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About BlackFired

  • Birthday 06/22/2000

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  1. Here I explain how I use the Sctrl Zoom, in a simple way. Importantly, I forgot to put in the video parameter "ignorehitpause = 1" Video
  2. The error gives it to load the ".sff" file, which gives me understand that your use Mugen 1.0 which does not work with sffv2 that is using your char. Mugen download 1.1b in tea work perfectly, it is problem version.
  3. It is indeed possible, it's just a matter of changing the files fight.def, fight.sff and figthx.sff. These files are located in the "data" of your Mugen, folder, or in some cases in the folder "data/mugen1/"
  4. Amazing! You here dear friend, i hope your stay is not only long but active. I hope to show some of your projects and keep alive (not like me, let them die). Aloha, Bienvenido Iver
  5. I'll see if I can help in the Help section , since I can not code for a while I will use my knowledge to help : X

    Pd: So I improve my English : x

    By google translated : I am too lazy to translate horita : c

  6. The character can bring several palettes by default. Solution: Go to the folder of the character and open a file with the extension " .def " where it says : pal.defaults = 1,2,3,4,5 ... Leave it like this: pal.defaults = 1 And you should meet with a trowel and longer . Translated by Google Translate
  7. Thx. Update First Post Sorry for my English bad
  8. The material is left intact . Unfortunately my pc suffered severe damage to components such as RAM , video card , etc. I follow the same motherboard but the rest died and can not be buying new components to encode for a while .
  9. Project Canceled Close topic please. Post-data: If you want the character and its latest developments , I ask for MP .
  10. I have not responded to date for failing to post a real "avanze". I just wanted to report that I'm already doing an upgrade of the platforms, I have corrected the occasional bug, as it falls down the platforms, among others. I arranged for the fall speeds and more. I have received an idea (copied from a game: c) and perhaps supplant the aforementioned bars, of course if I decide to add this "Idea" ... Soon it speak: C Translation from Spanish to English by Google Translate
  11. Thx, platforms already demonstrated that it is possible x-x but not think there is any perfect without an error, try to bring mine to perfection eliminating to the smallest bug. If I aspire much XDD Google Translate ^^
  12. Thx, although I really needed to achieve excellence; I would like to furnish any necessary idea of a system to create, certainly I do not have much imagination XD. I must correct many bugs, especially on platforms, referring to the first video, I corrected one annoying bug ^^
  13. Hello friends, i am coder... and you? :hi:

  14. Importante: Link of project: https://mega.nz/#F!dUQgyJiY!C6OXLqJYHwx3HTKMezuVKg Well, I happened to be fast and accurate. First a cordial greeting to all members or members of MFFA, and I had a good time without going through here, well, this time I bring something more like a Misc. A project in a char ^^ Step to tell my idea, is a work in which I think make certain systems, somewhat simple to use any coder, will include work by the time the following: Platforms: Currently in Beta version V1. Not released. Freedom on stage: I do not know if I explain later video. Not released. Bars in the character: As they are, life, power, hyper, evil, etc. Unrealized. Attacks Chocables: I will try to apply a simple method. Unrealized. Among other great ideas, brainstorming waiting. You are free to comment ^^ For now I show some small videos of what I wear. I hope your appreciation. Freedom of movement V1... V2 completed : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dcfUirVeNw Platforms V1... In process V2: https://youtu.be/01nn4MW6Gec Thanks ^^
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