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Everything posted by Xiristatos

  1. Would you look at that... Diamond is Unbreakable already gets an English dub! I almost thought we had to wait for eons for that... my curiosity is directed especially to what my boy Kira will sound like.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      stardust crusaders isn't over on toonami yet

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      DIU is getting Dubbed you lie First Vento Aureo gets announced/Revealed (Finally) and now this my god at Last JOJO May get glorified in the west and not just meme ammo o_0

    4. Cook4251


      I'm curious how my boy Josuke will sound though. I look forward to it.

  2. That's actually a genuinely nice and awesome way to commemorate an infamously bad MUGEN author. Speaking of which, I'm really glad that The_None decided to tone down his hateful behavior for once, and I especially respect his decision to openly apologize to GooGoo64 himself for all the heat he might have given to him with his character bashing videos. I was always highly irritated by that toxically cynical behavior of his whenever it showed up (basically, everytime), especially since it reminds me too much of myself... and that always pisses me off, fuck myself.
  3. I, Xiristatos, never need drugs in my life, let alone for something like this. Never did them, never will, for I, Xiristatos, am a complete natural. Same with anything else like smoking or alcoholism... I absolutely never need any weakling's crap like this to accentuate the fact that I'm a pile of fermented rat piss and rotten monkey ass.
  4. So... what the hell just happened?

  5. Who needs to click on the Logout button when a bug can simply log you out before you even thought of that?

  6. So predictably, the FCC voted against "net neutrality" and thus automatically "against the entire internet".


    If I were to say anything about this it would be a recommendation to you not to freak out about this. I swear, the same thing happened back in early 2014 and the internet did without "neutrality" for a full year, and it didn't turn into a shithole. And that's not mentioning everything before 2007... this does absolutely nothing, as even when it currently existed, it didn't fully work out as battleforthenet pretended it to be.


    The only effects this vote has is the inevitable outrage of everyone who was against this repeal, and of course one of the top-trending hashtags on Twitter is "#RipInternet".

    Is this for real? Most people have no idea how the internet works, but so many are still super passionate about net neutrality and convinced that without it the internet dies.

    Even without taking 2014 into account (which I can't stress enough), what would ever convince you of such an infantile view?


    I'm not at all convinced that most people freaking out about this have even looked up what net neutrality is... and for that matter, how the internet even functions. This issue just pisses me off. There are certainly ways the freedom on internet in countries is hampered, like anti-privacy laws or actual, genuine government-caused censorship of politically unfavorable websites, this "net neutrality" shit is not one of them.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flowrellik


      Um yeah it's called the FCC FABRICATED them for their own defense. @White Ranger

    3. Xiristatos


      Yep, I actually do agree, that deceased comments thing likely seems to be true. It happens with a lot of policy issues nowadays, thanks to fucking Twitter (fuck Twitter). It's not hard to fabricate something like "majority opinions" to make it feel like the real deal, but the FCC did it way too openly. I don't even know why they'd do this if they knew all this repealing thing would enrage a lot of people, it's not like those deceased people will come back to life to defend them...


      I could believe them doing this, definitely. While I wouldn't outright call Ajit the satan's anus as everyone else seems to be doing, I really wonder how he's able to take the heat so... shockingly well. Like, what the hell is up with those two videos he uploaded of himself? Especially the one where he's... Santa with a Nerf Gun and a Fidget Spinner? Even as someone who despises this overhyped issue, I really wonder... what was he sniffing?

    4. Xiristatos


      Really, @uaguilar, hell if I know more than others do. What I can definitely tell you is that the only real effects this vote will have is on the emotions of everyone involved, only to then have the issue forgotten by quite a few again. It's like the five stages of grief actually kick in one time and subtly disappear, due to barely anything having changed. That is one thing I am fairly confident in, because I followed this issue more than it seemed. Back in 2014 when it was first "repealed" (different way, but same outcome), I did believe in the same thing "everyone else" did, only to then realize after a while that absolutely none of these infantile doomsday scenarios even CLOSELY came to fruition. It simply made no sense anyway, especially ironic considering I'm the type of person who would even follow this issue in the first place.


      Really, as I said before, I have no real position in this... I can believe a few of the arguments and scenarios the pro-NN side gives, but this "EVERYONE WILL BE SLOWED DOWN, ALL WILL BE CENSORED, INTERNET IS FUCKING DYING, CORPORATIONS HAVE COMPLETE AND UTTER CONTROL OF EVERYTHING EVER!!!" bullshit is just that, utter bullshit. Hell, don't take my word for it, take it from someone who's more knowledgeable on internet issues than me: http://illusionofmore.com/why-im-neutral-for-now-on-net-neutrality/

  7. Guys, Mutahar just read my first trollpasta... and yes, it's exactly the kind of trollpasta as retarded as you think it's gonna be. Such is the charm of me, Xiristatos.


    1. Gaulbetti


      What the hell is a trollpasta?

