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Everything posted by Ryon

  1. Guyver MVC Style I've always liked the Guyver for mugen, It was actually one of the reasons I got into creating. back when I knew nothing and edited characters, I edited The Ultimate Guyver by Youngdragun and I fixed it up... which lead to me making my own characters eventually. So years later, I relized there has never really been a Good Guyver (I know Odin787 was working on one but I havent seen it released or anything about it) So I think is time to bring back this legend. ALSO! I knew NOTHING about Guyver other than his name. So I'm reading the Manga, and watching the anime, and watching the live action movie. Its AMAZING! I strongly recommend any of the material. (People who hate live action adoptions, get over yourself, just enjoy it)
  2. Im liking what Im seeing, Keep em obscure! I wanna see more of the lizard man thing!
  3. Im liking what Im seeing, Keep em obscure! I wanna see more of the lizard man thing!
  4. best collection on every mugen site right here baby! I love the KFM love. .... you didnt include my Master Of Arts KFM!?
  5. I like the gaming section idea, but maybe have smaller images instead? there pretty huge.
  6. Its Korr from Weapon Lord on the Super Nintendo. Sprites were ripped by Belial years ago, but he ripped them with a filter so they dont look good. Consider this a beta build of the character, and if the sprites were ripped better GM would "remake" him better. I can testify to the creation of this characterYEARS ago.
  7. maybe if you added screenshots of your release people would come? or a video!
  8. It scary when the real world has reached this far into the mugenverse. Also the tornado makes alot of sense.
  9. This is odd. I know his normal work. WHats different in this one? Did he actually make a ACCURATE Zero?
  10. Call me old fashion but.... I kinda like where youtube is going. There are SOOOO many shit users out there, I miss the way the youtube community used to be back in 2006. We actually had a youtube mugen community which were people who werent on a forum, and then you have the forum people who didnt have youtube accounts. Times were great.

    1. rbbt780


      I agree. 

  11. That stage looks amazing! but for some reason I can't help but feel someone took my SF2 Ken stage and updated it to look better. The boat in particular looks like the one I re-colored years ago.
  12. Where is the latest FAWN?! This is all I have to look forward to.
  13. It looks like this job convention is heating up!
  14. Ryon

    Yung Mie

    Yung Mie Is this character https://www.spriters-resource.com/fullview/49641/ made yet? if so how many times? are they good?
  15. Ryou i'm very impressed with what your doing here. i'm seeing very quality big portraits. I love it. Keep it up.
  16. I like what I see, I'd like to help if i can?
  17. [Preview] (Old) [Download] https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuXptN8AdWGVq1pWkQ6WMrfeqWUF http://www.mediafire.com/file/e269toq5ehana5q/Power_Quest_Mugen_Edition_Demo.rar [Comment] Welcome everyone! Today I have something that I'm very proud of. After fiddling with 1 or 2 characters, I decided to convert the entire game of Power Quest for mugen. Power Quest is like no other Gameboy/Gameboy Color game. Its a RPG/Fighting game that simply is unparalleled to anything else the handheld has (with maybe an exception to Street Fighter Alpha) After playing the game, I fell in love with it, I had to mugenize it. So I did. And skip forward about 1 year, and here I am. This is probably one of the hardest things i've worked on. I've done most of the work. Ripping (characters (sheets found on spriters resource) , effects, randomstuff), Recoloring all 6 characters to make them reflect there boxart colors (as well as giving them a new life....LON's colors sucked) Making storyboards for mugen which i've rarely EVER done, screenpacks, brand new sprites to go along with the game, Unlike the norm of having everything high res and fancy graphics I de-resed the graphics, to lower quality 8bit. I'm sorta at a loss of words, but please test this out. Give me feedback, tell me whats broken. Still to come in the complete version. 2 characters Patches AI for all characters Proper Ending / Gameover. Here is a comparison shot.
  18. Excellent. Now.... I... need a away to find out which sound goes with what.... i dont have this game.
  19. its a multiple choice poll so yeah lol Dude it's such a hard choice for me to, cause I liked them all (before the hentai)
  20. I'm gonna make a Sailormoon Character... which one should I make?! Poll it baby! and ... would you believe I HAD NO IDEA, that these sprites existed! I've been a long time fan of Sailormoon since there original dubbing here in the USA (I know its butchered by anime standards, and that the dub was horrible, but I was freaking 6 on a school morning watching Sailormoon, It felt like a 80's sitcom but cartoony!) I've always wanted to make 1 character from the show, I love all of them its hard to pick. so please pick for me! Moon http://spritedatabase.net/file/11976 Mercury http://spritedatabase.net/file/11975 Mars http://spritedatabase.net/file/11974 Jupiter http://spritedatabase.net/file/11973 Venus http://spritedatabase.net/file/11977 and NO I'm not making Sailor V.
  21. Having helper sparks, spawn from a helper striker is a problem within mugen. I hate it myself. the best fix is to have the hitspark summon code within the helper, with the trigger1 = movehit = 1
  22. Yeah I was aiming for high res menus low res battles.
  23. Project Power Quest So What is this? This is my reimagining of a Game Boy / Color game that I randomly stumbled across. I found the sprites and gameplay so amazing I just had to recreate it in mugen. Whats The Finished Product Gonna Be? 1x Full Game 6x Characters 16x Stages (8 Colored, 8 Monochrome) 1x Intro 1x Storyboard How long have you worked on this? I originally made MAX first, but then I decided to rip all the other sprites since no one had ripped them. So I then made Speed, and Axe. Lon was made by a Ultra Fatality, I will eventually make Gong, and He will make Borot. I'd say overall 1 week since I started the screenpack work. I've giving this my all, Doing alot of things i've never done before.
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