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Legendary Savior
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About Алексей

  • Birthday 03/26/1990

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    муген и программирование.
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  1. You're really going to unearth that crap from 2013? I'll leave the comment, because people really should see it, but this thread is locked now. Have fun creating for your unattainable standards.
  2. They're not replacing anyone really, unless you mean people from back when Ryon was still the owner.
  3. "Lorem Ipsum" is NOT Greek. If you call it such, you're wrong. I'm looking at you, Trevor!


    Sorry, had to get that off my chest. I can't complain to the guy himself because it's a work-related thing and we try to keep a positive attitude throughout the day, yada yada...


    I'm sure you've all had that one thing that bugs you to no end at work or school or maybe at home. Share below if you'd like.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Алексей
    3. Ryon


      thats like how at certain subways in manhattan it says "E Pluribus Unum" Out Of Many, One.

    4. Алексей


      Lol yep. To this guy, that would be Greek as well.

  4. Macro management makes eating sooooo much worse. Want that slice of bread? Nope, too many carbs. Some bacon in my omelette? Nope, too much fat. Need exactly 33g of carbs more for the day? Time for 3 rice cakes. Fuck.


    (Okay, okay. Rice cakes are decent with the different flavors, but still...)

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      lol welcome to my life.  Odd bit of trivia but I'm actually a trained and certified (not licensed or practicing) nutrition counselor, aside from being a chef and kitchen manager of 20+ years.  
      My career, up until relatively recently, has been centered around bridging healthy eating and tasty eating.  So as an open ended offer, if you Ever want to talk food I'd be all about it :)

    2. Алексей


      That's awesome to know. I might take you up on that offer. ;)

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Cool.  Seriously, any time.

  5. "Well on the floor there's a long wooden table. On the table there's an open book. On the page there's a detailed drawing and on the drawing is the name I took."

  6. Happy b-day sensei sama!

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      (slightly belated, apologies)

    2. Алексей


      Haha, no worries. Thanks man!

  7. This is your problem. You keep bringing up MFG and these theories that no one here cares about. Furthermore, it's irrelevant. If you have a vendetta with MFG, then maybe you should take it up with them. Ricepigeon's actions are justified and discussed before taken. The whole staff has a say in what we do with admins having the final words. If Rice was doing anything against our guidelines or going rogue, we'd know before hand and take action from there. Enough of this nonsense. I don't want to see anymore posts regarding this topic of MFG from you (or anyone else) anymore. Surely you can find something better to talk about. There's a great community of people here who "shoot the shit" about plenty of other topics. I'm sure you could find something that interests you.
  8. Your thread only STARTED somewhat tame by asking for help for something MA-related, but then you started bashing MFG saying they were a bunch of old assholes and whatnot. How is that informative exactly?
  9. I specifically mentioned to you in that thread to knock off the "FORUM" bashing. You did not, so the thread was locked. It was as simple as that. Had you been bashing MMV or MA instead, it would have received the same treatment.
  10. ♫ Simba's stuck, Simba's stuck, Simba's stuck on the wall, 'the fuck? ♫

  11. Apologies for the error some of you have witnessed. It should be resolved now.

  12. I agree. I have the same exact mindset when it comes to forums and other services. In most cases, I never want to be apart of their communities. That's why MC was created with my own mindset in mind, thinking others might have the same. Downloads were open to anyone, even if you were banned.
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