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  1. N_N's post in Anyone got these? was marked as the answer   
    Galmyer Corps - https://onedrive.live.com/?id=FD04CC7D5E4628DD!107&cid=FD04CC7D5E4628DD
    Mr Shihan - https://onedrive.live.com/?id=73491EC4B1649370!102&cid=73491EC4B1649370
  2. N_N's post in Nine the Phantom by Kouya was marked as the answer   
    Kind of found it. It's passworded and I don't know what the password is
    I was able to find the A.I at least
  3. N_N's post in Legend Chicken and Servbot Knight (COMPLETED) was marked as the answer   
    Here's Legend Chicken: https://mega.nz/#!UVolVa6B!PxjpIHYxMUSxcC6G_CuGxIp9PXTToOBAsp9qd6trXDY
    and Servbot Knight: https://mega.nz/#!wYh2nLxB!RyOFx5G9x-eDHTF4PPMy3t6xyVbck_z39wMA7sRQkLs
  4. N_N's post in Comboing Into Hypers Problem was marked as the answer   
    Simply just change trigger1 in the bolded text to triggerall. Triggeralls are basically the conditions required for the code to work since they're prioritized first, while numbered triggers are the extra conditions..
  5. N_N's post in Bartz (butz) by Helios was marked as the answer   
    Here you go. Unfortunately the filename was like this when I DLed it.
  6. N_N's post in Egghead by Sonicrulez10 (COMPLETED) was marked as the answer   
    Here you go. https://mega.nz/#!gUpUXbLC!guswT-XhcszaS-BGPf_lnHuOLMMZ0vifjCH7F1NOqgU
    I'm not sure where I found him, actually, but he was on one of my old HDDs.
  7. N_N's post in Can i have this Kung Fu Man Gameboy/Posso ter esse Kung Fu Man Gameboy was marked as the answer   
    https://mega.nz/#!cFg3kRpZ!_Z07R7v6QA-K4hMC7qYDv0GXGHIGdhECweLX1WoqECo  Here's Gameboy Kung Fu Man.
  8. N_N's post in This rare duke nukem was marked as the answer   
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