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Everything posted by jade_midori

  1. Ok I bet half of the supposed Touhou fans in this forum don't even know where the fuck the (9) joke came from so I will tell it how it is: This is a manual for a Touhou game, As you can see, Cirno is on screen and she is reffered with the circled 9 symbol, in the item 9 you can clearly see with a bit of hiragana/katakana background that it says "baka", which translates to idiot. I don't know how that picked up but all touhou meems kind of suck to suck completely sooooo.. Now shove off all of ya Touhou fan posers, or I'll roast yas!
  2. Amazing thread HoF and lock, mods anyone?
  3. The coinnoseur of posting has spoken, comply now everybody.
  4. Me fighting against the clock in diverse settings: I might put more videos if I want.
  5. Whoa, people still care about this game: http://ctr4ever.ovh.org/home.php

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Galvatron


      Wow Im surprised. I havn't played that game in 13 years......

    3. Doomguy


      For me, it's been about 4 or 5 years. My cousin has a few PS1 games he doesn't play anymore. Tis' a shame I can't have them. Also a shame that most of them probably don't even work. Or have cases....

    4. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      yeah penta It is as fast as n.oxide in pal version.

  6. I don't care if it's "mysoginist" or anything, if you put a song in a page that's supposed to be silent I will instantly hate you. Noone likes autoplay in Tumblr.
  7. SPRI YAR ZON never said women were meant to be weaker so:
  8. That's probably what Optimal100s was referring to >.>
  9. I don't see the reply here where he points it out. How was he supposed to know no.
  10. Welcome to Moonside.

    Wecomel to Soonmide.

    Moonwel ot cosidme.

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