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MEGA PART 6 is Temporarily unavailable.




Okay, okay. Calm your tits (and possibly, period) dude. I checked Part 6. It's fine. Basically, all parts are.

Maybe MEGA just had problems, y'know? It sometimes happens~


And I'm now uploading the preview video for the game.

And soon, the game itself.


If anyone wants any old version of the game (Let's say v1.0), PM me.

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Ah, Lukesky. Wb~

I'm gonna post the changelog here :D




- Version 6.0 (7/20/2013 - MUGEN 1.1)
- Updated from MUGEN 1.0 to MUGEN 1.1
- Updated Hetyo's characters
- Updated Mokou by Isu
- Updated nns' characterd
- Daiyousei by Arima is no longer cheap
- Changed Meiling by frule to Meiling by Barai
- Updated Barai's characters.
- Changed Sakuya by gu to Sakuya by Barai
- Changed Kanako by Cabbage to Kanako by Shiroto and Cabbage
- Changed Stages for some characters
- Added 7 characters and removed 9 characters, with a total of 110 characters
- Version 5.5 (5/10/2013)
- Updated Chirnyo by Minazuki
- Removed Auto AI take-over of Mokou by Isu
- Other fixes I can't remember
- Version 5.3 (4/10/2013)
- Added 2 characters, with a total of 112 characters
- Adjusted and Fixed Akyuu Sprites
- Changed Difficulty settings
- Changed more system settings
- Changed Gengetsu's Health
- Changed Satori's Name
- Changed Hina's and Mima's Stage
- Adjusted Rumia's Power Bar
- Changed Chibi, Yukkuri, Kasen, Rinnosuke, Reisen II, and Suika's BGM
- Changed  Lifebar Portraits
- Changed Iku and Tenshi by Kurogane and Gu to nns
- Fixed Auto AI take-over of Kaguya by G-sho (Courtesy of Laharl)
- Minor Game fixes
- Version 5.0 (3/21/2013)
- Added 5 characters, with a total of 110 characters
- Added Voice Patch to Iku Nagae
- Adjusted Select.DEF
- Changed BGM of some characters
- Added ASCII art on readme
- Added AI Patch to Kaguya, Daiyousei, and Rinnosuke
- Changed Rumia's Stage
- Changed name of stages
- Changed Lifebars
- Added Lifebar Portraits
- Changed stats of Yukkuri Cirno, Chibi Reimu, and Gengetsu
- Edited SFF Files of characters
- Reverted Aya Shameimaru by Mikage to original AI
- Adjusted and changed game system
- Version 4.0 (3/1/2013)
- Added Ending Scene
- Adjusted Select DEF File
- Changed some of the characters and stages
- Added 15 characters, with a total of 105 characters
- Added new stages
- Version 3.0 (2/16/2013)
- Added 42 Characters, with a total of 90 Characters
- Updated Readme
- Changed BGM of some characters
- Changed stages of some characters
- Added Gameover Screen
- Adjusted Select Screen
- Stable release
- Version 2.0 (2/5/2013)
- Edited Select Screen and System
- Edited text on info screen (F1)
- Fixed no BGM error for Rinnosuke
- Changed stats of Goliath Doll and others
- Adjusted Spell Card System of Gu's Characters (Reimu, Patchouli, Yukari, Sakuya)
- Updated BGM for some characters
- Updated Yuyuko to 12.3
- Added 16 Characters, with a total of 47 Characters
- Changed Netherworld Stage
- Version 1.5 (2/4/2013)
- Replaced 7.5 Suika with 10.5 Suika
- Added 12 characters to roster, with a total of 31 characters
- Fixed the problem when you go fullscreen, and it becomes slow
- Updated the readme
- Version 1.0 (1/30/2013)
- Initial Release of Touhou All-Stars
- Roster of 19 characters

Now, see the difference from v1.0 to v6.0  :awesome 
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just letting you know, part 6 on MEGA does not work. and i have good internet.



Okay, okay. Calm your tits (and possibly, period) dude. I checked Part 6. It's fine. Basically, all parts are.

