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New to Touhou?


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Touhou is a pretty cool series to get into.The fanbase makes it better than the games in my opinion though some fans get pretty hectic when it comes to the best character.Try the fighter games and then move to the danmaku games.

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As someone that has also recently gotten into Touhou, I am going to let you know that you will not get through your first few playthroughs. Seriously, the series is frustrating as hell. There are plenty of times were I wonder how you are supposed to survive a wave of bullets without getting hit (damn you Konako!) but it is still quite fun. I've tried most of them, and the easiest one in my opinion is Imperishable Night, because it's the only one where I actually beat the final boss... Also, Remilia is best character, forget what everyone else says!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to agree, touhou is the next best thing to anything in the world, once you get good. A few suggestions from a touhou freak like me. Start off on easy. No need to go too hard on yourself. Start on 10. It's easy going on new players. and... Uhh, avoid the crazy fans

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And whatever you do, if someone mocks you for playing EZ MODO, tell them to go f**k themselves. Or something of the sort, maybe not quite as crude. Point is, don't listen to people who insult you, and just like others said, avoid the crazy fans.


I'd recommend starting on Normal, because I heard Easy builds bad habits, but it's your call.


 Also, Remilia is best character, forget what everyone else says!

I think Flandre is better by a VERY small margin. Point still stands, and I still agree.

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