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About Noctis

  • Birthday 01/26/1993

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  1. That's an oddly specific concern, but yes it does mean that even during the zoom out her hyper portraits will display properly. Also, they've been updated a few times but I haven't been posting it here. I'll start to from now on though. They're both around their 3rd update since I released Alena just so you're all clear on that.
  2. Alena Tsarevna This is Alena Tsarevna from Dragon Quest with CVS styled sprites and what I now call CVS2+ styled gameplay. It's like a WIP. I'd appreciate any comments and tips on things relating to her mechanics and gameplay or whatever else you want to tell me about really. Works on 1.0 & 1.1, but she currently does not work in WinMugen due to having used coding not supported by WinMugen. Check out her "Readme" file for info, movelist and updates. In order to use her, change her folder name to the version you want to play her on. "Alena_1.0" would be for 1.0 and "Alena_1.1" for 1.1. Warning! Somewhat large filesize (15.86mb). Download - May 26th, 2016 Previous Versions Download 2.2 - May 24th, 2016 (15mb). Download 2.1 - May 20th, 2016 (15mb). Download 2.0 - May 19th, 2016 (15mb). Video for everyone. It's a few days old. Some changes have been made since so expect some differences. Preview Bakuretsuken Ojo Tsarevna no Ken Startup Enjoy. Feedback? Mai Shiranui This is the third version of Mai Shiranui. Third version being her mechanics have been changed to work with Alena since they're both the same style. CVS2+. So it's the same situation as Alena. Any comments or opinions or anything else, please do tell. Works on 1.0 & 1.1, but she currently does not work in WinMugen due to having used coding not supported by WinMugen. Check out her "Readme" file for info, movelist and updates. In order to use her, change her folder name to the version you want to play her on. "Mai_1.0" would be for 1.0 and "Mai_1.1" for 1.1. Warning! Somewhat large filesize (21.95mb). Download - Updated May 26th, 2016 Previous Versions Download 2.5 - May 24th, 2016 (21mb) Download 2.4 - May 20th, 2016 (21mb) Download 2.3 - May 19th, 2016 (21mb). Download 2.2 - October 26th, 2015 (21mb). Download 2.1 - October 4th, 2015 (21mb). Download 2.0 - September 16th, 2015 (18mb). Yume Sakura Enjoy. Feedback?
  3. With that in mind I suddenly feel obligated to actually make her ammo system 100% working.... Instead of replenishing ammo I could make it so you pick up a gun with max ammo, exhaust it and wait for the hobo guy to drop more.....that could work better than him dropping ammo. Maybe I will finish it. Anyways, I hope you like it.
  4. I've had debug where it searches for P2's position, too, but I don't know why. I have nothing searching for it's position. Unless it's a helper not being destroyed after the round is over. Also, that hitbox is intentional. It's taking advantage of a glitch that allows the status effects to even work at all. So for now the only problem is the weird debug and the range of shadow flare. And he rarely uses Bewitching Gaze because it's pretty OP, but I'll increase it's chances. The reason why it happens as often as it does is because it's on a randomizer. Even if the conditions for it are perfect, he won't use it unless the randomizer is where it needs to be for it to trigger. This way he isn't spamming attacks nonstop. Thanks for the feedback!
  5. It's the tiny version of her from Metal Slug. It's v0.8 because I made her years ago, but never released her and when I tried to go back and finish her I couldn't remember how in god's name I even coded her to work so I don't think I'll ever get around to finishing her. I have an idea on how to make her work, but I just don't feel like doing it now. Basically, what her "read me" file says. So yeah. She's still perfectly playable, she's just not in the ideal condition. She only works in 1.0 and 1.1. Average filesize (3.85mb). Download - Updated February 27th, 2016 Previous Versions Shotgun Heavy Machinegun Enemy Chaser/Rocket Launcher Grenade
  6. Dammit! What'd you find this time? Lay it on me. . . . I just realized I forgot to update his 1.1 files I think. I can't remember. I shouldn't do Mugen when I'm exhaustingly sick.
  7. Okay. Updated again with what I hope is finally a fix for this double head glitch shit caused by god knows what. Nothing was changed gameplay was very much, so it's not a necessary download, but whatevs. What I did notice in that Shadow Flare image is that is the head helper use during Poison Breath's animation so Shadow Flare isn't broken, it's all the Poison Breath shit. Which should now be solidly fixed. Same with the infinite changestate. Couldn't replicate the health bar issue, though. It doesn't even make sense though because I have it set to read a completely different set of explods when that var is less than or equal to 0 so it might be the character being used against Zombone.
  8. The infinite changestate I got, too but I couldn't figure out where it was. There's no infinite loop so I'm at a lost what to do for that one. I'll need to watch it more closely for it's previous state. As for the double heads. Dafuq is goin' on there? I literally updated it to work better. AND SHADOW FLARE USES THE SAME STATE AS THE BEHEADED STATE SO THE ANIM...?! That's literally impossible. I'm...very confused. I'll look into all of this, thanks a bunch.
  9. I tried looking into that but I couldn't find any error. Maybe it's a glitch in the timing between him changing to his death states and the HP bar helper reading vars before he dies and changes to his death state. Not sure what to do about that... Or if that's even the problem. I'm just really confused and can't duplicate the problem, but it definitely happened so I'll keep checking. Also, updated with a fix to the other problem. Not much of a reason to redownload, but whatevs. Still updated. Thanks for the feedback!
  10. Oh, no I WANT this feedback. This happening during Poison Breath I'd understand because I use an explod, but Shadow Flare? They use the same helper so it playing both really boggles me there. I'll check this out, thanks! Also, how'd you kill it through it's head when the hp bar is still full? ALSO interesting. Looking into that, too.
  11. Really? I can see them just fine on here.
  12. This is the first version of Zombie Dragon from FFV (or Zombone). He has 6 attacks and an AI unlike my previous boss character, Metal Rear. Works on 1.0 & 1.1, but he currently does not work in WinMugen due to having used coding not supported by WinMugen. Check out his "Read Me!" file for info and updates. In order to use him, change his folder name to the version you want to play him on. "Zombone_1.0" would be for 1.0 and "Zombone_1.1" for 1.1. Warning! Slightly large filesize (6.4mb). Download - Updated February 25th, 2016. Previous Versions Download - February 23rd, 2016 Download - February 22nd, 2016 Video for everyone. Preview Images Intro Bewitching Gaze Shadow Flare Enjoy. Feedback?
  13. Happy Birthday to Noctis.


