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I'm DarbyHearts. I figure I should introduce myself before I do anything else. I'm just a guy who loves him some MUGEN. What drew me in at first back in, like, '07 was the crazy customization I could have at my disposal, like being able to have the entire SFA3 and SFIII:3S rosters together minus a few characters I didn't like much in the first place, namely Yun, Sagat, and most shotos, save for Gouken from SSF4 (No offense to people who like 'em, I insist. I just like how Gouken feels like his own character whilst still being a shoto, at least). Seeing how a JJBA character would fare with someone from, I dunno, TMNT:TF? Also, the characters who get ported into another game's system, like Umihei's M. Bison or the Streets of Rage characters put into a fighting game system. The freedom of MUGEN's what gets me goin', even during those times where one guy's crazy AI beats me like an old rug on a clothesline. I'm sure this intro's gone on long enough, so I'ma stop now before I get sidetracked and maybe throw around questions about how the site works in this topic. I love MFFA, and it's my go-to for characters and stage collections, and after a year or so of just picking up stuff from here without so much as signing up, I went ahead and did it today so I could feel like I'm not just bumming around, at least. I'll at least contribute something once in a while, though I won't make promises, 'cause y'know, life and stuff. Anyway, that's it and thanks for having me, y'all. X3

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Hello there dear MFFA'ers!


My name is Winmugen11, a.k.a. Vincent in real life. Today (17/11/2013) I have finally registered myself at this site in order to become a part of this community.


Now the introduction (*ahem*). I got to know mugen somewhere in it's beginning days. One day I was surfing the almighty (and sometimes cruel) interwebs and on Youtube I found a video titled "Link vs Ryu". This was rather odd because as far as I knew back then, there was no such game that would allow for this kind of character match-up. Turns out it was made possible thanks to a game/engine known as Mugen, developed by the good folks over at Elecbyte who back then didn't really knew which way to go with it (and still don't as of this day).


Mugen quickly became my favourite game in a mere matter of days. Because of the impact mugen had on my life and the interest it sparked in me, I found life to be more enjoyable as I didn't have the most normal youth so to speak.... In fact, my username is inspired by this awesome game that is capable of giving enjoyment to people. For more information (and so I won't make this introduction overly long) I happily refer you to my profile. Look at my "About Me" section and read my story if you wish.


This may sound strange but as fun as mugen is, it has made me fall into a depression. As of this writing, this is the 3rd time I have reinstalled mugen along with a great deal of characters and stages. This is because throughout the years I have built up quite a collection and gained some general knowledge about mugen. Unfortunately I lost everything mugen related 2 times already. Once because my pc got infected with a damn virus and the second time when, while testing a lot of characters, I accidentally perma-deleted my mugen. I was suffering from a depression for a few months because Mugen was one of the only things I honestly enjoyed. 


I wasn't really sure wether or not to install mugen a 3rd time because mugen was dying. Hardly any content was made/released for it. That was until I came across MFG & MFFA. For months I quietly followed everything mugen-related on MFG and this site, downloading characters and stages once again.


Until today I truly struggled with registering but thanks to some prominent members of MFFA like Laharl, Ultimecia, Zombie-brock, Ryoucchi, Ryon & the Magic Toaster to name a few, and their dedication and love for the engine and the people who use it, I cut the knot and decided I wanted to join this caring community. I want to do whatever I can (as far as real life allows it) to contribute to this community ranging from helping people with request to participating in discussions and learn things about making content for mugen so that one day I may release a character or two of my own which, thanks to the great feedback I know MFFA gives, will become better.


And just between you and me..I want to join MFFA and MFG but I chose to register at MFFA first because you guys are not so harsh like some of the guys at MFG who can appear to be rather cold and cruel in their feedback towards creators.


Finally I want to conclude by saying that it's simply amazing that a game like mugen is able to bring together people with a common passion and create new friendships and that's one of the many reasons I registered. It's great to see and know what is made for mugen but I'm really curious about your stories. The stories of the people of MFFA, the stories of possible friends even? :awesome

Signing out,



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Believe it or not I read all that lol. You sound very passionate about Mugen, welcome to this great community.


