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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] 02 [COMMENT] Dropping some more cool art by Mark Kirkpatrick converted to mugen goodness. Come with zoom, zoom delta, superjump and looped bgm. Enljoy!
  2. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Step into the unknown... [COMMENT] Dropping some 720p, 1.1 only content. The image I chopped up was created by a talented artist named Mark Kirkpatrick. I've got a few more projects using his works that I may or may not drop separately. Either way, you'll see them...eventually. Nothing too fancy coding wise. Just superjump, zoom and some looped trap music. Click the link, my dudes.
  3. Dope. You create some really cool and original stages. Your source material is great.
  4. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] TAKE THIS! [COMMENT] Let's switch up a bit. I'm serving ya'll Tia's stage from Breakers Revenge for the Neo Geo. I chopped it up and added a bunch more layers. It's got superjump, animations, parallax, stage zoom, delta zoom and looped bgm. Click that link and enjoy!
  5. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] BaLlOooOOon! [COMMENT] One more for the road. My last Fighter's History installment(for now at least), Karnov's stage from Karnov's Revenge for the Neo Geo CD. I used a slightly different formula for the parallax on this one as well as the scale delta on the corridor openings on the side. It's the stuff I'm known for. Superjump, looped bgm, animations, parallax, scaledelta, zoom and zoom delta. Once again brought to you in part by Davias at Spriter's Resource. Click the link and show ya love in the comments. Peace.
  6. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Just hit'em wit missles! [COMMENT] What's that? You said you want more Fighter's History stages? Sweet! Here's Chelnov's stage from the Japanese version. Comes with superjump, looped bgm, animations, zoom, and zoom delta's. Have at it!
  7. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Dem Hammer Pants Bruh [COMMENT] The hits just keep on coming! This time it's Zazie's stage from Japan's version of Fighter's History. Same lore, different game. Has zoom, zoom delta, parallax, superjump, animations and looped bgm. Another stage courtesy of the prolific sprite contributor, Davias. Click and enjoy!
  8. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Obligatory Muay Thai Fighter [COMMENT] The hits keep on coming. This is Samchay's stage from Fighter's History for the SNES. I seperated all the elements of the background, added delta, delta scaling, superjump and parallax. It also comes with a looped bgm and animations. Enjoy!
  9. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] So you're not the same Ryoko from World Heroes? [COMMENT] I'm still on my Fighter's History beng. Now we have Ryoko Kano's stage from the SNES version of Fighter's History. I increased the height and bounds. Comes with superjump, zoom, zoom delta, looped bgm, parallax and animations. More Davias sprites, lol! Click the link.
  10. Update! I changed width and delta values for the clouds. Hope this helps.
  11. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] DDT! [COMMENT] As we role on with Fighter's History, I bring you another conversion from the SNES version....barz. But anyway, it comes with superjump, zoom, zoom delta and looped bgm. More Davias sprites of course. Have at it!
  12. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] The Punk Guile [COMMENT] Sup, guys? I'm back with the next installment of Fighter's History stages for the SNES. I increased the height and width. It comes with superjump, animations, zoom, zoom delta, parallax and looped bgm. Have fun!
  13. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] The Greek Zangief [COMMENT] Back with the next installment from Fighter's History for the SNES. As usual, I increased the size of the stage vertically and horizontally. Comes with Superjump, zoom, zoom delta, parallax, animations and looped bgm. Thanks to Davias again for the sprites. Enjoy!
  14. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] The French Guile [COMMENT] As promised, I'll be continuing on with stages from Fighter's History. Jean's stage comes with superjump, zoom, zoom delta, animations, parallax and a looped bgm. As usual, Davias ripped the sprites. Download and enjoy!
  15. Not the answer I was expecting, but fair enough. However, if you do decide to stay I can tell you'll get along with Dark just fine. In the meantime, Candor is a large city. In fact, perhaps "kingdom" is more appropriate. But, I definitely have some sights to see. I'm with you on that, Light. Let's enjoy ourselves for a bit. How bout you, Penny? Ready for some more sight seeing?
  16. I did have quite a bit of help last time. I haven't really seen them since then. I don't plan to just jump into a battle with these creatures... Light? You do realize you literally just did that a few hours ago? That was different. He started it Well next time I'm gonna have to put you in time out! Hahaha! I'm worried that if these things keep getting stronger we ALL might be getting a "time out." Maybe I should take Dark's advise and check out the sites. (Besides...I'm sure if I stick around I'll discover some new leads...) So, Lilith? How bout you.? What will you do now that you've not only met Darkflare but work for him as well. It seems your destined to live your life this way. I guess it's like I said... ..."old habits are hard to break."
  17. I think we will, but this situation is strange. I can't seem to just ignore it. Especially since I went toe to toe with one of the creatures and know just how dangerous they are. Not to mention based on Abraxas's intel, these creatures potentially get stronger with each appearance. Let me guess. The "Hero of Kalos" is thinking about becoming the "Hero of Candor", too? I guess old habits die hard... So Dark? Did you see who made the repairs? It must've been crazy around here. That was a lot of work in a short amount ot time.
  18. That was fast. We were only gone a couple hours but with how we'll they've cleaned up it looks more like a couple days. These guys clean up like they work for a "secret service" organization. It was definitely no dream. The hole in that building is gone but the color of those bricks mean that they are definitely new. So that hole was there...even if it were only a couple hours ago. But how did they get the permits, assemble the crew and fix this in a couple hours? The only men that were here were the guards. You don't suppose they cleaned it themselves? I mean of heard of crime scene investigation and forensics...but this was on a whole other level. Based on what the young man...Abraxas, if I remember correctly...said earlier, they've encountered these things before. I guess they have crews on standby all over the city. Either way, looks like we're free to come and go as we please when it comes to the Hangout now. We'll go in, Lilith will complete her task and we can see if Darkflare has learned of any new developments.
  19. We'll if another one of those creatures show up, at least we'll have some backup I suppose. Indeed you will, young lady. And Lilith is right. It won't be easy, but as long as you keep that same enthusiasm you should have the drive to press on. After some time, the group were near the Hangout.... @A person
  20. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Pick a card! [COMMENT] Looks like it's finally time to give one of my old favorites some love. A few of you requested this a while back so here's the first entry. Comes with superjump, zoom, animations, parallax, and zoom deltas. Props to Davias for this and his many contributions to the spriting community. Enjoy!
  21. I see. Wisdom. Well...good thing I practice 10,000 kicks 10,000 times then. Practice does make perfect, ya know.
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