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What do you think would be cool to see in the next version of MUGEN?

Super Nicholas

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What do you hope Elecbyte puts in the next version of MUGEN?


I hope for:

Online Multiplayer (Doesn't everyone hope for this?)

Multiple songs for stages

Better control input for multiplayer (For some reason, it doesn't enter commands as well in multiplayer)

Quicker loading times for larger rosters

Human vs CPU mode instead of having to use debug in watch mode

A way to restore all health/all power without restoring the cpu's (Like spacebar, but without restoring cpu's health)

Better system for using F5 in survival (Restarting a match with the amount of health you started with instead of full health)

A way to set randomization of characters using randomselect (so you don't end up with a punching bag, a cheap character, or a boss)

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-Zooming the camera out for fighting colossal boss characters

-Music that either changes or speeds up when the opponent's almost dead (think the latter two Sonic Advance games)

-Customizable pre- and post-battle cutscenes (would be very useful for a MUGEN story)

-A mode with a Mega Man-style stage select system

-A more visual system of character creation


-Faster loading times

-A universal tag system that works for anyone without hyper armor

-A status screen counting used characters and stages, and defeated enemies

-Enforced character balance

-A character database showing information on each character you have downloaded

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- A working tag team system

- A simpler way to add characters, stages, music, ect. (Not that it's simple enough, but it gets a bit old typing the same thing)

- Pre-fight dialog

- A way to have another song play in a stage after one's finished

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I'm new.....uh....

-Online Mode (Really want this)

-A much simpler version for game consoles (you need to add all this crap,and I still can't get it to work on my PSP)

-Only ONE boss for team mode (Got ShaoKhanMO,and when I play team mode,theres 4 of him on 4 on 4.Problem? he won't turn to Super AI!!!!)

-New Kung Fu Man (Tried looking for the ending that he did beat suave dude,cause I have him,and saying no one made him yet in the ending won't make sense)

-MORE PONY CHARACTERS!!!! (got Rarity,PinkiePie,and Twilight Sparkle from Fighting is magic,but don't have time to make them cause F@#king school.) :noway:

Just got they're sprites..... :fuckyea:

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What do you hope Elecbyte puts in the next version of MUGEN?


I hope for:

Online Multiplayer (Doesn't everyone hope for this?)

Multiple songs for stages

Better control input for multiplayer (For some reason, it doesn't enter commands as well in multiplayer)

Quicker loading times for larger rosters

Human vs CPU mode instead of having to use debug in watch mode

A way to restore all health/all power without restoring the cpu's (Like spacebar, but without restoring cpu's health)

Better system for using F5 in survival (Restarting a match with the amount of health you started with instead of full health)

A way to set randomization of characters using randomselect (so you don't end up with a punching bag, a cheap character, or a boss)


Ctrl+2 on VS mode

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-Moar flexibility with screenpacks and lifebars. -Stage changing during matchs (Round 1 is morning, Round 2 is afternoon, Round 3 is night etc) -Interactive stages (breakable objects and sh1t)

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Palette selection in select screen.

More flexibility of what you can do with SPs (GGXX and MBAA for example).

Ability to use more than 1 portrait for a character at a time.

Interactive lifebars.

Ability to add sounds to stages.

Flexible lifebars that can adjust to any localcoord. (I would say SPs as well but they would probably look ugly on different localcoords)

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- camera zooms in when your character does a hyper(only sometimes)




-Online Mode (Really want this)



Online Multiplayer (Doesn't everyone hope for this?)






 sorry, its just... i want to kill people in mugen.


-maybe in an online mode option, where you can host rooms and matches

and you can play as characters from either players roster

or watch other people fight.

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-Arcade Ladder that shows who you'll be fighting. (Think Mortal Kombat)

-Camera that zooms in/out depending on character size and distance.

-Simpler Intro/Ending creation. (I want to use Avi files and crap.)

-A working Tag Team.


-A simpler way to change lifebar size.

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- Able to disable some of the team menus like able to disable Team Simul, Single or Team Turn but if three are disable, it will cause an error, only can enable at least one

- If putting a attribute in the select.def's character line will not allow the randomselect to select that character like:

duckhunt, stages/duckhuntstage.def, order=5, includestage=0, randomselect=0

the randomselect icon will not select that character that have randomselect=0

- Another randomselect Icon that is like King of Fighters series's roulette select. The roulette select box is exclamation mark to differentiate randomselect, maybe I should call it rouletteselect if I add it in select.def

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- official tag team support

- kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3 <========== supports all game modes, not just Arcade Mode
- multiple SFF files support i.e. gethits.sff, moves.sff, explods.sff,...etc.
- "nestable" trigger redirections
- "nestable" and better PrevStateno trigger
- auto-detect CNS entries
- some projectile distance trigger?

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  • ONLINE GAMEPLAY!!  This would make the game perfect!
  • Better designer tools (Mugen needs a way to resize a character and reposition their projectiles all in one step.  I got a tip localcoord could do this but I couldn't get it to work.)
  • A PAUSE MENU!!  We don't have this yet?
  • Anti-Bronies, I'm ignoring what you say to this, but a Fighting is Magic Import.  I want to see someone recreate the game through mugen since it was removed by Hasbro.
  • Backward Menu Navigation.  Pressing B should bring me back, not forwards.  I don't want to keep having to press escape.
  • Promotions!!  Not enough people know about the mugen community, let alone are in it anymore.  We need to do some advertizing, at the very least over facebook.  Someone start a mugen facebook page and make it viral, please?  Hopefully, a bigger fanbase means smarter gamers *and unfortunately, it would probably mean more ignorant ones, which we'll have to ignore.*
  • This one is probably behind anyone's wildest dreams...  but maybe steam compatibility?  Mugen being a F2P game through steam?  See, I told you it was next to impossible.
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-teamode with "tag" like mvc : switch command + "1st super move from caracter as tag attack"

- bring back the character scaling in the level

-"restriction in path" so that if you choose a character you may not see specific battle or have a sure shot battle agains someone that is not the boss and is unique for the character you selected

-"restriction in random select" that let you choose what character can be selected random so you dont end up with bonus or boss character

-let you assign more then 1 stage to a character so you can have a little supprise that is not the full random stage selection

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