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  1. I canĀ“t find these two stages, and the link on the authorĀ“s page is dead, does someone have these two?, I appreciate any help.
  2. Azrael and Kagura by Deoxgigas (there are two versions, one for 1.1 and the other for 1.0): https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AP3dhJMk2Rc_Odo&id=CA799DA891DFB124!304&cid=CA799DA891DFB124
  3. Here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/p4yslqpn6tdcdbk/jagyuta.rar
  4. Thank you man! i was searching for this one for a long while.
  5. Holy God Earth by Brown Hello there, does someone has this character? BrownĀ“s skydrive got shutted down from his page.
  6. Ken Masters KOF98 by Ikaruga, WIP http://ikrgmugen.web.fc2.com/wip.html
  7. John Crawley KOF 98 by Ikaruga, WIP http://ikrgmugen.web.fc2.com/wip.html
  8. Tizoc KOF98 by Ikaruga, WIP. http://ikrgmugen.web.fc2.com/wip.html
  9. How to deactivate strikers/assists for SanderĀ“s Ramon Hello there, does somebody know how to deactivate the strikers for Ramon?
  10. Temjin Arrange by Mage+Adamskie: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jsnpji49q99q7vy/Temjin_Arrange.rar
  11. Wonder Momo by Jaldabaoth Hello there, does someone has this character?
  12. Does a stage of Orphan's Cradle from Final Fantasy XIII exists? and who made it?
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