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Obviously the M.U.G.E.N. Multiverse since that's where he comes from anyway.


Totally agree with your point of no matter how good a character looks, if it's gameplay is crap, it's a bad character. Gameplay above graphics, same goes with videogames. Even though I'll admit that CvS Link looks good, I greatly doubt it will be better than the one you poured so much time and effort into, Jonamite.

^This NJ.

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Can we just ban Ax?
He is literally flaming and being an outright asshole to people and telling them "Hey you made a good char,good job,but this here is 1000 times better and nobody is gonna play yours HAHAHA Im better than all of you HAHA" etc. etc. etc.

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Can we just ban Ax?

He is literally flaming and being an outright asshole to people and telling them "Hey you made a good char,good job,but this here is 1000 times better and nobody is gonna play yours HAHAHA Im better than all of you HAHA" etc. etc. etc.


Well its up to Ryon to ban him.

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Also take a look at the Link that is going to replace yours.



much CvS

so smooth



Yeah, that comment was downright arseholey. To be fair, KingCharz's Link is my personal favourite, so suck on that, Ax. You had nothing to do with that version.


Also, is it physically impossible to have more than one version of a character in your roster? Does adding a new one automatically delete the old one? I don't think so.

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Axking I am doing all I can right now to make sure you are banned for this. Your entire posts in this thread is downright horrible. You my friend have stepped over the boundary of feedback you say darkflare is bad? have you looked in a damn mirror lately? what you said has to be the most despicable thing I have ever read on this forum. I thought you might have a chance but nooooo you just threw all of that out the window with this my god. Even I was NEVER this bad.

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most important of the character is being made is the damn gameplay

 yea sure the sprites are cool when it comes to gameplay turn out to be bad 

(only those jerk ass collectors will get this!)

unlike the other one the sprites is a bit ok when it comes to gameplay is good/great

(most of the people like me will get that for those casual players who likes balance very much!)

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What was wrong with my post? And ban! Ban for what?!


I just gave feedback. I never rallied against someone's feedback on any of these threads to ban them for stuff they said to me. I don't get it? Others can tell me that I'm terrible but I can't tell others whether they are good or terrible?


btw what does mmv have to do with this? It sounds like someone is trying to start a flamewar over forums now. I'm just answering questions and giving my opinion when asked about it. (For the record I came from mfg originally and I've moved from forum to forum)




No please don't validate my point by ditching NJ's version....



You obviously missed the point entirely as well as NJ.


I was just showing NJ that with nothing unique in his version that his character will get replaced. Which apparently you just proved by your statement. Anyway, What's so bad about that? I'm just telling the guy that he better try harder to stay in the game. The same message I get from others, "Ax try harder because your characters lack...or aren't good because..." *paraphrasing of course because what was actually said involved cursing and was much worse towards me lol* Though I take it well and I say thanks for the feedback + I'll consider it. Then i move on.


NJ isn't taking my feedback well. Okay; moving on. Sorry I answered him. I won't give you feedback ever again. I closed it to with "no ill will" a.k.a. Peace.









In the end I am just encouraging NJ. My comments are being taken out of context and being made to look slanderous rather than the scenario it's being depicted in the example I gave.




Have I said darkflare is bad? Please don't put words in my mouth.

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We're yelling at your feedback cause you have no real room to talk, AxKing. I mean, I have been a bit nitpicky about move-sets before, but never did I act like a standard move-set automatically made something into crap. Like NJ said, he worked his end off making Link, which is more than you or anyone else can say about you, a person who pridefully half-jobs their work.

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Ax... I can't believe what you just said about people erasing Jonamite's Link as soon as your version comes out ... I'm sorry I have to say this and this is DEFINITELY NOT ME to go out like this... but you are one big jerk ass f*** who obviously don't give a damn about other people's hard works/creations. That was the most UNFORGIVABLE statement you made! In all my time on a MUGEN forum I have NEVER seen such a wit-less, cold, jerkass statement from someone like you! I may have the ability to make and release a character in a matter of hours but I will never say something like "Mine is better so people will never play yours again"! I look forward to see what the Boss has to say about your statement.

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I'm just going to take this opportunity to question why everybody bashes MFG for having too much drama when their AxKing release threads never went this bad.

