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Alex S.

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About Alex S.

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  1. The easiest and only solution is to not use WinMugen. The Z2 characters are made so that you can put them in your Mugen too, the fact is that we do not use WinMugen but we use the much more stable Mugen 1.0.
  2. Nobody ever remembers about Vegetto by azcal. I edited it a little to have palettes, so he has two now, it's been four/five years (even more) since I edited its .sff. Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4ff327b7cqfpvl1/Vgto_by_azcal.rar
  3. Heh, I wouldn't say this is fine, there's a lot to fix, like the neck, the shoulders, the nose, the face, you also forgot the ears. You need to learn anatomy. This is what I did: I kept the face long for the style.
  4. You should play with 4 buttons instead of 6 for 'faithful MvC2 gameplay'.
  5. So what happened to saving all pages in Wayback Machine? The first two sites that are listed weren't even saved, I had to do it. Come on, let's do it!
  6. This is resolved. If you want him, go here: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/57-final-fantasy-series/&page=1
  7. Link by Daniel9999999: http://www.mediafire.com/download/37e6u7wv7wljf6g/Hayato_YX.zip Note: it's 8 weeks old (released on December 2015) so it may be outdated.
  8. Nice character. I'm testing it now (M.U.G.E.N. 1.0, stage0 as Training stage) and I've found this: - I got this debug message when doing Valkyrie Turn: WARNING: EXPRESSION TRUNCATED TO INTEGER: PLAYER B0RF (56) IN STATE 3151: 255.000000; - it's a bit difficult, but if you manage to make the enemy bounce on the ground with the Shell Pierce (Hold D, HK on air), sometimes the "hitting ground" sound effect doesn't play, and also you can see the enemy going through the floor before bouncing. Eternal Slumber problems: - Debug flood when doing Eternal Slumber, regarding the Spinning Wheel: when I press a button, to make it stop spinning, WARNING: PLAYER SPINNING WHEEL (71) IN STATE 3516: DIVISION BY ZERO but you knew this already. - When she gets the "Death" on the Spinning Wheel, you can still see the shadow (on the default Training stage for Mugen); - the Eternal Slumber bar doesn't work very well for p2; - Poison: WARNING: PLAYER POISON (201) IN STATE 3533: HAS NO TARGET WITH HIT ID -1 that's all for now.
  9. In that topic, Laharl said that the old version of MGSSJ2 Sephiroth got released, but when and where? And if possible, can you share it? Thanks in advance.
  10. When did you release it (the old version)? I've searched everywhere and I always kept an eye on this, but I've never seen it released.
  11. Now we're only missing Juggernaut. Thanks guys for all the help. It doesn't matter. I've just signed Kaze no Ken's post as best answer but everybody has been helpful too.
  12. So there was a collection of his characters... sorry for wasting your time, I should've searched better.
  13. Does anyone have them? I can't access his OneDrive folder.
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