    Congrats. :-)

  14. Genitri. I'm sorry I wasn't able to do more for you. Which is really a shame because I literally got on today to start doing more because I'm finally free and have the time. Only to find you've left the scene. Which I understand and am okay with. It's your life and you do what you want with it. Don't worry about "wasting" my time. It's an experience, things were attempted, it wasn't what you wanted. Don't force yourself to do things you don't want. That'll just lead to an unhappy and depressing experience. I'm glad I got to know you though and hope wherever you go you have fun. I myself will be leaving Mugen soon as like you said. It's disheartening, no one's ever really shown an interest despite my hard work, and I just don't get any joy out of it anymore. My last character, Agrias, you could say was like a farewell character which is why I tried to pull all the stops with her and put into her everything I'd learned so far. Android 18 (I wanna finish her, but I like the idea of Agrias being what I mentioned, my farewell character), Mina (I reaaaally wanna make a character with her, but her sprites are actually all jacked up and have inconsistent palettes and colors and...it's a lot more work than it's worth so she's a no-go), and Fio. They might not see the light of day and remain in the darkest depths of my mugen folders forever. There's just no spark anymore and those over at MugenGuild are wrong. Mugen is a dying community. Just because there's a bunch of people just now finding out about it and making a bunch of characters doesn't mean it isn't dying. Characters will still be made for years to come, but it's not fun anymore. There's never really anything new. It's always an element that we've seen somewhere before or a mixture of different elements and...like you said. No spark. I've lost it myself. I wanna move on to bigger things starting with Unity. So I couldn't agree more with you, I'll miss you and hope you find that spark somewhere. I might just hunt you down to stay in touch. Wtf's your skype. Here I come, bitch.
  15. Forgot to post this here. Updated Mai again with a lot more fixes, EX attacks added and all levels of Specials upgraded. Full update in the spoiler of the first post. Enjoy! Download and feedback! Anything broken or needing improvement? Let me know.
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