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Infernal Spectre

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  1. Updated the folder with following patches/minor edits:
  2. Thanks a lot, good video! Regarding the japanese writing, it's supposed to be 剣聖, not 憲政. I don't really know japanese if anything.
  3. Updated Artorias with a config file. Now you can adjust AI level, armor and some other things.
  4. Void Shana, using sprites from Dengeki Bunko Crossing Void and with moveset inspired by Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. https://www.mediafire.com/?wfkrx0s277bpqp1 Knight Artorias from Dark Souls. https://www.mediafire.com/?adirksbr45g0wrb Lux Aeterna, a simple Kanna edit that uses varous spells and light-based attacks. https://www.mediafire.com/?omla4exad88og4g Sandro the Necromancer, with an army of 7000 skeletons! https://www.mediafire.com/?pb2xjp4mx8tdvma
  5. I'm fairly sure that this is Schlussel edit by Precious. https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5804705536 Download link and password are at the bottom of the first post.
  6. A small joke edit of Kung Fu Men http://www.mediafire.com/?1l4o37uu7r5j4wa
  7. Please note that AI patches for winmugen characters were set to be always enabled by default. You can set the AI variable(usually 59) in cmd file. And I apologize for uploading whole characters, most of these patches are rather old and I just can't remember what was changed. List of characters: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/utuzgerelgx85/Patches
  8. Hello. Here are some characters i made mostly for the sake of seeing something completely different in mugen. So, my first character is a conversion of Freeze mage deck from Hearthstone. I tried my best to replicate gameplay of the deck in a fighting game. You can still shackle your enemies with chains of ice and burn them with fire. Ice Block included. Some minor things were also added just for fun. http://www.mediafire.com/?0lk0gb5hbe0b7bl Second one is closer to a traditional character, made mostly to learn more of how mugen works. It is Suigintou from Rozen Maiden, using sprites from Nijikaku game. Simple gameplay, can use her artifical spirit to attack. http://www.mediafire.com/?dtt6cgg616tgcji Third one is a spellcaster character based on Patchouli Knowledge. She possesses powerful spells and can unleash dark spirits to aid her in battle but is unable to fight in close combat. http://www.mediafire.com/?wul302w4l4i44ng Fourth and currently last one is a Lightning Mage from Diablo 2. With Manashield and random damage of Lightning spell. Mana pool and power bar were made to serve different purposes, with Mana being used for spells and power bar acting as a timer until the final (possibly game ending) spell can be used. Sitting down can help recover mana faster. http://www.mediafire.com/?th593pa55fdusnz
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