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Because guild is full of insensitive dumdums who are just jelly because they never made any releases in their lives yet bash good creations and simply shouldnt download it if they don't like it and fuck orochiguild :troll:


EDIT: I just noticed this little gem:






I know copypasting other people's posts has always been his schtick but I can't stop LOL'ing at the irony of this. (wait... Darkmasao visits MFFA now?)

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The minute it comes out they're gonna delete yours


What a cunt thing to say towards an author who actually spends time updating and trying to put out the best product that he can


They couldn't delete it anyhow as their recycle bin is full of your characters


- please feel free to say what you want darkflare

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What a cunt thing to say towards an author who actually spends time updating and trying to put out the best product that he can

Ax...You've got some dope sprites. And I've recently seen promise in your stages. But that comment is bad, bro.


- please feel free to say what you want darkflare

Pandora's Box...has been opened.

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Ax... I can't believe what you just said about people erasing Jonamite's Link as soon as your version comes out ... I'm sorry I have to say this and this is DEFINITELY NOT ME to go out like this... but you are one big jerk ass f*** who obviously don't give a damn about other people's hard works/creations. That was the most UNFORGIVABLE statement you made! In all my time on a MUGEN forum I have NEVER seen such a wit-less, cold, jerkass statement from someone like you! I may have the ability to make and release a character in a matter of hours but I will never say something like "Mine is better so people will never play yours again"! I look forward to see what the Boss has to say about your statement.



I never said the new CVS Link (Zelda) coming out was mine. That's someone else doing that wip.


Also read the whole thing before jumping on the band wagon and see that my comment got completely taken out of context.




Well anyway, I'm used to being banned. I guess it won't matter :P

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recently posted on MMV and figured to cut and paste here....


- sprites look generally nice for the most part
- needs a proper 9000,1 port
- bad clsns
- many things misaligned
- loaded with infinites
- do not like the gameplay commands at all
- bad AI
- hyperport has colorloss, is ugly, and is misaligned
- on the hammer hyper, the sprites are inconsistent in sprite style
- stance needs animation
- no taunt
- standing LP, air MP and MK seem more like should be specials
- sff needs cleaning out from previous works
- frozen state refers to a template animation
- electrocuted state refers to a template animation
- with a comment like "mixing of various mario games", i thought the moveset would be more custom. but i thought it was pretty boring. at least would have liked to see something from mario kart, mario soccer and mario baseball.



edit (copy and paste first as wasnt sure if topic locked or not after zombie reply) :main reason for posting though....


i believe a comment Ax made being taken totally out of context. i'm pretty sure he was not referring to everyone in mugen should delete NJ's Link if a better one comes out. he was speaking personally. as you know, many people in mugen do not keep duplicate characters and often only keep the version they find the most fun. i don't personally believe that sentiment as i have numerous duplicates. i have a number of Links and think NJ's is the best currently. i was looking forward to his version of Joker and may have even made all new sprites to help him out in the future. went off on a tangent a little. my point is, many people don't keep duplicates, Ax is apparently one of them, and he was speaking personally when making that comment on the subject and not for all of Mugen.

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That Link sprite looks awfully familiar, isn't that C.v.s The Abstract's CvS Link sprite? I swear it is. I remember seening it over at the guild. If this is the case and your claiming it to be your own, its just sad. Cause we've all seen what you make. Shit and more shit. Day in and day out.





Proof is in the pudding...

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Yeah, what volzzilla said.


It's not the first time I brought this up to NJ either. I've encouraged him to make sprites himself and I even spent one on one time with him in private to show him what i do and guided him step by step to make something.


Since then though he hasn't continued to sprite and instead left it to others to do. A little disappointing but I still encourage him to do more.





When I started Link (Zelda) character, this new CvS Link was shown to me and I was seriously considering quitting my wip but then I decided, maybe if I tried doing different and more creative stuff that it be worth checking out.



I've suggested the same to NJ and he isn't taking it too well.






go up 5 posts and read my post where I say specifically that the CvS Link isn't mine. thx.

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Also read the whole thing before jumping on the band wagon and see that my comment got completely taken out of context.


Right, because saying "Once this one is finished, they're gonna delete your version" is totally being taken out of context.

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