Also heads up, try to backup your mugen data whenever you can because the majority of collectors (including me) has had their drives crash or some other unfortunate events that resulted in them losing data.

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Believe it or not I read all that lol. You sound very passionate about Mugen, welcome to this great community.


Also heads up, try to backup your mugen data whenever you can because the majority of collectors (including me) has had their drives crash or some other unfortunate events that resulted in them losing data.


Wow, I really typed all that just a few minutes ago, went to update my profile, came back and already saw a reply from none other than the one and only Mr. KOtik!


Thanks for having taken your time to read all that, I know some people think "Ain't nobody got time for this wall of text!" but I really wanted to tell you guys my story in as much detail as possible.


Anyways, thanks a lot for the welcome! And about the backup, I know you can do that but since my collection is several GB, I'm afraid that sooner or later I'm going to start to run out of flash drives XD


P.S. Cool signature! Are you an Akuma fan? 


P.S.S. How do you make a signature? Is there a tutorial somewhere?

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I laughed at the; "the one and only Mr. KOtik". I was just suggesting backing up the real important, offline stuff you can't get back onto free online storage sites like Mediafire (50gb free), 4shared (15gb free), Mega (50gb free), incase you don't have any flash drives or portable hand drives handy. I'm a fan of all characters. Also, my Signature was a gift and created by a friend of a friend. I couldn't tell you if it was easy or hard to make since I lack experience in that field.

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Welcome to the coolest MUGEN forums place ever!  :hi:


>> ...........Winmugen back then was the mugen to use before......
I have been through from the old DOS MUGEN and winmugen to now MUGEN1.0/1.1, before my recent (this April) return to the MUGEN scene, I used to make stuff for both winmugen and MUGEN1.0.  Yet now I make things for use in MUGEN1.0 only.  I just can't stand the winmugen old A.I. activation way....

>> .........was the very first password I used for my school account and since then it has stuck with me throughout the years.......
I also keep using my high school account password for some of my current accounts (personal not MUGEN-related)

>> .........I only play PC-games because PC's...............
My case is a little bit different.  I am a poor Chinese guy all the video game console I really owned was a Nintendo 8-bit Famicom.  Later on, some of my rich relatives gave me a Nintendo 16-bit Super Famicom and a NEC 8-bit PC-Engine on some of my birthdays.  More later on, my friend and I invested in and shared a 2nd-hand Sony 32-bit Playstation.  I don't have $$$ for luxury video game consoles like XBox and PS2/3.  When I joined the employee troops, I bought myself a not-so-low-end PC.  Then I have been playing all kinds of *available* games on my PC.


>> ...sports (tennis, badminton, pingpong & mountainbiking).......
I like to play ping pong too, and my ping pong skill is not too bad :attack:  :defend:


>> .............I accidentally perma-deleted my mugen. I was suffering from a depression for.........
Do regular backup man!  I used to burn CDs/DVDs there were so much gigabytes of my MUGEN collections.  Unfortunately I destroyed them all by myself, upon my previous MUGEN rage-quitting.  I can't say I didn't not regret about that.  Thanks to MFFA MUGEN database, most my of destroyed MUGEN data can be recovered.

>> ..........to contribute to this community ranging from helping people with request to participating in discussions and learn things about making content for mugen so that one day I may release a character or two of my own which,........

Yes, I think it is kind of natural that after quite a few number of years of MUGEN'ing, one might start to think about contributing.  I was a DOM (download only member) before 2010, afterwards, I started to contribute back to the MUGEN scene by making and releasing quality-regardless-yet-kind-of-exclusive MUGEN stuff.


>> ............I want to join MFFA and MFG but I chose to register at MFFA first......

Congratulation!  You did a right choice!  And MFG is only good for browsing not joining!


>> .............register at MFFA first because you guys are not so harsh like some of the guys at MFG who can appear to be rather cold and cruel in their feedback towards creators......
Trust me, "cold" and "cruel" can never describe enough.....way beyond these two English adjectives......not enough is not enough......just far not enough....


>> .............I'm really curious about your stories. The stories of the people of MFFA,............

You don't want to know about my MUGEN story.

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