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ohhh i have this stage too :D





many characters have been made too much in mugen. for ex, i've made multiple sonic's, and multiple shadow's.

but maybe, sometimes that person may want to make their own version of that character?





what is the best mario for mugen(not a well known one)

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No. And WILL you guys ever let go of the fact I like playing as Aaron Roulette? I like this guy because he AT LEAST tries. And another Mario came out of it. Which is good. DESPITE the quality. I still use other characters in Versus mode against the CPU, FYI. I collect characters to have fun with, too. I just use cheap characters in Arcade.

Your a fucking idiot to even think Ax even tries to make stuff decent and Ax has put ZERO to no effort in his creations let alone his sprite work. How can I put this? OH YEAH he doesn't even at least try at all. There's never been anything decent by Ax I'm done feddbaking to him he doesnt even listen! it's just a waste of my breath "well text at least".

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Axseeker pal listen to me, STOP making Nintendo characters your ruining them I told you this many times before.

It's only ruining them if you let it get to you. Stop thinking that Ax is worth your time and attention and your life will be so much easier.

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Although your releases appears to be interesting, they have multiple flaws.

I don't understand why you don't try to make your characters more enjoyable.

I'm a obscure maker myself, but I do my best to make my chars enjoyable.


You in other hand doesn't bother about fixing issues and it's the reason that you often get negative feedback.


I suggest you to work better otherwise it'll be always like this.


Anyway, what's the point of commiting the same mistakes all over again?

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*late because all you 'muricans or whatever party when I sleep*


I really don't know why people comment on these threads any more. We all know the character's going to be unplayable and it's never going to become playable, though there will always be the naive ones that hope the next character will be better. If Ax is doing this for the attention, why don't we just ignore him like we seemingly do with Wlan these days? Maybe then he'll rethink his "get it out there asap" attitude (or not). Perhaps he's just posting here knowing that the shitstorm will follow.


You're wasting your time testing the character out and finding ways to improve it because he's not going to listen to them and he's not going to update them. You're better off assuming the character is going to be as horrible as the last and any that follow.


Ax, I can't believe people like you exist; people that take no pride in their work whatsoever. Your characters are bad and you should feel bad.

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Axseeker pal listen to me, STOP making Nintendo characters your ruining them I told you this many times before.


Although your releases appears to be interesting, they have multiple flaws.

I don't understand why you don't try to make your characters more enjoyable.

I'm a obscure maker myself, but I do my best to make my chars enjoyable.


You in other hand doesn't bother about fixing issues and it's the reason that you often get negative feedback.


I suggest you to work better otherwise it'll be always like this.


Anyway, what's the point of commiting the same mistakes all over again?


I really don't know why people comment on these threads any more. We all know the character's going to be unplayable and it's never going to become playable, though there will always be the naive ones that hope the next character will be better. If Ax is doing this for the attention, why don't we just ignore him like we seemingly do with Wlan these days? Maybe then he'll rethink his "get it out there asap" attitude (or not). Perhaps he's just posting here knowing that the shitstorm will follow.


You're wasting your time testing the character out and finding ways to improve it because he's not going to listen to them and he's not going to update them. You're better off assuming the character is going to be as horrible as the last and any that follow.


Ax, I can't believe people like you exist; people that take no pride in their work whatsoever. Your characters are bad and you should feel bad.




I hate to admit about this to you Axseeker but these guys are right. even I as a Noob in mugen everyone  knows you have to put more efforts in your characters Though I know i have lots of things to learn myself however if you don't put forth-in-effort in making characters decent enough for people to enjoy then it won't be good.


But i can't say you have Potential Axseeker when you did your Donkey Kong I was quite impress though you should stick on updating him to make him more better. Even if you have to start from the basics just put more time on him Man!.




once again a 3 page list of arguing ................Why?  does it even matter anymore, Ax can/will release whatever he wants & do it how ever he wants & no amount of "complaining" about it is going to change it , so just don't anymore , its pointless & now all of u are arguing with each other for nothing , nothing at all , its not going to change any of this, news flash opinions are like Assholes , We All have one, ya like what ya like , u don't what u don't, Shits just pointless 

I agree with you Brock. I think we should lock this topic before things get out of hand.

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once again a 3 page list of arguing ................Why?  does it even matter anymore, Ax can/will release whatever he wants & do it how ever he wants & no amount of "complaining" about it is going to change it , so just don't anymore , its pointless & now all of u are arguing with each other for nothing , nothing at all , its not going to change any of this, news flash opinions are like Assholes , We All have one, ya like what ya like , u don't what u don't, Shits just pointless 

I can see an upside to it in that mffa getting more attention and interaction between members. Seems good for a mugen community to get posters and more activity. This is what they came for and they're enjoying it XD I think it's good that we're even talking as opposed to being on seperate forums badmouthing each other without ever knowing each other.




Although your releases appears to be interesting, they have multiple flaws.

I don't understand why you don't try to make your characters more enjoyable.

I'm a obscure maker myself, but I do my best to make my chars enjoyable.


You in other hand doesn't bother about fixing issues and it's the reason that you often get negative feedback.


I suggest you to work better otherwise it'll be always like this.


Anyway, what's the point of commiting the same mistakes all over again?

I do enjoy my characters, if I didn't then I would not make them. They have flaws but this is the best I can do right now with the time I have at the moment and with whatever I know so far. I'm still learning stuff as I go to.


I don't mind negative feedback,even if it's going to be like this all the time, I don't even think feedback is bad, it's a good thing whether given positively or negatively. Any kind of feedback is good and accomplishes multiple goals at once in informing others what they think about a character, what's good and what's wrong about it, whether they liked it personally or just hated the release, what bugs it has or how it coudl be corrected, what should be added or what should be removed, etc.


