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Everything posted by Kanbei

  1. Yeah I am sure, that will be too much to handle the collections section.
  2. Oh shit, sheesh well that's too much for me to handle sorry.
  3. If the Nintendo Collections is in need of a mod I can be a mod for that one? I noticed it is a mess.
  4. Hey Ryon good to see ya post, Hope all is well for ya in this pendemic.
  5. I kinda do remember you didn't you make some Mvc characters?
  6. Hello jeff nice to meet you and welcome to the MFFA furom
  7. @Ryou

    Happy Birthday pal hope you had a good one.

  8. If your talking about taking an animated .Gif apart use this https://ezgif.com/optimize Also use .png its better quality the .bmp
  9. Been gone for a while how has it been here, Also Is Laharl still around?

  10. Today is a special day for me. The day I was born.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy Birthday Kanbei! Keep Being Awesome And Eat Lots Of Cake, Yo! ^_^


    2. Genderless Child
    3. Kanbei
  11. was at this very moment I knew....

  12. Back from the grave. Hey guys. Wow how long has it been, 4-6 years?
  13. Voted for him too and I loved his project M moverset, I hope he gets those moves.
  14. Dude I love the idea and love his sprites. :)
  15. Wow MFFA you look sexy. :3

  16. Hey Niitris and welcome MFFA I have seen you around MFG, I hope you enjoy your stay.
  17. Dude I love these dragon ball stages they look great.
  18. *Updated* added Yoshiya to the stage, because fighter factory bonked up on me. D:
  19. Vegeta leading the genyu force!?! OMG I gotta pre order this now!
  20. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=b63c87d039137cfd&sc=documents&id=B63C87D039137CFD!105 here ya go bro. Have fun. :)
  21. Damn Darkewolf I never thought someone would patch this fox mccloud gonna check him out.
  22. Jesus $850 for a wii u? I can see why they left no one wants to buy a wii u at that price. But sorry for you man, it looks like you have to import them now. :(
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