Maybe MEGA just had problems, y'know? It sometimes happens~


And I'm now uploading the preview video for the game.

And soon, the game itself.


If anyone wants any old version of the game (Let's say v1.0), PM me.

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Good News, and Bad News:


Good News:

~ I finally got the whole I.K.E.M.E.N. thing done, and I have the I.K.E.M.E.N. version of my game for netplay! I'll make Hamachi rooms, but for playing, I'll use direct connections (real IPs). I'll upload it soon, though.

Also, is this thing still happening? :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

Touhou All-Stars v6.0 is almost done uploading.

Girls are now preparing. Please wait warmly and try not to hide your excitement~


Oh, v6.3 will be released short after with new content that was not included in v6.0 because of late news and new stuff.

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Touhou All-Stars v6.0 is almost done uploading.

Girls are now preparing. Please wait warmly and try not to hide your excitement~


Oh, v6.3 will be released short after with new content that was not included in v6.0 because of late news and new stuff.

Awesome! I can't wait to try your game. It be also be the first Mugen 1.1 full game I will ever play. :awesome

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Hey there :hi:

I'm new to MUGEN,just played this game and the first character I used was Yuuka.I love it but...what is the A(X),S(Y),D(Z) buttons for?

And also...


No offence though :awesome




I'm not the one creating the characters  :awesome 

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Well, I'm a bit done with the system editing. I just need a glowing effect like that of the Soku logo at the main menu.

Nevertheless, I'm done with the necessary changes~


In-game Pics:




Posted Image


Main Menu:


Posted Image

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I'm going to try a new approach to acquiring the game.

I'm going to try to use 7zip to make an SFX file for the game.

I tried this approach and the SFX file is only 1.4 GB

And when I compressed it to a RAR file, it was only 7 Parts.

1 Part less though, but it's a start.

So I'll be doing the SFX approach throughout the updates.

This will be convenient for all, since only 7 Parts, so obtaining the game will be faster.

I'll be reading to the remarks, criticisms, and notes that will be posted here, regardless whether it's negative or positive.


And you're free to throw bricks at me :awesome

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Updated the game to v6.3

Told you it would come ASAP after v6.0

Many fixes are on v6.3, as well as new content.

Comes with this is an SFF file.



  • ​Download and Extract the game first
  • Download the SFF file and put it in "Touhou All-Stars v6.3 > Data > TH_12.3"
  • Replace the SFF file

Voila~ All done.

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Wow. There hasn't been yet ONE comment about the update.

I'm just here talking to myself ;w;

So, if anyone doesn't want the game anymore, just tell me.

I'll lock the thread and just continue to update somewhere else.


(No, I'm not emoting. I'm just shocked by the lack of people bombarding me with questions here :awesome )

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It's not that we don't want the game; it's just that there isn't much activity and compilations tend to get the hype down after a while.


On another note, why didn't you add the replacement .sff file to the main download? It would have made things slightly easier for people.

I'll add more critiques after I finish downloading.

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It's not that we don't want the game; it's just that there isn't much activity and compilations tend to get the hype down after a while.


Yeah, I know that.

Seeing that Comps are the worst MUGEN games that ever existed, that, I accept.




On another note, why didn't you add the replacement .sff file to the main download? It would have made things slightly easier for people.

I'll add more critiques after I finish downloading.


I adjusted the SFF file when I already uploaded the 4th File ;w;

I suddenly got the motivation, I dunno why.

Anyway, v6.5 is gonna be out in a couple of weeks, maybe the 1st week of September.


I won't be active for a while with the game if no new news will appear on Ryoucchi's Collection thread.

I also monitor websites to see if characters have updates.

Also, I just 1cc'ed DDC on Easy, and it unlocked Extra.

Mind you, I used the English Patch and Mallet "You Grow Bigger!" and Turnabout "Reverse Hierarchy" aren't a force to be reckoned with.

Also, Kokoro. I'm about to help with the translations for HM, and I'm helping with the translations for DDC.

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