It's all useful info for both creators and downloaders.


BTW no one has ever told me how to fix an infinte, do you have any idea how to fix that? Also would you mind telling me how to remove the clonign issues with some of my characters. I get reports of the problem and that's good because I can catalogue what will be updated someday but I still can't figure some stuff out. Please help me or send me a pm or take the time to send someone over if you really wanna improve these releases and make your feedback more useful than it all ready is. Thanks.


How about the other creators that actually put more effort? Oh yeah forgot that. You won't like them because they didn't do your favorite shit.

Unfortunately this is true. I'm sorry no one likes your manga/anime/game characters that hardly anyone has ever really heard of but that's not anyone's fault; it's just the way it is. People will like some of my characters because they are popular, despite weak coding of copy/paste skill. I'm sure your works are wonderful and worthy of the best quality of gaming and that everyone should have your characters instead but they like Nintendo characters, comicbook related stuff, popularized anime/manga and videogame characters.


Don't feel bad that hardly no one downloaded top quality characters, it had nothing to do with Ax's characters taking away the attention from good releases. I know for a fact that at least 1 person will download any character. There are videos on youtube as proof as well as download counters on file hosting services and page views on forums w/ occasional comments, though not always.


What should matter to you more though is that you made a character and released it to the world and that should be enough. Why compare yourself to others? Not everyone wants the same stuff or cares so much for the same things. Just be happy and be satisfied.



btw why bother comparing great creators to me? If they are better then they don't need to compare to someone beneath their status and skills. If you're great and you know it then clap your hands and enjoy it. I keep reading I'm not worth the time yet all of you have given me hours of concern and some kind of admiration between hate. If I didn't know any better I say you all actually like me and my stuff a whole lot. Even the guys who say horrible things about me in other places often ask for my help, still download my stuff regardless of my track record, and even some of them, to my knowledge, visit my posts and home forum almost everyday. Probably more undercover lol



Excuse me if I'm wrong about this but so far I think all of you actually like me a whole LOT! :awesome I'm even doubting if all of you have even deleted my characters. Some perhaps because they posted that they have but others based on all the attention tells me otherwise!



Like a stalker fan LOL


"If I can't have you then no one will"



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Not that I expect you to understand, but I re-read Decade's post.


Would you kindly explain to me how can I not like something if I don't try it first?




What are the benefits on keeping silent about a bad creation vs. warning/providing feedback toward said bad creation?


Except, you never DID provide feedback. Almost NONE of you provided feedback except RicePigeon. And second, don't give me that "how can I not like it if I don't try it" shit ,c'mon Darkflare you posted in Ax's LAST thread and all you did is get a warning from ZombieBrock and told Ax he was living in a fantasy world. You have no right to even use that card when you're familiar with his work. Never, have I once witnessed you actually saying what was wrong with a character. At least, from my experience because i don't go actively seeking you out on a daily basis, nor do I intend to. It's called "Boycott" dude. I never said his work wasn't a piece of shit, but honestly since I'm not a Mugen Creator, I honestly couldn't really tell you much of what's wrong with it, since one, I didn't download it, and two I don't have any idea how much work goes into it. Obviously, you seem to have a grasp on what's wrong with Ax's work, so have you ever actually told him what's wrong with anything he's ever done, instead of going with everyone else and mindlessly bashing the character? when I know a good percentage of the people who post here haven't created anything once. I said a good percentage, some of you have. That's the point here Darkflare.


Let's be honest here, your argument of "warning people" is shit. Because who are you honestly kidding? everyone knows AxSeeker, his work was shunned by MFG in the same manner as here, except more actual MUGEN creators post there, and some, by some miracle actually DO post feedback. If we know his work has been bad in a pattern, constantly, I don't think he's going to change any time soon, and I think you'd agree with me. Except here we are Darkflare, here we are, once again telling Ax his work is shit, going on 4 page arguments, it is fucking RIDICULOUS how you people act. 



You guys need a damn wake up call, and I'll give it. Here's the short version. Everyone, who has downloaded AxSeeker's work and actually has some idea of what's wrong with it, just stop downloading, stop commenting, stop even being NEAR any conversation about his stuff. And I agree 100% with what Darkflare said, no more of this whole "NICE CHARACTER, WOW YOUR WORK IS AMAZING" shit. It doesn't matter if it's work by any "legendary" MUGEN creator, every character has at least some flaw or bug, and it needs to be pointed out, no more dick sucking, I'm looking at you guys who don't have any involvement in the MUGEN character creation process, coding, etc. You guys who bandwagon to make yourselves look good, you are NOT COOL. So stop doing it, because no one will ever give you a thought or take you seriously, just face it and be real. I am guilty of this, so I will try and better myself to stop myself from doing this. And, to prove my point here, you'll never see me post on an AxSeeker thread again. And those of you, who have the sense to not have your head up your own ass, and get what I'm putting down, please do the same. Boycotting works just fine. Worked with ME3's ending, well kinda, the Xbox One, etc. If a creator is truly bad, he will either be shunned and eventually leave the community forever, which has happened to bad creators and shitty people before, or he will wake up, and smell the damn coffee and improve himself. If enough people stop caring enough to even say anything, it will leave an effect. And, THAT was definitely not the short version. But I think I've made my point. You won't see me on an Ax thread again. Nothing would change anyway, because I've barely ever commented on any of his work to begin with. Don't bother replying because I won't give a response. Just suck up your damn foolish pride people, and accept what I've said.

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