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Everything posted by OroCrimson

  1. Yeah I was super into them as a kid, made a lot of JUS-sized builds. I got into MUGEN around the same time I started getting into anime so it was pretty great. These days though I'm not into them as much. But I should try a JUS fullgame at some point. It'd be cool if someone makes one using this pack!
  2. I got purgatory'd either for saying I wish I could edit comments or for being a member of MFFA, not sure which because they haven't responded to my purgatory post in the almost 2 weeks since it happened so I'm pretty sure I'm gonezo. My confusion regarding the ban and the lack of answers landed me in this rabbit hole of everyone's history with MA and hoo boy what a journey that has been. For a group that supposedly wants people to stop painting them as the bad guy and hates other communities so much, they sure push a lot of people to them with such a hair trigger on the ban hammer. Long term supporter and defender of the site and you never knew the guy you didn't like for their "long history" of drama was the one who runs the place? That is a real solid oof. But now you know, and knowing is half the battle! (Inb4 this is misinterpreted as some statement regarding their "war" or whatever else more than simply a GI Joe reference.) I'm looking into making a somewhat alternative archival platform using Google Forms and Google Sheets, though it would lack certain benefits like coming up in Google search results. But it'd be open to everyone, ad/monetization free, no registration (at least to download), and hopefully drama neutral. I think there'd be a lot less complaining about MUGEN Archive the more we can avoid MUGEN Archive. Take this with a grain of salt though— I don't want to make any promises about anything until it's ready. Edit (7/31): My new ghetto warehousing system alternative to MA is complete. I won't link it here, mainly because i don't want to co-opt this thread to shill for my own thing. But if there's a good place to post it somewhere on MFFA, I will.
  3. Link dead, found it elsewhere, made a backup. Enjoy future travelers! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vN0rSw6wJjHRtqvg3XVB3WfGns7QnBB_/view?usp=sharing
  4. I'm not sure what that Fido's Bison is all about, it's cool, but I'm sure that certainly isn't Street Fighter II.
  5. This would be a result of an improper number of slots in likely either the MUGEN or Anime categories, caused by forgetting to delete BLANKs, not deleting enough, or deleting too many. Each category should have 300 slots. This list randomizer is a very useful tool: https://www.random.org/lists/ It randomizes the order of the lists but that's not the important feature here. At the top of the randomized list it says There were (#) items in your list. Here they are in random order: Copy a category (bar the title) and paste it in the list randomizer, and if it says anything other than "There were 300 items in your list.", add or remove BLANKs accordingly. And deleting all of the blanks is never a good idea, unless you have 300 characters in those categories.
  6. As far as I know, that's not possible. The only reason the Categories actually work in the first place is because it's in the background, and the "grid" you see in other select screens is simply invisible. (Or more accurately, each slot was given a horizontal value of 0.) So say, you're on the 16th Capcom character. You're actually on the 16th slot of that row on an invisible grid. If you move down, you'll be on the 16th SNK character. If there is no 16th SNK character, it skips through the categories until there is a 16th character. (Or Random, as all slots in the Random row are... well, randomselect.) There's no way to make it go from the 16th Capcom character to the 1st SNK character without going back to the 1st Capcom character. It's just the way MUGEN is designed. If there is a way, I do not know it, and I've never seen it used in any other Category-style screenpacks. I'm sorry.
  7. I should warn new categories comes with a new select.def ^.^' Sorry @.@ Hopefully good copy-paste work will do you well.
