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Nep Heart

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Everything posted by Nep Heart

  1. Not really something written by me, but thought it was note worthy to show off here. A character review by @Alchemist of Atlas on Mingxia Myeong. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17qxNQnwpzV4O6b2-0aX84bLpwXwi3m89E1f6YPqOpYQ/edit?usp=sharing

    Alternatively, it would just be Nep Nep herself.






  3. I very much enjoyed this well-deserved compilation of emotional breakdowns.


     I still love this fanart request for my OC that Rogg did years back, really emphasis Aya's cuteness.

  5. Hello there. Hey, I know you! Welcome aboard.


    Nep Nep will break you.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dissidia


      Didn't know you were into muscular ladies. I learn something new every day. 😄

    3. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      Well, I did draw a muscle girl OC just a month or two back, so...


       Although, tbh, I don't think we've ever got to know each other much to begin with. 😛

    4. thebestmlTBM


      When trying to fight in a match against Neptune (AI) in MUGEN be like...

  7. More tech porn for you guys. I really should do another short story write-up however.
  8. Not remotely as hardcore like metaphorical items, but still a pretty cool and deadly nonetheless... it's also part of me working more extensively on the Chronosphere, which I will eventually elaborate on.
  9. Higanbana in a revealing predicament.
  10. As one of my older characters, Hotaru has finally received a much needed revamp to keep her up to standard with my newer stuff. With that complete, I can move on to another character overhaul to coincide with the return of her series; Haruhi Suzumiya! All SNK Characters: - Revised Roll/Air Dodge mechanic to cancel normals on contact instead of canceling guardstun for the 1000 power cost. - Improved Hyper Drive activation FX. Hotaru Futaba: - Completely overhauled.
  11. Higanbana joins the fad.
  12. Updated a specific code in every character who has it. All Generation 1 characters: - Corrected bug in anti-custom state glitch coding.
  13. Requesting to add Reimu Hakurei by Nep Heart to the collection. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DilRe__n7c22OI429G?e=faTT2Z
  14. Reimu seals the deal as she makes her way into MUGEN. Considerable late for a release due to my MUGEN hiatus as I wanted to put more focus into my other hobbies, but I finally have her out ready for the 1st of the month. From here, I'll be mostly focusing on overhauls for older characters until resources for two characters I really want to do become available later this year, if not next. Anyway, hope you all enjoy this new iteration of Reimu! Download her here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DilRe__n7c22OI429G?e=faTT2Z [b]Reisen Udongein Inaba:[/b] - Most normals have damage reduced. - Increased start-up on 4z and 6z normals. - Decreased range on crouching medium. - Reduced Mind Explosion damage, hitstun and hit velocities as well as slightly increased endlag for all variations. - Disorder Eye no longer allows air control after use. - Tightened damage on all versions of Illusory Blast for more consistency. - Grand Patriot's Elixir now drains power.
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