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Toasted Milque

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Sill Kinda New (2/30)

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  1. If the Stun state is a custom state, the problem is that there isn't a changestate trigger that reverts the character back into an idle state or any state that gives the character control again. Listed below is an example you can look at to give you an idea on fixing the Perma-stun issue. [State 5300, stun time over] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime >= 300 <---(every 60 ticks is 1 second. Animtime means the ticks only count when the character is in the state's animation) value = 0 ctrl = 1 If the Stun is not a custom state, then the problem lies in Pausetime and/or Ground.hittime values being too high, try lowering them to more reasonable values to fix the issue.
  2. My pick would be the Centurions from Ogre battle 64, specifically Europea Rheda and/or the generic male & female Centurian classes. I envision them as being setup heavy characters that revolve around ordering soldiers (the short, spear wielding dudes that fight in groups of three) to do stuff like charging through people or holding a position, ready to strike foes that get to close. The Centurions CAN fight on their own, but all specials & supers are striker-based, with supers involving other characters like calling forth an Archmage to bombard the field with a powerful lightning storm(which end prematurely if the wizard gets hit by the enemy), or an Angel Knight that's positioned on the opposite side of the screen, mirrors your movement, & attacks in sync with your normals (you can also input the command that summoned her whenever she's on the field to have her cast Banish on the target, which always strikes at the target's location & can be used even when you're under attack, this dismisses the Angel Knight prematurely however.) Of course, this is wishful thinking as Ogre Battle isn't as well-known now when compared to the SNES & N64 days, coding striker-heavy characters is also noticeably more difficult than other Archetypes, especially in a way that doesn't make said character cheap as ludder or weaker than dried buttercups.
  3. I browsed around the character collection threads & wondered ... how exactly do you set up a thread like this? I am well aware that you'll need an account for file storage sites like MEGA & Onedrive, but how do you provide the links? Are there any prerequisites that must be fulfilled before you can even post a collection thread?
  4. Another fresh face has entered the realm of MFFA ... Toasted Milque! So who am I? if you're expecting stuff like my actual name, you must be tripping something fierce! I'm just a handsome fellow that dabbles with mugen from time to time, be it setting up a roster of fighters that all have a real chance of victory ... or just messing about with DSP vs LTG battles. Expect me to be inconstant, as desire to talk is never routine, unlike my fondness for a good laugh.
  5. I have that version of Nyal, the sub-boss mode triggers when it's fighting in the Madness City. During Sub-Boss mode, Nyal's AI recovers 72 HP for every succesful Parry, the AI also parries strings more often. To change the stage in which this effect is applied, find this block in Nyal.cns: [State -3, Messiah's Influence] type = varset triggerall = AIlevel trigger1 = StageVar(info.name) = "THE MADNESS CITY" var(37) = 1 ignorehitpause = 1 replace "THE MADNESS CITY" with the name of whatever stage you want this to apply, make sure the stage's name is between quotation marks "" If you want the effect to apply to you as well as the AI, just put a semicolon next to the triggerall line like this--> ;triggerall = AIlevel
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