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In respone to this recent MFG topic.........


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Well, Daniel, you made some good points.  So, by your counter-examples do you agree source game accuracy in MUGEN is the most important thing when a MUGEN product is made from an existing video game right?  Any subtle inaccuracy like "can crouch while running" is absolutely unacceptable?


>> Also what do you mean by selfish MUGEN Pro's?

This is what I call selfish:

  - "Oh I want to use XXX from FTG2 in my MUGEN to fight YYY from FTG1.  But XXX hasn't been mugenzied yet.  What shall I do? 

      I can't wait any longer!"

  - "Well, make a request thread, or better, DIY."

  - "DIY?  It looks like a tough job for me!"

  - "I know FTG2 very well.  But I won't tell you how to mugenize XXX.  I also won't mugenize XXX and let people enjoy that."

  - "Alright, I DIY'ed XXX and I want to share it with people."

  - "Hey, you just ruined XXX.  Stop your MUGEN'ing now!"

  - "Sh!t!  You told me to DIY and you were not giving any help, and now I mugenized XXX you ask me to stop!? 

      Now can you mugenize a proper XXX please? Or at least improve my version?"

  - "No, ha ha.  Enjoy my e-bashing and e-haunting by the very me and my Pro's fellows from now on XD. 

      It's really funny to see you fall into this heh heh....."


So, do you mean a "Custom" label should be corrected to a "Inaccurate" label to make it clearer right?  Or can you suggest a more suitable label for describing something both "Custom/Styled" and "Inaccurate" please?

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Not really unacceptable, it just hinders the char a bit. However when the char has as least flaws as possible it's generally accepted, specially if the creator is willing to improve on some of these flaws. A good example I could bring up is Mouser's MvC chars, whilist loyal to the game a ton they have still a few mistakes here and there, but they get the game so right they are still generally accepted and are fun to play.

Also I think what you called "MUGEN Pros" is exaggerated... And it really sounds like a special case that only happenned to you, just saying. Generally people say someone botchers characters when they've done it constantly and show no willing to improve from their ways. Most people at MFG for example are very helpful if you're open to listen. true sometimes the advice seems harsh but hey, gotta take some stuff lightly, a few friendly sarcastic petty remarks don't hurt anyone.

I'd describe it like this: Custom for an original gameplay or merged from different games, Styled for some character that has a gameplay that comes from a game or, given these days, character maker. Inaccurate for a char that fails to be faithful to a game system it's trying ro recreate or be styled on.


OH ANOTHER THING! Something that's reccuring on custom characters is overloaded system mechanics, often reffered to as clusterfuck, this means when a character has too many things in its gameplay system, specially ones that clash or not go that well together, this is a problem many custom characters have and makes the characters feel gimmicky and makes them seem to have stuff only to impress, not for gameplay purposes.

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You have good reasoning than I do.  I do admit your reasoning.


Regardless my above example of "selfish MUGEN Pro's, you tricked me!", what do you think about the following situation?:


- "Okay you told me what I did wrong, now I am willing to correct that and make a patch for you, please download it so you can see

   all the corrections I made according to your advices.  Actually when people tell me to fix I will try my best to fix for them.  Just look

   at my release history posts"
- "No I am not going to download your patch.  I want you to stop MUGEN'ing."


So, if you don't call that a "selfish deed", then I have nothing say more.


>> Custom for an original gameplay or merged from different games, Styled for some character that has a gameplay that comes >> from a game or, given these days, character maker. Inaccurate for a char that fails to be faithful to a game system it's trying ro >> recreate or be styled on.

"Custom"/"Styled"/"Inaccurate" three(3) labels!  Man........too many.........I have to think of a word that can describe all three(3)..........I used "Boring" before but boss Ryon and Laharl asked me to change that...........


>> .....overloaded system mechanics.........clusterfuck........gimmicky.........only to impress, not for gameplay purposes

I heard of these statements before, but no one seemed to use the words more straight-forward than you did!  088.gif
Yours are just like a ......... sharp needle .......... ouch!  Very good lesson-learning material and session about this issue here...........

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The community tends to throw a fit over creations for the stupidest things indeed. They seem to forget Mugen is not a real KoF or CvS game, just a pastime. I mean, most creators aren't aiming for accuracy but rather their own, personal vision. It's like bashing people on DeviantArt because their doodles aren't 100% accurate to the source.


This is not an excuse for shitty coding or spriting, though.

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