    2. Xiristatos


      A trollpasta is a form of "creepypasta" which is done intentionally horribly... for laughs and whatever. And if you don't know what a creepypasta is... it's basically a term for scary stories on the internet... you know, Slenderman or Zalgo. Those kinds of things. Lately a lot of genuinely horrendous creepypastas have existed, like "Jeff the Killer" or that dump of asslard called "Clockwork: Your Time is Up" and they're often referred to as "unintentional trollpastas".


      What I wrote here was one hell of an intentional one. There's an entire wikia devoted to these kinds of things, both intentional AND unintentional, check it out: http://trollpasta.wikia.com/wiki/Trollpasta_Wiki

  8. So it turns out that Hidden Star in Four Seasons is gonna get a Steam release... on the 17th of this month to be exact.

    Well, that's a first.

  9. Alrighty then, thanks for the mediafire link. The very second I saw you type in "Mugen Archive" I, Xiristatos, was worried I would have to go there myself, which is just plain impossible for me because for some dumb reason, Archive banned my e-mail address... even though I, Xiristatos, never had any account there before. And that is just one of many things wrong with Archive that I, Xiristatos, probably shouldn't mention. Again, mediafire link very much appreciated, my dude. By the way, it appears that this download is not the character in its entirety, but some of her files that are to be inserted into the original Ako's files. You know, kinda like a patch or something. Just noting that for whatever 1.0 users want to download this particular file.
  10. Well, RyochiReturns, I just tried her out on my Mugen 1.0... and I, Xiristatos, was told that my Mugen was too much of an old fart for her. Yeah... she's 1.1 only.
  11. I haven't downloaded her yet, but I, Xiristatos, already find that hard to believe. First, pretty much everytime you released a new character, the WIP percentage was always at about 95% at the time. You couldn't possibly have simply "forgotten" to change that 80%. Also, 5MB? I think you should hide tricks a bit better. You can definitely fool people if she had the average Touhou character file size, but not with something even smaller than your April Fools Chen. Ok, I was wrong, she's legit. Good lord am I, Xiristatos, fucking stupid.
  12. I, Xiristatos, will be leaving y'all tomorrow and shall come back in Friday at the latest... no, it doesn't matter at all, but I, Xiristatos, just wanted to let y'all know of my upcoming absence... you know, just in case anyone might attempt to put a comment on my profile probably thinking that "OH MI FLYINGSPAGHETIMONSTER, DID XIRISTASHOPPINGCART DIE HIMSELF TO DEATH??!"


    But no one shall ever think like that, guaranteedly.


    Yeah, whatever... I, Xirista- ah fuck this.

  13. So... you know the penguin "Grape-Kun" who's obsessed with its fellow cardboard Kemono Friend?

    Well, uhhh... how do I say this... he bit the dust. Yes... I, Xiristatos, probably shouldn't be the one spreading something like this (partly and mostly because I'm too much of an ass to be capable of properly doing such a thing), but I just want to let y'know... he's not with "us" (read: you) anymore. So here's a prettatiously relevantistic piction for no particularistic reasonation:



  14. For the first time in almost 9 years after my tonsils were surgically removed, I, Xiristatos, threw up... rather brutally in fact. Why does this matter? It doesn't, screw you.


    I was actually afraid of the possibility of this happening to me after such a long time, yet it came. Let's just say I... kinda freaked out while it happened.


    I still went to work afterwards because that was pretty much it... vomit like hell so much that you'll look as pretty as I usually am and back to business.


    With love, Xiristatos.

  15. It is on this day, the 28th of September, in which the age of me, Xiristatos, is annually raised by one number. I refuse to consider these days "birthdays" anymore. To me they have become as uplifting as chugging down some ice tea and only realizing after a few hours that you still have a lot of it left. It's a very slight and momentary fraction of "pleasure" until you realize you still fucking hate your life and you always will.

    1. Sinjik


      I'm... Sorry to hear that.

      Happy Birthday though.

    2. Xiristatos


      Thank you, I still do appreciate someone coming by and wishing me well. Don't worry, nothing bad in particular happened to me, it's just this feeling that with every coming year, my life seems to become blander than ever... nothing horrible, but just... pointless. But I'll just stop here and say nothing more.

    3. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy Birthday, Yo! Keep Being Awesome! (Party Horn)


  16. Well... as they say, to each his own. Then again, I have a pretty messed up... sense of "humor". My signature alone proves that.
  17. Great Fawn post and all, but good lard... that "Weekly Funny" was nearly unintelligible at the second half, like with that the hell did you even type this in...? This thing, or what? Not that it matters though... I didn't even get the joke, or I don't even now if it WAS supposed to be funny...
  18. And what happened to an utter ballsack of a woman who falsely accused 15 men of raping "her"? http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-41037826

    1. LuigiTheMemeLord


      Doesn't surprise me someone would lie about that these days.


