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@Super Nicholas No, I deleted it. Apparently there was some bad bb code preventing it from being edited. @coolguySpore2 I'm adding stages later. For now, I'm sorting out the chatacters. Y'know I'm an admin on that site, right? PlasmoidThunder ;)

Ah. I haven't used it while signed in for a while.

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Ah. I haven't used it while signed in for a while.

Oh? What's your username?



  • Chikorita (Chicolita) has been fixed.
  • Mienshao has been added.
  • Jigglypuffs have been separated.
  • Arceus' bitches and Primal Dialga now have new images.
  • I can still edit the damn thing :D
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Oh? What's your username?

guycoolSpore2, I believe. You know what? Think of pretty much any site I may have made an account on, and it's most likely guycoolSpore2.


Originality FTW.


Thread related:

Thanks for putting Mienshao up. I could've sworn I'd seen it before, but couldn't remember who made it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a second version of Combusken and a version of Klang. Klang's download is unavailable, but it's an edit of Klinklang that can't attack by Mario11766, so it's not really good anyway. Also, there's a version of Chikorita by Bruno_SS.


If Kyurem's any good, you may want to make a guide on how to get it, because the site's Japanese.

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There is a second version of Combusken and a version of Klang. Klang's download is unavailable, but it's an edit of Klinklang that can't attack by Mario11766, so it's not really good anyway. Also, there's a version of Chikorita by Bruno_SS.


If Kyurem's any good, you may want to make a guide on how to get it, because the site's Japanese.

Could I have a link to Combusken and Klinklang? Both the new Rayquaza and the Kyurem I added are invincible God-like characters. Kyurem has no hitboxes, while Rayquaza doesn't seem to take damage - both do excessive damage with their attacks. I cannot find Bruno_SS' Chikorita...


Some browser's have a built-in translator, though I suppose I could link to a translated version of the page.


Admittedly, I haven't been working on this page much, what with that Chespin character and that stuff I've been doing...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Klang's (Not Klinklang's) link is unavailable, as I've said.


I can't remember where I got the other Combusken. It depends on the one you have posted.


I have one by Dshiznetz and one by Seth Lee.

I misread your post, sorry.


Anyway, I believe it was Seth Lee's, though it appears the link has gone down (I've re-up'd it as Seth Lee's). I didn't know there was one by Dshiznetz.

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wasnt there a few new sprite swap pokemon that was recently made on the wiki i wouldnt know which one you have up since i really dont play pokemon  characters in mugen not that there is anything wrong with it just most are not even well made

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Oh yeah! There's that Haxorus and Serperior made by 101010 or something...no, not Jetgoshi, this crappy author who thinks all his creations are "the best" when they're clearly not. I'm juggling a few things here:

-Stuff for TA-SECT, a group I'm part of that creates units for an old game that you've probably never heard of.

-That character I'm working on.

-The 'Database.

-This collection.

Essentially, I work on it when I can, or if I feel like clogging up my laptop with bundles of characters ;)

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There are Lugia charcters. I can't find the links for them, but I can at least confirm their existance.

I think these are two separate characters. I know one of them (the one in the video) is by S.Nara, so expect that one to be UBER-CHEAP!

The other one (the one in the picture) has a different stance, so it might be a separate character.




There is also a beta Black Kyurem character by Mario11766.

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