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Yukari Yakumo - Gap Youkai

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About Yukari Yakumo - Gap Youkai

  • Birthday 10/07/2002

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    United States of America
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    Video Games, that's it.
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    Burnout Revenge, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Forza Horizon 4
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  1. ORIGINAL CHARACTER MADE BY y.y ALL CREDIT TO THEM. Well uh, this edit has a story behind it for sure. So 3 years back, I was messing around with y.y's Hol Horse in Watch Mode, just having dumb fun.. then I thought to myself.. what if Boingo, and Hanged Man, at once? This Edit's only purpose is to give Hol Horse both his buddies at once, not much changes attackwise, other than him now having the Truck, and Pipe Supers. -All Attack inputs remain unchanged. -All Stats, movements, moves unchanged. He uses Hanged Man's version for everything, so he doesn't fire bullets at Mach Speed when Boingo is his partner. The commands for Boingo's Pipe, and Truck are. Truck - ~F, D, DF, c+x Pipe - ~B, D, DB, c+x this is the Whole Horse. https://www.mediafire.com/file/5z3o2nxuacal0bl/ultimatehol.zip/file
  2. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247826131317686273/804112398235205632/2021-01-27_17-14-02.mp4 that is all
  3. Seems that you're just ignoring feedback and criticism at this point honestly, it won't get you anywhere.
  4. Oh boy.. where to begin? 1. Once again, you are missing important 5000 sprites, making Hiroshi completely invisible in some hit animations, and in all grabs that use the throw anim. 2. the Bagurasshu can be used on infinite repeat till' the opponent is KOed 3. the icon is a really awful resize, and looks pretty horrid. 4. A lot of hurtboxes are pathetically small, only covering 40% of his body, and some are STILL copied and pasted from Kung Fu Man, the only hurtboxes you even got right were the guard animations. 5. Again, if you're not going to have any running states, please remove the commands from the CMD file, as it will flood debug if you try to run. 6. white pixels are everywhere, between limbs, on faces, even portraits. 7. No sprites are even using Palette 1,1 they are scattered everywhere, making the sff a complete disaster. It feels like you're not trying to improve, considering the amount of times some of these issues have been pointed out.
  5. 1. It's riddled with the same issues we've stated several times over, it is missing important sprites for the 5000 groups. 2. his walk speed is absurdly slow, yet back dash is the speed of light. 3. his attacks are easily spammable. 4. you can just F1 him and move on. 5. Clearly you never saw the days of WinMUGEN. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247826131317686273/793276455525548102/2020-12-28_19-35-54.mp4 6. the portrait is extremely squished, when it should just be a simple cut out. 7. all sprites are linked to duplicate ones, and none ever use 1,1. 8. the icon is horribly resized. It's like you keep ignoring all feedback because some of these issues have been prevalent in every release.
  6. My ears. 1. Once again usual basic attacks can be spammed to no end 2. Your issues with not taking out the run command has returned 3. Portrait is poorly made, with transparent hair 4. the walking speed is too high, once again, making it really easy to spam basic attacks. 5. KFM hitboxes, they are way too small for Marisa's head. 6. the screaming, can you please tone it down, it was too loud. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/466382499355033601/767753615238496266/2020-10-19_10-17-55.mp4 7. she slides against the floor when koed until the camera hits P1 like your older characters. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247826131317686273/767756150971433000/2020-10-19_10-28-07.mp4
  7. 1. Light and Medium Punch can be spammed till' you either mess up, or the opponent is koed 2. there is no limit on bombs. 3. the icon is very poorly made, as it's the portrait but extremely squished. 4. some parts of the sprites are completely transparent 5. the portrait is made very poorly, there's white pixels all over 6. some special attacks are literally useless because the damage for them is too low. 7. tons of sprites are linked to completely different palettes, as a result, the number is way too large, and a majority of them are filler. 8. You are missing required 5000 sprites, AGAIN 9. KFM Hitboxes, some are too small as a result
  8. Ok, there's issues with spriting already. First, Katerina is constantly changing size, and color, it looks really awful. Second, some attacks can be spammed to the point where damage is no longer being applied it's very bad. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247826131317686273/767726449653579806/2020-10-19_08-29-06.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247826131317686273/767727482861518888/2020-10-19_08-33-07.mp4 Third, it's missing required sprites, lots of them, this as a result makes Katerina invisible in certain situations, such as being hit by Sonic's Flare. Fourth, the portrait is a really awful resize, I know some can be too big, but there is actual ways to resizing that don't make it too stretched or too thin, there's also tons of white all around it too. Fifth, the intro, seriously, lower the volume, too loud. to end it, some animations literally just use KFM's hitboxes, meaning they are too small for her
  9. the link for Barai's Mima leads to a non-existent file
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you want other people to do work for you? That seems awfully lazy.
  11. Archive is filled with awful works, out of date characters, spriteswaps, stolen chars, literal virus chars at one point I believe, but it had a really bad cheapie at one point, etc. the mods are probably the main reason why the site has been blacklisted. the site actively restricts unregistered members, and members of the lowest level with their Community Event. they will ban anyone who dares step foot onto a different site. from the two and half years I was there, I can say this. The Site just isn't worth your time, it's outdated, it's clunky, and they are making money of off people's hard work
  12. I'll be honest, this isn't very good, it's not prepared for players who can pass by. On top of this, he is F1able, there's also transparency for his eyes https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/257596002209497088/736271834743308308/warionofun.mp4 If the player passed through him twice, he just doesn't come back. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/257596002209497088/736269004590809168/Notprepared.mp4 and some times he just doesn't come at all overall it's very meh https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/257596002209497088/736278653020668044/Skateaway.mp4 also this can happen too.
  13. I`m sorry for creating it in the  [ OFFSITE RELEASES ] area. So i decided to remake it and upload it in the  [ WORKS IN PROGRESS ] area instead! Here: 


  14. This is an edit of Devon's Megamix Black Edition you can find his stuff here - https://mugenguild.com/forum/profile/president-devon-84432 or here - https://network.mugenguild.com/devon/ This is a 1280x720 Screenpack, that requires OpenGL and 1.1b, it's also Animation Heavy so make sure your PC is decent. From Devon's readme file "This is a screenpack made for MUGEN 1.1. It's a deliberately unfinished April Fools joke I made to advertise my actual next project "Street Fighter Remix Turbo". Every year for the past 3 or so years I've tried to finish this screenpack for April 1 but each time I fail. I mainly fail because I've moved on from the project and things like the animation style and my old Group Order Framework mean nothing to me now." What this edit does is -Use the Megamix HD Remix bars, and fightfx -change the p2 portrait to face the opposite direction -adds portrait boxes to the versus screen -readjusts some window values -removes all traces of the April Fools screen -adds a victory screen -removes all unused content With this screenpack, a stage based entirely off the Menu is included. Here is a Google Drive link -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Le556Ii7BCyvSYj2VnmZgxPLxRjpwz81/view?usp=sharing and here is a Gamebanana Mirror if the Google Drive link doesn't work -https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/9954 Note: I forgot to clear the select.def before uploading, whoops.. it's an easy thing to do anyways, VSelect is suggested for adding/removing characters.
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