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Solid Snivy

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Everything posted by Solid Snivy

  1. Mikoto Misaka by OHMSBY: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/mikoto-misaka-v1-01-186978.0.html
  2. Apparently he’s floating around somewhere on the internet. Unfortunately I don’t really know much about him other than SanoTohno’s video on him. Not even the author’s name.
  3. Apparently someone did make Izaya and he's floating around on the internet somewhere. No idea where though.
  4. Anyone else ever wonder where all these Jump Ultimate Stars sprited characters come from? I feel like they just suddenly pop out of nowhere one day. 

    1. jo19sh92


      They're taken from Deviantart.

  5. This should be more of an Add-On , but here's Holn's AI patches of OHMSBY's Ruby, Yang, Robo Weiss, and k6666orochi's Blake and Weiss. https://onedrive.live.com/?id=7BB50F9EA9D9BECD!105
  6. Kirby by OHMSBY: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/kirby-186763.0.html
  7. The Super Tuff Pink Puff is finally released! Download him here, as well as looking for any updates that may happen. And as usual, here's a poll on who they should make next. https://www.strawpoll.me/17978585
  8. Apparently Sennou released a beta version of Kuroneko recently. Currently 1.1 only (there is a 1.0 conversion floating around somewhere), though this might change when she's fully completed. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AA7RPsqyBspdFjY&id=FE71D6C299938D39!141&cid=FE71D6C299938D39
  9. This site can never catch a break, huh?

    1. wicloud


      nope, it was just the out of service again, it's contagious this time of year.

    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Seriously.  This time it's a long series of ddos attacks from Dizzy.   Because I won't de-mod Rice.

  10. Download: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/robo-weiss-186391.0.html
  11. Robo Weiss by OHMSBY: http://<BLACKLISTED URL>/forum/topics/robo-weiss-186391.0.html
  12. JUS styled Labrys by Planeptune Arte: https://www.mediafire.com/file/if1xmuo9jtkross/Labrys.zip/file
  13. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/ex-asuna-potsinfinite-released-04012019-186371.0.html
  14. More of a heads up than anything, but Sennou currently has Kuroneko as a WIP.
  15. Check him out (and whatever updates he'll receive in the future) here. And as usual, there's a poll on what they should work on next: https://www.strawpoll.me/17689849
  16. OHMSBY got Waldstein done, so here he is: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/waldstein-186346.0.html
  17. Here's a Merkava edit by karin-to, named Darkness Merkava. https://ux.getuploader.com/2305/
  18. Let's be real he'd probably be a lethal joke character
  19. The Yorigami Sisters by Mojack (They have two different .def files, one for 1.0 and another for 1.1, meaning that they can work in both): https://ux.getuploader.com/MOJACK/
  20. It's literally just a mediocre edit of Kyo Kusanagi in terms of sprites. And fighting him without lowering his attack in the CNS isn't any better. And for some wondering: yes, Roy's Critical Hit would be an instant kill at that attack.
  21. Jesus Christ, those hitboxes are horrible. No wonder why I kept getting juggled by that attack.
  22. I...kinda forgot that I need to post more in this thread. Also this Roy isn't that good
  23. Roy by RMVGames: http://www.mediafire.com/file/lulbetp4riu8iuz/Roy.rar/file
  24. The Grandcypher by...well, Ryou: https://mega.nz/#!BgoGCCrZ!WskCgH97VtCLboCShaVTD2vYhoUAoB6gEGEatvQWcrA
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