      There's plenty of stories about stuff like that.

    2. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      The sad part is people defending her


    3. LuigiTheMemeLord


      Dont expect anything less from left leaning "news" networks.

  19. That incredibly stupid feeling when you have like 800 characters in your MUGEN, but only really use like 5 of them because Complacent Gaming Syndrome, a.k.a. lazy dumbass

    1. Noside


      I do that too but just to have fun fighting against a ton of different fighters, I've also set my cfg for 50 matches, tons of fun!

    2. Gaulbetti


      It gets even worse higher up. So hard to use characters I even genuinely like nowadays.

    3. Xiristatos


      I do that same thing often, Noside. If my laziness gets the better of me, I make sure that at least some part of it stays fresh.

  20. And I don't care whatever happens, top waifu goes straight into my roster. I was waiting for this day that... came rather damn quick.
  21. Good Question. Now that you mention it, I do sense a significant lack of infinite stages, and I don't think it's blatantly impossible since MUGEN creators always have this penchant for overdoing themselves... In any way I am confident to say that such a thing is likely possible, because one stage creator by the name of MabsKMK has one stage where I have the feeling that this thing may have been achieved. It's his Dark Forest stage, in the "2014" section of his stages in his website. Indeed it feels like the stage is never ending because no matter how long I walked to the side to try it out, it never stopped and never touched a wall... so I guess that does give me reason to say that yes, making an infinite stage might just be possible... But I'm still keeping an open eye because this is basically the ONLY stage that I was able to walk endlessly on... which is strangely suspicious. I mean like I said, there are a buttload of stages to download, and for there to be only ONE potentially infinite one I found is pretty strange...
  22. Truly, what a bizarre input... while it seems to be executable on an analog stick, it really shouldn't be this cryptic. Speaking of bizarre, I'm playing a lot of BlazBlue Central Fiction recently, and I very clearly noticed its occasional tendency for odd inputs as well. The one that comes off the top of my head is the one used for Hazama's and Izanami's Astrals: DB, HCB, DF. It's another one of those inputs that might be obnoxious on a keyboard but quite doable on an analog stick... and it's only for Astrals anyway, so that's no issue. However, the game also contains quite a few of the goddamn 360 and 720 (and in a few cases even 1080!), and they alone are the reason I ended up not liking playing as Tager that much (however, I can handle Bullet well enough though). I do realize I'm bringing up my hatred for the 360 input once again at such an unwarranted place, but I didn't even mention what I hate the absolute most about them: It's not so much that it's the most obnoxious motion to ever execute (which it really is), but how a lot of moves that require this input are ground-only, meaning it's very likely for a player to fail executing it entirely. Given that your character will automatically jump once you reach the upper part with your stick or keyboard when doing a 360, one has to time the last input key almost perfectly to execute it on the ground without the character jumping again instead... but then again, it may be just me sucking at fighting games too much to understand it...
  23. And another gureito addition to my MUGEN coming from you (and for realz this time...). And that leaves us with the question on who you will be doing next, either Mima or Mamizou... Have you ever actually attempted working on two characters at the same time? I mean not literally simultaneously, but working towards the same progress for both... you know what I mean. As for Chen herself, you naturally did a great job with the moves and all, but I have one entirely personal complaint: What the hell is it with you guys and the "Charge DB,DF,DB,UF,x/y/z" input? Like, where the hell did it come from? This seems like a ridiculously arbitrary input combination to me... I mean I'm in no position to whine about this, but I really think it's not that great of an idea to have the player fight much more with his own keyboard than the opponent he's/she's supposed to be fighting. Oh well, at least I'm able to execute this combination when it comes down to it... as opposed to the fucking 360... fuck 360, it's a strain on analog sticks and downright impossible to properly execute on the keyboard. I know someone of you is gonna tell me to just change the respective character's command inputs if it bothers me so much... but doing exactly that has caused a lot of characters to behave unnaturally, like the AI suddenly taking over for no reason, and the moves I changed not working at all anyways. Speaking of which, although your Yuuka has 360 moves as well, for some reason they're really easy to execute. Really, for her 720 moves for example all I had to do was do two half circles and press up one time along with the attack button, and the moves happened as I wanted... Kudos to you for having done... that. Why am I saying this? Because no other characters with this direction input had this benefit. I do realize I went off-topic by a lot, but... just wanted to let that out. If anyone else happens to be a 360 hater... know that you're not alone.
  24. Well, some good news then: In his (I'm pretty sure he's a dude, so I'll go with it for now) Mugenguild thread for Susano'o, Takehaya said that he might attempt to create Valkenhayn, Terumi and Izanami (ayyyyyyy bruh) in his way, but only once he considers his Susano'o to be stable enough. Here's the thread if you're interested: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/blazblue-susanoo-melty-blood-style-released-14-05-17-179770.20.html (it's the second page though, since this is where three aforementioned characters were mentioned by him)
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