  8. Pointing out High School DxD immediately makes me thing of To Love-Ru. Not as action based as DxD (or at least what I've seen of it) but still has a considerable amount of action. The ecchi is the only one I know on par or possibly beyond DxD, particularly in Season 3 and later. But most importantly, the series actually does have a rather diverse cast and interesting universe, as well as a number of serious emotional scenes. And nothing's ever gotten me laughing harder than some of these episodes. I don't watch a lot of ecchi, because nothing's ever quite drawn me in the way TLR does. As someone who doesn't rate ecchi very highly, To Love-Ru made my top 10 favorite anime of all time. Definitely worth checking out. Just be sure to know your seasons, to avoid spoilers. Season 1 - http://myanimelist.net/anime/3455/To_LOVE-Ru OVAs - http://myanimelist.net/anime/5667/To_LOVE-Ru_OVA Season 2 (Made up of side-stories but still has continuity) - http://myanimelist.net/anime/9181/Motto_To_LOVE-Ru Season 3 - http://myanimelist.net/anime/13663/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness More OVAs - http://myanimelist.net/anime/13851/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness_OVA Season 4 (Uncensored episodes still coming out) - http://myanimelist.net/anime/28979/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness_2nd More OVAs (starting in January) - http://myanimelist.net/anime/31380/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness_2nd_OVA And extra episodes to wrap it all up - http://myanimelist.net/anime/31711/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness_2nd_Specials With more on the way. Plenty to keep you busy and make you sad when it's all over! Enjoy~
  9. 1. Categories. Of course you can~ Just PM me the categories you'd like and I'll get right on them for you :) 2. Ctrl + F1 and Ctrl + F2 They should work just like any other MUGEN, so yes. The only one that should be odd is F2 and Shift + F2. In previous versions, F2 set both health bars to 1 while Shift + F2 did this to just Player 2. In MUGEN 1.1, F2 sets only Player 2's health to 1, and Shift + F2 is disabled. 3. Stage Aspect Ratio The stages you have are likely 320x240 or 640x480. Your stages are 4:3. You need 16:9 stages to show properly on a 1280 x 720 screenpack. If you're familiar with Fighter Factory 3, I can go into how I personally convert my favorite stages from 4:3 to 1280x720. It's a bit of a lengthy process so if you have hundreds of stages you're closely attached to, you might not want to use this or other widescreen screenpacks. Otherwise, check out how to convert stages or start up a new collection of widescreen stages. 4. Perfect! Sort of. I didn't see an option for changing the KO! to read Perfect, but your win icon will have a gold overlay if you get a perfect. 5. VSelect vs Manual I'm not personally familiar with VSelect, I used it only once a long time ago. I don't imagine VSelect would be very practical for this Screenpack as the categories are done by giving the character cells no width and giving each row 300 "invisible" slots. ============================================================ Ex. How to convert 4:3 Stages into 16:9 (Widescreen) This process looks long and confusing, but once you get the hang of it, it's easy-peasy. When the Alignment Tool comes up, the first thing you want to do is click the Select All button. Then, where the Y: value is at the top, you want to put in the number of pixels you just calculated (when you subtracted the zoffsets). In this example's case, it is 104. After you do that, click Apply ONLY ONCE. If you spam click it, it will add those 104 pixels for each click. Then close the Alignment Tool and save. TA-DA! Reloading the stage should now show a nicely converted Widescreen stage for your enjoyment! Note that in some rare cases, some more complex stages will have some sprites that don't align correctly. There's nothing I really know how to do about that, for me those stages are just not meant to be. But this is a rare situation, most stages I convert work fine and look great. If you had the attention span for all that, then great! Congratulations on taking on such an intimidating endeavor and enjoy your HD Widescreen MUGEN :)
  10. The categories are actually one big background image. Changing them requires editing the image and replacing the picture in the SFF If you're familiar with GIMP and using Fighter Factory 3 to replace sprites in the system.sff file, I can give you the GIMP file to let you have a crack at it. If you'd rather though, I'd be more than happy to customize it for you instead. Just shoot me a PM with what you want the categories to be. Edit: I forgot about the custom fonts I use. Yeah, it's probably better to just PM me what you'd like the categories to be.
  11. The day is saved! (I think. I never saw the original so I don't know if what I'm looking at is 100% the 1.1 version, but it IS a bigger file size and the .rar says 1.1 so I'm convinced lol) Good work Alice, and thank you so much Phantom You both are awesome. (now let's see if this thing will convert to widescreen and zoom without breaking -pulls out a screwdriver and a wrench- ) Nope. Not with my skills at least. Darn. (Almost worked for widescreen, but the foreground grass doesn't quite match up for some reason.)
  12. Can't help but notice: Fighter's History attempts to link to Street Fighter 3, which is deadlinked anyway. Versus does this too Blazblue links to CVS Dong Dong Never Die does this too Million Knights Vermillion links to Guilty Gear The Inm of Fighters links to I Wanna Be The Guy ExShadow links back to the [COLLECTIONS] topic This forum post has been bug tested. :) Sorry about that. Came here looking for Blazblue and when I noticed the responses having some issues and them getting fixed, I thought I'd just knock all the misdirects out of the way and bring them to the forefront. Now to find me some Blazblue stages.... (Basically hunting for pretty stages with 1.1 zoom... I've spent two whole nights searching and have come up with a measly 13 of them. Usually when I can't find something, I'm like "Then I shall learn how to make it!" But... I'm not an artist x.x Pretty stages are not in my skillset.)
  13. It must be really difficult losing your own work like that. I'm sorry :( Hopefully a passerby who just so happens to have kept a hold of the 1.1 stage will find this post and save the day!
