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Thanks Ryoucchi!


So are you some kind of janitor? Or what do you mean with chores?


Yeah i'm a janitor, my chores is to clean up and updating the character section along with old man ZombieBrock, a certain kitchenware and a lazy shirtless guy (lol jk).

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OMFG! Laharl saying welcome to someone D:

That isnt natural.


Well anyway welcome to MFFA enjoy your stay and share what u feel u want to share :D




Well, now I feel all special and stuff  :goodmood: 

Thanks for the welcome!

hey look at that i got a name drop, and as Ryoucchi said i also am a house cleaner here , so if u need anything dont hesitate to ask Welcome To MFFA  


Go away, Zombiebrock replied to my introduction? XD


I found it to be fitting to mention a few people who, thanks to their passion and dedication, sparked the desire in me to contribute to and become a part of this community and you just had to be one of them !


By the way, why are you the Shogun of MFFA? Is it because you're part of the global staff? How did you even get your current position in the mugen community? If it's thanks to blood, sweat, tears and a lot of hard-drive crashes, I won't envy you  :=D: 

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I must humbly welcome you to MFFA, you will most certainly fit in here ^_^.


Much appreciated Kitsune!


Thanks for clearing up some questions for me in chat the other day. It was really nice to be spontaneously helped right from the get-go  =D


TLDR but welcome :P


You know what's funny? I almost fell out of my comfy chair when I saw YOU welcomed me!


Shame it was TLDR for you but thanks for checking it out in the first place ; )


Welcome to the coolest MUGEN forums place ever!  :hi:


>> ...........Winmugen back then was the mugen to use before......

I have been through from the old DOS MUGEN and winmugen to now MUGEN1.0/1.1, before my recent (this April) return to the MUGEN scene, I used to make stuff for both winmugen and MUGEN1.0.  Yet now I make things for use in MUGEN1.0 only.  I just can't stand the winmugen old A.I. activation way....

>> .........was the very first password I used for my school account and since then it has stuck with me throughout the years.......

I also keep using my high school account password for some of my current accounts (personal not MUGEN-related)

>> .........I only play PC-games because PC's...............

My case is a little bit different.  I am a poor Chinese guy all the video game console I really owned was a Nintendo 8-bit Famicom.  Later on, some of my rich relatives gave me a Nintendo 16-bit Super Famicom and a NEC 8-bit PC-Engine on some of my birthdays.  More later on, my friend and I invested in and shared a 2nd-hand Sony 32-bit Playstation.  I don't have $$$ for luxury video game consoles like XBox and PS2/3.  When I joined the employee troops, I bought myself a not-so-low-end PC.  Then I have been playing all kinds of *available* games on my PC.


>> ...sports (tennis, badminton, pingpong & mountainbiking).......

I like to play ping pong too, and my ping pong skill is not too bad :attack:  :defend:


>> .............I accidentally perma-deleted my mugen. I was suffering from a depression for.........

Do regular backup man!  I used to burn CDs/DVDs there were so much gigabytes of my MUGEN collections.  Unfortunately I destroyed them all by myself, upon my previous MUGEN rage-quitting.  I can't say I didn't not regret about that.  Thanks to MFFA MUGEN database, most my of destroyed MUGEN data can be recovered.

>> ..........to contribute to this community ranging from helping people with request to participating in discussions and learn things about making content for mugen so that one day I may release a character or two of my own which,........

Yes, I think it is kind of natural that after quite a few number of years of MUGEN'ing, one might start to think about contributing.  I was a DOM (download only member) before 2010, afterwards, I started to contribute back to the MUGEN scene by making and releasing quality-regardless-yet-kind-of-exclusive MUGEN stuff.


>> ............I want to join MFFA and MFG but I chose to register at MFFA first......

Congratulation!  You did a right choice!  And MFG is only good for browsing not joining!


>> .............register at MFFA first because you guys are not so harsh like some of the guys at MFG who can appear to be rather cold and cruel in their feedback towards creators......

Trust me, "cold" and "cruel" can never describe enough.....way beyond these two English adjectives......not enough is not enough......just far not enough....


>> .............I'm really curious about your stories. The stories of the people of MFFA,............

You don't want to know about my MUGEN story.


Hey thanks for all the info Borewood!


I kinda forgot DOS-mugen existed but like I said, back then it was winmugen all around so that's what I used.


It's true that after a few years of mugen, one gradually obtains the wish to contribute to this amazing game. Personally, character development has the most of my intrest and after seeing what kind of amazing things creators like Exshadow  put out, stages might come in the future too. For me it were Infinite's characters who cut the knot for me because they were so well done and balanced that I one day told to myself : "Let's just do this."


I've heard about your story. It's the reason you despise MFG right? I go to MFG and MFFA for all my mugen needs since these two are the only two communities which are active nowadays. As I said, I might join the Guild too but MFFA seems to be so much more welcoming and I'm  really glad to have done so.


Finally, as I said, I'm interested in everyone's stories as long as they wish to share them  =P


Welcome around, bud.


Why thank you Toshio, I feel honored, I really  do !


Wow... your introduction was amazing! You'll fit in just fine. Welcome to MFFA.


Thanks a lot DarkWolf!


It's not that easy for me to get all personal and stuff but I really wanted to share my story for all who wish to behold.


So far I've been getting nothing but positive reactions so that's kind of hearthwarming to read too ^^


Aloha, and welcome to the forumns.


And an awesome aloha to you too Dartz, thanks for the welcome !

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Hey Saikoro, it's amazing to see you signed up here! Welcome, welcome and did I say welcome yet? XD


It's a great decision you took to sign up here and I'm honestly surprised you've done so.


I thought you only swarmed the MFG forums but I was wrong.


Nevertheless, I'm happy you joined because to me you were always an interesting and positiveindividual at MFG!


Hope to meet you one day in chat!


Signing out,



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Welcome. Sharing is caring and if you dont share I will destroy you....................Mwahahahahahaha


Thanks for the welcome, Cayne!


That is quite the...useful information (*back away slowly*)


Oh wow haven't been here for a long time.


Welcome to MFFA, the #1 Mugen site :3


Much appreciated Z3RO!


That's a proven fact!


im surprised I read this whole s***! very honest. welcome to MFFA. the feedback is definitely less harsh here but doesn't show favoritism, which is a good thing. :)


Hey Royce, thanks for taking your time to read everything and of course, the welcoming words!


Indeed favorism is not a good thing but the most important fact is that I'm sure I'll feel myself here right at home more than at MFG.


^If the Character of the Month hall of fame isn't anything to go by :P


Also, hai. I'm that guy with the messed up mind.



Hi Matt!


What do you mean with that?


Also everybody's a bit messed up in their mind one way or the other so np!


Mmmm..a man's gotta love him some potatoes every now and then....

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