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[Full Game] Sonic Speed Fighters 2


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Well, I'm sure some of you noticed I kept posting something about a sonic mugen fullgame. Time for me to actually explain it




As obvious, its a sequel to my first released sonic mugen Sonic Speed Fighters. Now here are the characters




Basically the game-play is pseudo mvc inspired, however its six-button. You can super jump and do an air combo, also you can parry.




Here's a video showcasing everyone's attacks.


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Aside from the fact that I could say MvC style is overdone many times by now, the screenshot below tells me your portraits are misalligned :




As you can clearly see, NFS's portrait is much lower placed than DSS's portrait. I know this game is not going to be done any time soon but before you release it completely, I suggest to fix this small issue.


Now that I'm thinking about it, where's the DL link to your first Speed Fighters, you swaggy squirtle?



P.S. I'm too lazy to look it up on your YT, deal with it.

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Actually, they're about the same height. It's just that NFS's portrait starts at the head where Dark Super Sonic's portrait starts at the socks, making it look off. I suggest using different portraits altogether to make it look more even.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry but who or what is fleetway super sonic?


Fleetway Super Sonic is basically an alternate take on Sonic's Super Sonic persona, featured in Sonic the Comic which is a UK publication by Fleetway (hence the name) Editions.


Quoted from the sonic wikia :


Super Sonic is a powered-up form of Sonic the Hedgehog, who appeared in Sonic the Comic, the UK publication by Fleetway Editions. Super Sonic is a psychotic demon-like entity who manifests himself in Sonic's body under conditions of extreme stress or exposure to Chaos Energy. Sonic frequently had to battle to keep this alter-ego in check, because Super Sonic's immense destructive powers, hyper-aggression, sadistic humour and lack of restraint frequently endangered innocent civilians and even Sonic's own friends. Indeed, Super Sonic seems to enjoy the prospect of killing Sonic's friends: in issue #184 he deliberately holds back to prolong the pleasure of killing them.

Super Sonic was created when Sonic absorbed a dose of evil energy that had been absorbed by the Chaos Emeralds.


More info here : http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Sonic_%28Sonic_the_Comic%29

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  • 1 month later...

ok just so everyone knows there is 1 character missing from sonic speed fighters 2, meaning i have not decided for this last one. because now i have 3 out of the 4 confirmed to be made now

here is obvious mockup(even though most likely the screen will look like that.)



as you can see, i need another idea for a character.


if you want, please suggest.

(if i shoot down what you say don't be discouraged to not give any more suggestions biggrin.png )


and yes those 3 characters will be started on soon.


as for who they are.............


i can't tell you that just yet :P

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Here Are Some ideas for the game :


-Ashura The Hedgehog




-Vector The Crocodile


-Ray The Flying Squirrel


-Mighty The Armadillo


-Mephiles The Dark


-Manic The Hedgehog

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What the hell does that do with anything? (If it's supposed to be a joke, it's lame)

Also Neo, no need to let your anger out over a (honestly) pretty terrible "Sonic". You can either ignore him, or use him as either a cameo or some kind of punching bag.

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What the hell does that do with anything? (If it's supposed to be a joke, it's lame)

Also Neo, no need to let your anger out over a (honestly) pretty terrible "Sonic". You can either ignore him, or use him as either a cameo or some kind of punching bag.


im not using him at all.


only things i'll let cameo are things that look cool to me.

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Okay, I know that you only add characters that you like...

...but is it really necessary to add a whooping 5 versions of the same character?

I mean, it's like you play a Street Fighter game, and you get 5 different versions of Ryu. Would you like to have something like that in a Street Fighter game?

Just giving my feedback, though. That's all.

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Wait, three?

I have:

-(True Blue) Sonic (couldn't you just call him Sonic like everyone else?)

-Dark Super Sonic (when did that ever happen in the game?)

-Fleetway Super Sonic

-Neo Fire Sonic (that Sonic doesn't even exist)

-that one char below Knuckles might be another version of Sonic

I was also tempted to say Z, but at least he doesn't have Sonic in his name, and he is the only one of the characters to use what seems to be a sword, so he would only need a design update, that would make him look less like Sonic in a cape with yellow stripes on his spikes.

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