nice to see a non-gimmick Pokémon character in there for once. Not all Pokémon have to be fat and/or Lucario :U


Also, does the end of Pac-Man's trailer confirm Game & Watch? Please be true!!


Oh yeah:



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GarchompMatt, on 11 Jun 2014 - 06:31 AM, said:

Why is it that you seem to act exactly like the stereotypical furry?


Let's not start a fight please.


Also, which Pokemon exactly were gimmick Pokemon characters besides Pokemon Trainer?


Sweetfire13, on 11 Jun 2014 - 06:46 AM, said:

I can't really say that I'm surprised at the inclusion of Pac-man since Bamco was working on it, it's really pleasant though.

At least it's not that Ghostly Adventure Pac-Man 


and yeah, Mr G&W is in


I haven't played Brawl, but people always called him a low tiered character in Melee, but I actually found him to be quite easy to play as. Same with Yoshi, another character that seemed to get flack for being low-tiered.

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Let's not start a fight please.

Don't be so closed-minded then.



Also, which Pokemon exactly were gimmick Pokemon characters besides Pokemon Trainer?

Gimmick and/or awful.


Lucario was a gimmick and quite slow.

Mewtwo was floaty and pretty bad.

Pichu was a weaker version of Pikachu that hurt itself.

Jigglypuff become more of a gimmick, relying on that down-B of hers.


So yeah. Pikachu and Greninja are pretty much the only Pokémon characters that aren't tied down to a gimmick and are actually good. Jigglypuff used to be pretty good, but then they screwed her over :c


Also, just one last thing in regards to Greninja...


Frogs look ugly.

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Don't be so closed-minded then.



Gimmick and/or awful.


Lucario was a gimmick and quite slow.

Mewtwo was floaty and pretty bad.

Pichu was a weaker version of Pikachu that hurt itself.

Jigglypuff become more of a gimmick, relying on that down-B of hers.


So yeah. Pikachu and Greninja are pretty much the only Pokémon characters that aren't tied down to a gimmick and are actually good. Jigglypuff used to be pretty good, but then they screwed her over :c


Also, just one last thing in regards to Greninja...


Frogs look ugly.


I cannot just hypnotise myself into having an interest in characters I don't find interesting. Plus I know I say that sort of stuff a lot, which is why I hide that text so it's not the main focus of my posts.


Haven't played as Lucario so I couldn't tell you. They might fix him in SSB4. You never know.

I tried seeing positives in Mewtwo, but... I'm sorry, he really does suck. I wouldn't call him a gimmick character, though.

I suppose.

I dunno if I'd really call her a gimmick character either, since she still has traditional gameplay. And again, they might fix her in SSB4 (assuming the rumor that all the original 12 characters are returning is true).


Now that Charizard's going it alone this time, things might be different. I don't know.


Also, I think real frogs are kind of cool.

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I haven't played Brawl, but people always called him a low tiered character in Melee, but I actually found him to be quite easy to play as. Same with Yoshi, another character that seemed to get flack for being low-tiered.

G&W was pretty low-tier in melee but in Brawl he pretty much defined mid-tier. And that's just how the competitive scene is.



Don't be so closed-minded then.



Gimmick and/or awful.


Lucario was a gimmick and quite slow.

Lucario's only real Gimmick was his aura, even then he's not dependent on it at all. otherwise he's a pretty balanced fighter.



Frogs look ugly.

fite me irl

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I can't really say that I'm surprised at the inclusion of Pac-man since Bamco was working on it, it's really pleasant though.

At least it's not that Ghostly Adventure Pac-Man 


and yeah, Mr G&W is in


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Someone sounds bitter from Shadow being confirmed as an assist trophy :troll:

Yeah and the funny thing is I warned people here that he was gonna get confirmed as an assist trophy, but speaking of assists does anyone have a screenshot of magnus? I heard over at MFG he was confirmed as a Assist trophy they posted a link to a video but I didn't see him... Also Mario Sonic Megaman Pac-man, just wow its the 90's all over again. I hope Mr.Game & Watch is really returning not just making a cameo. Also did anyone catch Dark Pit Pit two at the end of palutina's trailer? I hope hes not a character because that would be stupid.

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Slightly disappointing that the other Mega Men don't change colour with the main one, but it's not really a problem.

Yeah that was a bummer but hey I don't care Megaman is awesome as he is.

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