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How tall r u? Does height matter to you?


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How tall r u?  Does height matter to you?


I am a 5'6'' (167.64 cm) Chinese male.  In China, I am both not short and not tall.  In the Western society I am considered short of course.


Most Chinese females I meet are shorter than me, yet some younger ones are taller than me.  Yet, almost all of the Chinese females seem not to be able to accept their male mate(s) being shorter than their heights.  I guess this is some cultural thing.


Regardless of anything about opposite sex, height mattered to me much when I was very young.  During my elementary school life I often tried to compare my height with the others', be they males or females.  I feel so weird about it when I refresh such memory recently...........


Is taller meaning better?  It depends on situations and cultures in my opinion. 

For example, I know of a tall guy at my work place.  He told me some time ago he broke his leg and he had to use wheel chair and such tools for about a few months.  He mentioned to me that his tall height (leg-wise) made him feel quite inconvenient during these few months.


So, what do you think?

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5'11"  Doesn't matter to me. 


Taller better?  Nah. 


Women?  Nah.  As long as they're hot.  And got a body on them, and look don't look all skinny and sickly.


Although, short guys always have to act the toughest in a group.  Dealt with lots of those with work.  Even chokeslamed one once for beating up his girl friend.

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Even chokeslamed one once for beating up his girl friend.

:areyoukidding: You have a lot of stories like this, huh? Well, I'm 5'8". So I'm considered short in the states(at least I think so). I was always conscious of my height, but never ashamed of it. I actually liked being short. It helped my Swagger Factor™...Lol!
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6'2" since I was 12 years old (I feel old) I've always been athletic but I love short women. My wife is 5'4" and has weight in the right spots with most her height being in her legs. I love that sht (Mumbles to self abot the way i man handle the stuff)......................................... Next topic please........................... 

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i'm not 100% on my height but its like 5'7'' or 5'8'' so im considered short in the states though i dont think its that short, and personally i dont think height should matter at all.

I'm still growing anyway so who knows what my final height will be


I prefer women my height or shorter, makes me feel tall and a lot of chicks like guys taller than them so it works out

There was 1 tall chick i was really into, and vice versa, but alas it wasnt meant to be

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:areyoukidding: You have a lot of stories like this, huh? Well, I'm 5'8". So I'm considered short in the states(at least I think so). I was always conscious of my height, but never ashamed of it. I actually liked being short. It helped my Swagger Factor™...Lol!

Yup. Lots. From seeing an angry lesbian beat up a gay man to being hit with car to having been bit in my wrist by a low life junkie. Even seen secret service make an arrest.
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I'm 5'8" and just going by my high school classmates, I consider myself short.  Strangely, the average female height of my fellow class men was shorter yet.  Average height around here might be 5'11" and 5'5" or so.  Quite a discrepancy.


Does it matter?  Yes and no.  Being 5'8" is convenient as it's the perfect height for all those one-size-fits-all things.  On the other hand, being taller is more practical.  Height provides an inherent strength advantage, reach advantage, speed advantage, and other stuff.  In turn, the shorter you get, you more disadvantaged you'll be in comparison to taller people.  Of course, there's other things to deal with like health issues.  Taller people are more likely to have back and leg trouble because of their own leverage.  Whatever.

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