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Which Character do You Hate the Most?

Super Nicholas

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Which characters in MUGEN do you hate and why? It can be for cheapness, being badly made, or whatever makes you hate it.


My list:

Spongebob (Placemario): Cheap, spams projectiles and the kicking move.

Chowder (Placemario): Sits in one spot and spams projectiles.

Goofy (Placemario): Cheap and overpowered.

Jake (Ivan Luiz, Edited by Placemario): Why would anyone edit something Ivan Luiz made?

Storm (Kong): Uber-cheap lightning shield.

Anything by SNS.

Anything by S.Nara.

Onix (UMVC Edit): Uber-cheap AI and has hypers that give him super armor and practical one hit killers and defeated Super Buu easily.

Super Buu (Stig87): Extremely cheap AI.

Bugs Bunny: Cheap and spams projectiles.

K.Y-Shanxi's Bowser: Cheap!

Anything by Mario11766.

Magnemite: Cheap AI!

Strong Bad, Green Lantern Lucario, and Invisible Woman for obvious reasons.

Milotic, Absol, Scizor, and Deoxys for obvious reasons.

Reshiram and Zekrom (Cheap edits of Ichigo)

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Isn't there a similar thread to this? What do You Hate About a Character? Characters with Cheap AI?




-Anything that's had little/no effort put into it - and it shows.

-Mugenfan's "characters".

-Kozeni's characters.

-WlanFanX112's characters.

-Hugespongebob98's "characters".

-Anything similar to the above.

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Updating List:


My list:

Bowser (K.Y-Shanxi): Cheap!

Bugs Bunny: Cheap and spams projectiles.

Captain Falcon (ReyMUGEN): Cheap and has unblockable hypers. Also a chibi.

Cucco: Near-invincible and uber-cheap.

Invisible Woman: Incomplete and cheap.

Jake (Ivan Luiz, Edited by Placemario): Why would anyone edit something Ivan Luiz made?

Magnemite: Cheap AI!

Milotic, Absol, Scizor, and Deoxys for obvious reasons.

Onix (UMVC Edit): Uber-cheap AI and has hypers that give him super armor and practical one hit killers and defeated Super Buu easily.

Storm (Kong): Uber-cheap lightning shield.

Strong Bad

Super Buu (Stig87)


Anything by Adam Clark & James Clark (sonicadam2)

Anything by Ivan Luiz

Anything by Mario11766

Anything by MUGENHunter

Anything by Placemario

Anything by PokeMan309

Anything by S.Nara

Anything by SNS

Anything by SpiderMew

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Never 'hated' anything released in MUGEN, however...


Metal Greymon was only one sprite for a whole character and probably the WORST EVER MUGEN release, however, at least the person tried and realized it didn't work out well.


I've never much cared for 'creators' with big egos and no abilities to back up the ego. (OK, you got me, I HATED Silent Storm and probably still do, Sunboy/Kong a close second)


People trying to say "it can't be done". I don't know how many times I used to hear others say "it can't be done properly" and then they get ticked off when someone does "what can't be done". Can't do a boomerang type projectile (Android 16), can't swap places with the opponent (Ginyu), nave to use a projectile for a beam attack in DBZ (Mega Gohan and all), have to have at least 30 animations for a character (Li'l Gohan), Can't do scaling on a character (Li'l Gohan), MK fatalities (Willoughby Jackson's Scorpion), and on and on... Any idea why I became 'most hated' by most of the 'expert' naysayers way back when?  It can't be done I tell ya...


But even so, I always enjoy someone who tries. You may succeed or you may not, but you'll never know if you never try. And if at first you don't succeed. fail. fail again... You never know

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gulthor's Broly: Absurdly OP, I've seen him defeat Sephiroth, Bowser, Omega Tiger Woods, and Sasuke-kun at the same time.


Darth Vader (GG64): Half the time, he's just flies into the air, never to be seen or hit again. The other half, he hits with overpowered attacks that hurt hard, keep you from moving, or keep you from hitting him. Plus the spritework is bad.

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  • 2 years later...

Any overpowered character, some are fair and actually give you a chance, but some are almost impossible to hit, chars with odd hitboxes. the vore chars, they're pointless, and the sexual/nude/rape chars, those are just inappropriate and disgusting ,but of all the chars, I hate Takakazu Abe the most.

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Any character that has REALLY strong AI.

Im great at fighting games, but sometimes the AI can be broken cause they can combo moves together that you can't do.

i.e DonDrago's characters.

I love them cause there great but i Hate them cause there insanely hard to fight on hard difficulty.

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