  14. Oh no @.@ That's really tragic I love your stages by the way~! I've been hard at work converting them to widescreen for my MUGEN build. Some of them are kind of hard though, like Hakugyokurou's ceiling doesn't work right in widescreen x.x But most of them look pretty good in widescreen~! Edit: Oh no! A good number of your stages are deadlinked! Couldn't grab Training, Scarlet Devil Mansion, or the Crypt either. What happened? D:
  15. Hello everyone! I've been collecting HD 1.1 stages lately and I found one that looked really nice on Alice Margatroid's MUGEN page https://sites.google.com/site/thepuppetofthemagus/mugen/misc-stages/stages Called Classic 3D (specifically, this 1.1 version) The problem is... the download link is dead. @.@ Does anyone have this lying around?
  16. WARNING: This Screenpack only works with MUGEN version 1.1 set up with a 1280 x 720 resolution! This screenpack comes packaged with MUGEN 1.1. My labor is complete! At least, for now. I might come back some day and make it more exciting, as it's nothing particularly spectacular right now. So here's what this is, I wanted to make a MUGEN build, that I called Generations, and I wanted it to be in HD. Or at least, in widescreen. But I also wanted a Category screenpack. And then I discovered that there are no HD Category screenpacks. At least, not that I can find. Eventually I said "Screw it, I'm going to just learn how to make my own." And then I spent the last three nights straight putting this together! My first screenpack! I actually forgot to eat for the entire middle day. ^.^' I must say though, 1.1's PNG support sure makes things a whole lot easier. I present this all to you, as I figure I'm probably not the only one who'd have interest in a screenpack such as this. ------------------- Screenpack has 300 slots per category for up to 4800 character slots (one category is a hidden "Secret" category). If aesthetic isn't a concern, there are two blank rows that can theoretically have characters placed in them too, as well as the Random row, for a total maximum amount of 5700 characters. The Screenpack comes pre-installed onto 1.1 and includes 1 KFM in each category for quick testing of the Select Screen. The Select Screen is also numbered to keep track of the 300 slots in each category. Feel free to be remove either feature. SCREENSHOTS! Main Menu Spoiler Select Screen Spoiler EDIT: Quickly added "ANIME" Category NOTE: The (A) before each character is not part of the Screenpack. It's just a naming convention as part of my MUGEN Generations project. VS Screen Spoiler Health Bars! Spoiler KO! NEW: Video! Spoiler DOWNLOAD LINK: Click here to give it a go! Let me know how you like it~
  17. The .def says someone named "adamskie".
  18. Everywhere I find any results for it just deadlink me. Anyone perhaps have this one lying around? Thank you~
  19. Sorry for the necro but Does anyone still have Infinite Geese? He's deadlinked in this thread. I've been collecting all the Infinites because me makes damn fine characters, and it's nice to have them balanced out with each other. Edit: Also, anyone know how to remove the Tag mechanic from Infinite Clark? (and any of the others if they have them too? Haven't tested all of them in doubles yet)
  20. With Clubsyn down, it makes quite a few characters extremely difficult to get. I've been looking everywhere for any mirrors but I'm out of luck. I DID see another thread with a request for these that had been answered, but the links are down now. These characters look amazing. If anyone has them, could you do a favor and upload them for me? I would be extremely grateful.
  21. I like that you used Bison as an example. I almost did myself. Anyway, quite interesting, I feel silly, not considering that "includestage" would be right after, well I dunno, the STAGE *sigh* Well, just now tested it. First person I got was someone who was supposed to be Order=4 again. I just don't get it... I'm going to try actually putting "includestage" in there again... Agh! Still not working! Here's a direct example, in case I'm messing up in a way I just can't see " Shen, stages/Fusion_Reactor_Core-Utsuho 1.1.def,includestage=1, order=4 " EDIT: Just got a silly idea... and if this is the problem, I'm going to flip some tables... EDIT2: Ooooh. MUGEN was just being a picky little bugger. Doesn't like spaces apparently. Had an issue with that space between Utsuho and 1.1... had to replace it with an underscore. That was it. Then it was working. ... Wow.
  22. Sorry for posting so much here. I have this really silly issue in Mugen1.1 where my Orders just won't work like they should. The ones with no specified order are in Order 1, like they should be. Those set to Character Name, random, order=3 Are in Order 3 where they belong. But those in Order 4, that are set like this: Character Name, stage/stagename.def, order=4 Are not in Order 4 like they should be, but appear in Order 1 instead. To add insult to injury, they're not in the right stage. I assume that my Character Name, stage/stagename.def, order=5 Will do the same, but it's hard to test as it's only 1 in a cast of 118. I tried changing it to Character Name, stage/stagename.def, order=4, includestage=1 But it had no effect. Anyone have any ideas? EDIT: I also have an Order 2 Character Name, random, order=2, music/musicfile.mp3 And that one works too. it's only Order 4 (and theoretically Order 5) having issues.
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